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Inspirational Friday 2017: Abhumans and Mutants (until 9/22)


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Inspirational Friday: Abhumans and Mutantsmed_gallery_63428_7083_113631.png

For those who do not know it, Inspiration Friday is a (generally) fortnightly weekly event within its home in the Chaos Space Marines forum, in which a topic is set for members to write short (or long if the muse takes you) fluff/fan-fic pieces about their war bands, characters and models.

And here begins our seventeenth challenge of Inspirational Friday 2017:

Abhumans and Mutants

To be Unclean

-That is the mark of the mutant.

To be Impure

-That is the mark of the mutant.

To be Abhorred.

-That is the mark of the mutant.

To be Reviled.

-That is the mark of the mutant.

To be Hunted.

-That is the mark of the mutant.

To be Purged.

-That is the fate of the mutant.

To be Cleansed.

-For that is the fate of all mutants.

First recognized during the Age of Strife, the expansion of Humanity across the galaxy, settling myriad worlds caused the emergence of recognized mutant strains: abhumans. Billions live within the Imperium, with the Adeptus Terra officially recognizing seventy-three stable abhuman strains (though only fifteen of these races are believed to still exist), from the hulking Ogryn (Homo sapiens gigantus) to the diminutive ratling (Homo sapiens minimus).

Though it is believed the Squat (Homo sapiens rotundus) hearthworlds were consumed by the Great Devourer, it is rumoured that refugees who escaped or were offworld when their homes were destroyed can be found scattered across the Imperium, their expertise and remaining technology coveted by the adepts of the Mechanicum.

Beastmen (Homo sapiens variatus), though severely persecuted within the Imperium of Man, fight on both sides of the Long War with penitent conscript squads selling their lives for the Golden Throne in Imperial Guard regiments. And each of the four powers of the Primordial Annihilator has their chosen forms: the Slaangor, the Tzaangor, Bloodgor and the Pestigor.

Then there are the more minor abhuman races of the Troths (Homo sapiens verdantus), the Longshanks (Homo sapiens elongatus) the Pelagers (Homo sapiens oceanus), Felinids (Homo sapiens hirsutus) and Neandors (Homo sapiens hyannothus).

Then there are the true mutants, those who have been singly touched by the taint (blessing?) of Chaos: acid excretions, arms that elongate at will, beweaponed extremities, bulging eyes and the ability to breathe fire, a crystalline body, enormously fat, eyestalks, headlessness, emitting a horrible stench or having a hypnotic gaze, invisibility or levitation, a mace- or scorpion-like tail, a pin or pointed head, razor-sharp claws or teeth, scaly or feathered skin, a skull face, a silly walk, suckers, three eyes, wings or the ability to timeslip.

Inspirational Friday: Abhumans and Mutants runs until the 22nd of September.

Let us be inspired.

And to whomever wins IF: Abhumans and Mutants goes, depending on your loyalty, the Aquila Helix or the Accursed Helix:



That there is the sound of a gauntlet being thrown down, Templars!

Honda won IF: Tales of the Witch some months back. Can the crusaders win another?

Please post entries in the main IF thread linked to above.

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