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So i'm working on my Thrallband's background and wanted to know what is commonly accepted as the type of daemon that gets trapped into daemon engines?


Are they heralds? Or is it too bold to say that a blood thirster is locked in a defiler or a maulerfiend?


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Pretty much any daemon can be bound to a machine to become a Daemon Engine, is my take.


A Lord of Skulls is a Daemon Engine made with a Blood-thirster.


Not sure if that means a bound Blood-thirster automatically becomes a Lord of Skulls, or if that's due to the work of the Warpsmith, but in general the daemon does remake the machine in the process. A Greater Daemon would likely create a greater Daemon Engine than a Defiler or a Maulerfiend.

I'd assume that a more powerful daemon would create a more powerful daemon engine, but Chaos fluff shouldn't restrict itself to Chaos models. No reason why you can't insert some variety to fit your ideas, if you rationalize it well enough.

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