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Plague Caster on Palanquin


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Hi, we were discussing upgrades on our groups Facebook page and I feel that Malignant Plaguecasters should be able to take a palanquin. No objections, but need to ensure it's coated appropriately.


The lord on palanquin is a 38.2% increase from base cost

Sorcerer on a palanquin is 41.9% increase from base cost.


Do you feel that 40% increase in cost is fair? This would make a plaguecaster on a palanquin 154 points.

Gains a point of toughness, a wound and the nurgling attacks


This would be for friendly games!

Edited by radionausea
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I know it's not a lord. Its not just a sorcerer that rolls on contagion either though.

They get disgustingly resilient and pestilential fallout (doing an extra mortal wound on a 7, the average for 2 dice, is nothing to sneeze at).



If you compare all the characters with jump packs, for example, they all have roughly the same % increase in points from characters without jump packs.

That's why I wanted to go with % rather than just flat points.

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