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So I have been thinking about Tzaangor Rhino rush and the idea so crazy it just might work.  I made up a quick list.  It has two main components.  Things that hang back and things that rush forward as fast as possible.  Edited 


Battalion 1


Demonprince wings, demonic axe and warp bolter x2



Tzaangors in Rhino with combibolter and havoc launcher x3


Heavy support

Predator twinlascannon with lascannon sponsons x2


Battalion 2


Malefic lord x2



10 Blue horrors (plus points for 10 Brimstone horrors) x3


Super heavy auxilary

Magnus the Red (points reserved for 2 Spawn)


1998 points

Edited by Raven1
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So I have been thinking about Tzaangor Rhino rush and the idea so crazy it just might work.  I made up a quick list.  It has two main components.  Things that hang back and things that rush forward as fast as possible.  Edited 


Battalion 1


Demonprince wings, demonic axe and warp bolter x2



Tzaangors in Rhino with combibolter and havoc launcher x3


Heavy support

Predator twinlascannon with lascannon sponsons x2


Battalion 2


Malefic lord x2



10 Blue horrors (plus points for 10 Brimstone horrors) x3


Super heavy auxilary

Magnus the Red (points reserved for 2 Spawn)


1998 points



Hi Brother, just in the spirit of being helpful, forwarded your list to the guy who plays Tzaangor Rhino Rush in our meta.


Now, he's got some minor observations.  Don't let that turn you off.  It happens, since he's already got experience playing this concept, he's seen some trends.



Perhaps consider Earthshaker Batteries over Predators


I reckon you already got Las-Preds, but if it's not the case, consider the Earthshaker Batteries.  In case you hadn't looked at them in 8th, they're in Forgeworld's Imperial Armour - Astra Militarum book WITH Renegades & Heretics.  Basically, you can get these because Renegades & Heretics have a list of normally Imperium-only units they can "borrow".  Remember, in this age of Detachments, it all falls under Faction: Chaos.


Aside from Earthshakers' low cost, the player warned against LOS-loss, where all your own stuff might end up blocking line of sight.  Earthshakers are artillery.


This isn't just jibber-jabber, I suggested Earthshakers to HIM after reading about them here in B&C.  I'm getting some, he's getting some.




4 to 6 Tzaangor Rhinos


Disclaimer - he's a tournament player and he's known for taking loads of Troops, like he'd take all 6 Troops slots and still take a Scouts formation for more bodies.


At 2000 points, he remarked 3 squads might not be enough.  He'd go for (and I had predicted this) 6.  Pre-8th that's his inclination because of the old Force Org Chart, nowadays in 8th it's so you can get double Battalion Detachments for those sweet, sweet Command Points.


He knows he leans more towards Troops than others, and wants to you to please suggest at least consider 4.


But then he said something else that actually might help you here...



Magnus might need something to draw fire from him


His concern is for Magnus's survivability in 2000 points.


He used to run Maulerfiends running alongside Rhinos as distractions, but has apparently phased them out because they weren't doing a good enough job.






On that note, let me share what I believe he's moving towards for his list.



6 Tzaangor Rhinos, barebones


X number of Flying Daemon Princes with Malefic Talons


Y number of Earthshaker Batteries


Z number of Wyverns (also a cheap artillery weapon, often overlooked, meant for anti-horde.  Comes as alternative to IG Hydra kit)

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The "designer commentary" mentioned previously in this thread no longer seems to be available (404).  Anyone got a link on another site?  Google searches result in nothing.

It's still available for me: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/07/23/updated-faqs-and-boots-on-the-groundgw-homepage-post-2/

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The "designer commentary" mentioned previously in this thread no longer seems to be available (404).  Anyone got a link on another site?  Google searches result in nothing.

It's still available for me: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/07/23/updated-faqs-and-boots-on-the-groundgw-homepage-post-2/


Cool, thanks, I was getting a 404 error earlier.  Must have been a glitch or something.

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