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CONVERT! A Chaos Conversion Idea Discussion Topic


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Basically I'm putting out this topic to essentially provide a topic for people to... put ideas in for Chaos based conversion, specific or otherwise. Ones you're working on but you think are neat, ones you've never done but considered, ones that are shelved project or you don't do due to lacking said army, etc.


To start us off... a few ideas of mine


-The Horus Heresy models have always been fantastic, but one I find to be especially awe inspiring in its look is the Traitor Librarian in Cataphractii armor. I personally converted this model though a bit of a complicated head replacement with a Chaos Warrior head, and he's essentially the military leader of my Word Bearers now. I also replaced a horn of the spectral Bloodletter he's summoning, making it look from behind like a mark of tzeentch.


-The Nagash model is cool. I've honestly considered for the longest time using it as a Daemon Prince or Greater Daemon. Prince is unlikely - the scale is all wrong at the moment, and I have another model for that right now, but given the new Lord of Change, I'm considering Nagash's model could serve as a somewhat themeatic take, for a Lesser Entity or some sort of Greater Daemon Prince using the LoC rules. 


-As for what the DP role is filled by? Alarielle, the Everqueen and her giant beetle was another big project I've been... SLOWLY working on, emphasis on the slow. Alarielle was almost assembled but was broken recently, but the idea is to simply replace and mold over the more tree like details, keep the leaves and such and have them be almost Skelital wings with barely there feathers or the like, or just changed nature. It makes her into a perfect Winged DP, replacing the wings if you're taking her Khornate or Slaaneshi. And as for the Beetle? As is with a bit of greenstuff it can be a pretty awesome looking Maulerfiend, add something to reflect guns as needed and you can make it a Forgefiend, a Defiler or even a Soul Grinder, the latter two even without the guns.

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Nagash's body works as an only slightly oversized daemon prince if you ditch the skirt & spirit tower.


Skaven or Beastmen Gors make good starting points for renegade & heretic mutant rabble.  If you use skaven, then Storm Fiends make a good starting point for Obliterators, the Hellpit Abomination could be converted as a decent maulerfiend or giant chaos spawn.


If you want more undeady stuff to go with nagash, you could probably do something with the morghasts.  I've sen them converted as oblits.  And the terrorgheist/zombie dragon can be kit bashed with a heldrake, though not without a fair bit of effort.

Edited by malisteen
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I've not done too much Chaos converting yet but I did convert the Librarian and the Chaplain from the Dark Vengeance set into my Sorcerer and Dark Apostle respectively. Turns out that a micro-wire brush is one of the most useful things in my modelling drill kit for removing loyalist symbols. You can get a lot of mileage out of removing symbols or deliberately breaking them to make them Chaos like. We can't get all of the cool toys but at least we can loot and salvage the stuff that our Codex says we can!





Edited by OnboardG1
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I was definitely considering using the AoS Sylvaneth models for Slaanesh daemons and i still might do it but the actual Slaanesh daemon models aren't bad either (except for the KoS and the Fiend lol).


Apart from that I have plenty ideas to make my Slaanesh army more "metal" but those things are mostly just wild ideas and still need to be tried out yet so I won't go too much into detail here. ;)

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I've been thinking that the deathwatch models kitbashed with the new thousand sons range could make for some really cool Scourged. I've got too much Deathguard stuff on my plate to do it right now though.
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Nagash's body works as an only slightly oversized daemon prince if you ditch the skirt & spirit tower.


Skaven or Beastmen Gors make good starting points for renegade & heretic mutant rabble.  If you use skaven, then Storm Fiends make a good starting point for Obliterators, the Hellpit Abomination could be converted as a decent maulerfiend or giant chaos spawn.


If you want more undeady stuff to go with nagash, you could probably do something with the morghasts.  I've sen them converted as oblits.  And the terrorgheist/zombie dragon can be kit bashed with a heldrake, though not without a fair bit of effort.

