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Returning Player, Bought Dark Imperium Box


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I was first introduced to the game many moons ago around 2nd. Recently my friends have been interested in the game again, so I dove in and bought the new Dark Imerium box.


I'm planning on making the Primarus SM models blood angels. What other units/models would be a good supplement to them if I want to increase the points from 1k to say 1.5k or 2k?

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I'd add a box or two of Death Company, a Chaplain, Primaris one looks sweet, and just to add some color in Sanguinary Guard are always nice. Might want to add a Rhino or Landraider for the Death Company even if you equip them Jump Packs, not a bad idea if I do say so myself. But the units you get in the game box are a pretty solid starting point and you can only add to their Red Badassery with more. If you want to stick with just Primaris units, I'd add another unit of Interceptors definitely need more of that nasty goodness. 


Just some thoughts of how to move forward. Of course with your local gaming buddies or group, you may need to tweek it some to match/outmatch what they bring to the table. But as always when I tell players, new and old, pick the ones that catch your eye the most, the ones you think might be fun to paint and to field, even if they fail you still made the right move. Remember it's a game and enjoyment should be priority number one.

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I would also say: The Codex Space Marine has brought more or less no Change wihtin the Units compared to the Index. So of course, no one can tell for sure until the Codex Blood Angels is there … but I think, you can do hardly anything wrong with buying a Primaris Chaplain, the Primaris Apothecarius and the Blood Angels Upgrade Pack, to add a little more sanguine flavour to you Primarisiens. :happy.:

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My Saguinary Guard do pretty well, a bit over priced but hey they way too pretty not field every once in awhile. The main issue I have with them is... They're GOLD! Saying that means they, like the Death Company, stand out as something special so draw a LOT of fire, so you have to use with a little tact. Keep them in orbit and drop them behind a unit you don't want your opponent to have any more. The Angelus Boltgun is a nice 2 shots per dude and should weed out a couple of guys, then the ensuing charge with the Encarmine Weapons should mop up the rest, with their 2+ save they have some "stick around" ability. I should note though you do NOT I repeat do NOT want leave them in open ground as they will get shot to bits, best case scenario is they win the fight phase in your opponent's turn so they can high tail it to another unit in your turn without having to get shot at by everything that's kinda upset with their shenanigans. 

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I've only recently started playing again after a hiatus since starting in 3rd. 15 years later I'm starting Blood Angels and until the codex drops I'll likely only add fairly bland things like a dreadnought and maybe a start collecting box to my primaris from the Dark Imperium starter.
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