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Hello there everybody, it's your friendly neighbourhood mod! :smile.:


I had an idea.


Say you want to check out some cool WIP threads but is really only interested in the chaos ones. As it is now you'd have to manually search through the Forge for them, but what about tags?


Tags, people use the CSM tag for many things but there aren't a standarized tag to use for WIP threads. 


So how does it sound if we all put in a standarized tag in all our WIP threads in the Forge? Would this be a good idea?


If so, what would that tag be? 


All ideas welcome, it's just crazy old me trying to organize things. :biggrin.:


[Edit]: Oh, of course if someone have another idea how to use chaos specific tags for easier searches go ahead and write that too! :)

Edited by Excessus
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How about the boring yet obvious Chaos Project Log?




CPL for short? :P


If people come up with more ideas about tags we can have a list in the resource thread. 

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