Good things to know - if I didn't have Alarielle already, I'd take it, he'd actually really work for WBs. Especially as, after some actual Daemons for some things, my Daemon allies are going to be converted Brettonians as Ghost Knights, and one of my Tzeentchian characters is actually converted from the Legion of the Damned Sergeant, looking like someone who's decayed past the point of living in his main body, only kept alive by Tzeentch's want to see him stay alive, complete with exposed bone. A pair of arms on his backpack to look like a mutation completes the look, along with an ork skull on his sword with energy flowing from the eyes.



I've not done too much Chaos converting yet but I did convert the Librarian and the Chaplain from the Dark Vengeance set into my Sorcerer and Dark Apostle respectively. Turns out that a micro-wire brush is one of the most useful things in my modelling drill kit for removing loyalist symbols. You can get a lot of mileage out of removing symbols or deliberately breaking them to make them Chaos like. We can't get all of the cool toys but at least we can loot and salvage the stuff that our Codex says we can!



<Snipped for space>


Dude, those look AWESOME. The DV set really do sell themselves to good conversions.The amount of stuff I made from a single squad of DV Chosen...



I'm going to attempt to make some oblits out of the kataphron destroyers box. Not sure what to use as the torso tho. Maybe termie ones with some green stuff? Any ideas?

Maybe just add greenstuff, maybe add in some warpsmith into your army and have them be his experiments using Adeptus MEchanicus equipment? I have a Dark Mechanicus Warpsmith in my army... sorta, he's on a bike so counts as a Chaos Lord/Sorcerer, but he uses the SM Vehicle accessory sprue, SM standard bike, Warpsmith tendrils (One's since gone missing so I need to replace it) and such, so it's not hard to make a really cool looking Dark Mechanicus conversion


(Mine's more the case of making a Forgelord on a bike with a Conversion beamer for fun, making it chaosy by replacing his hammerhead and adding the tendrils, then slowly replacing parts that break off and go missing. Very chaosy mixed with Mechanicus in hindsight)



I think I'd recommend going a bit further with the green stuff than mine, but Primaris Aggressors can make some really cool Obliterators.

Those look AMAZING. 

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... (except for the KoS and the Fiend lol)...


I used Vargheist as a basis for my fiends.  Add some spawn bits for, mostly, instant Fiends... claw arm here, tendrils ending in spikes for tails, a few head swaps and tongues make nice and neat Fiends.  Minimal GS work as well.

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I've seen on a FB page a request for a side by side picture of Guilliman and a Daemon Prince... They are almost identical in size and bulk.


That got the attention of quite a few and it sounds like a project on top of my conversion list too for the future.


I'm very curious if others are doing something similar, and if so what the direction and results are.

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I was converting a Nurgle Deredero with the forgefiend weapons well until I saw the new Nurgle stuff as quite a few of the weapons of the different daemon engines would work quite nicely on a Dreadnought ao can't wait until the Death Shroud and Plague marine kit are out as I'll be converting a few characters from both boxes
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I've seen on a FB page a request for a side by side picture of Guilliman and a Daemon Prince... They are almost identical in size and bulk.


That got the attention of quite a few and it sounds like a project on top of my conversion list too for the future.


I'm very curious if others are doing something similar, and if so what the direction and results are.

Daemon Prince was my first thought when Guilluman came out, as "hmm if I buy this kit for cypher... " I think he could work well for khorne or slaanesh

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I'm the kind of guy who wouldn't be able to sculpt worth a damn even if my life depended upon it, and I'm fine with that as I don't really want my guys to look too mutated (Night Lord fan that I am). Mixing various GW and FW-kits is my usual aproach. I'm pretty handy with a carving knife though, and I've discovered that quite a few Imperial characters are fairly easy to turn intor 'proper' CSM leaders instead:

For example these guys

bv6gJSX.jpg FZrdFIO.jpgAKAxSQU.jpgDfK9ITT.jpg


They started out as a Master of Relic and a plastic Chaplain, but some work with the knife, a few parts changed, and giving them the right paint job turned them into my Warpsmith and my Lord instead. Non-mutated (more or less), but clearly not loyalist marines despite the fact that the majority of their parts are imperial.

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I would prefer more angular, hard armor for a khorne daemon, gulliman would be a better fit for tzeentch or slaanesh imo.


And while im here, im trying to find a use of the bearded head on this mini:




The thing is, the beard points out almost straight ahead, so its hard getting it to look natural. Any ideas?

Edited by ElDuderino
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I think your best bet is to leave the beard as is, but pose the model so it looks like it is caught mid-motion - so, it might look natural if the model is mid-swing with a melee weapon, or is in the midst of thrusting upwards.  For me, the model as is (at lest from the image provided) doesn't capture such motion and it looks like he is holding the weapon aloft rather than just having lifted it there.


Or you could tilt the head forwards so that he is contemplating his navel. :teehee:

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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I would prefer more angular, hard armor for a khorne daemon, gulliman would be a better fit for tzeentch or slaanesh imo.


And while im here, im trying to find a use of the bearded head on this mini:



The thing is, the beard points out almost straight ahead, so its hard getting it to look natural. Any ideas?

I'm not sure about size, but I think that the bearded head would look great on a Terminator Lord standing over a slaughtered victim. You could probably shave down part of the chestplate to get the beard to fit the terminator torso. Kind of a biased suggestion though cause I'm really liking your terminators so far and want to see more :whistling:.




I'm currently playing around with the easy build bloodreavers to make a chaos mercenary. Trying to decide what kind of armor to sculpt over the bare torso, any thoughts?

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I think your best bet is to leave the beard as is, but pose the model so it looks like it is caught mid-motion - so, it might look natural if the model is mid-swing with a melee weapon, or is in the midst of thrusting upwards.  For me, the model as is (at lest from the image provided) doesn't capture such motion and it looks like he is holding the weapon aloft rather than just having lifted it there.


Or you could tilt the head forwards so that he is contemplating his navel. :teehee:


Haha that navel idea actually helped! maybe a raptor tilted backwards, like he's taking of backwards while shooting/swinging/other. Although i wouldn't recommend that haircut to anyone with a jump pack:biggrin.:



I would prefer more angular, hard armor for a khorne daemon, gulliman would be a better fit for tzeentch or slaanesh imo.


And while im here, im trying to find a use of the bearded head on this mini:



The thing is, the beard points out almost straight ahead, so its hard getting it to look natural. Any ideas?

I'm not sure about size, but I think that the bearded head would look great on a Terminator Lord standing over a slaughtered victim. You could probably shave down part of the chestplate to get the beard to fit the terminator torso. Kind of a biased suggestion though cause I'm really liking your terminators so far and want to see more :whistling:.




I'm currently playing around with the easy build bloodreavers to make a chaos mercenary. Trying to decide what kind of armor to sculpt over the bare torso, any thoughts?




thanks for the suggestions! I was thinking terminator too (as with most other things), but the stupid beard stick out like 4 mm over the edge of the chest plate...


And about the blood reavers, I'd go with some carpace armor probably, seems easiest to sculpt to me, i know i wouldn't be able to finish any elaborate sculpting on mere cultists at least:)

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Snap fit Primaris torsos and legs. Shave down the loyalist visual cues, swap out the backpacks and shoulders, and you have truescale traitor marines.


What models fit a more shoggoth-style/tentacles and gribblies style chaos spawn that looks like it might have been one or more people at one point?

Edited by Ugolino
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I've seen on a FB page a request for a side by side picture of Guilliman and a Daemon Prince... They are almost identical in size and bulk.


That got the attention of quite a few and it sounds like a project on top of my conversion list too for the future.


I'm very curious if others are doing something similar, and if so what the direction and results are.

Do you by chance have a link to this image? I have been thinking about converting Roboute to a DP but I don't want to spring for the model unless I can see it's size in comparison to a DP first.



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I'm planning using a forge fiend ectoplasma cannon to make a hellforged predator.

have done this, i approve 


theres an image of how it came out on my instagram


happy to upload more shots if you want

If I weren't expecting proper Noise Marines within the next 1-2 yeasr then I'd definitely go and convert some Primaris into Chaos Marines. ^^


hellblasters into noise marines works pretty well imo

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