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Thanks mates.
Yeah I guess my stuff looks a little bit like Blanche inspired nowadays. Its all on purpose of course. (Sadly I must admit its mostly because Im getting more sloppy and paying way less attention to the details as time goes on)

Talking about crunching out stuff while the attention span allows it, Im working on some more terrain atm plus Im painting some purestrains. By Gungnir those models are horrible to assemble and paint....

Purestrains WIP



Edited by MattiasGrozny

Thanks mate, yeah Ive been thinking about emigrating this tread.


As for achieving this look, boi... I really cant be bothered to have any structure to my painting any longer. I just take out one of my previous painted models as reference and as many new ones as possible and then just put on some metal and start slabbing paint all over (thin coats of course).


But my stelares I think I used brown basecoat, watered down black all over. Pale green(vallejo field grey) drybrush on the carpace and a bit more on the fleshy bits. More watered down black over the carpace and lastly agrax and coelia greenshade over the whole model. Some yellow around the mouth and another drybrush of pale green all over and its more or less finished.

Edited by MattiasGrozny

If the plog is now a catch-all, the main WIP forum is the correct place for it. I can move it if you like, if not I'll hide all the OT stuff and you can start separate threads over in the Ork, GSC and AdMech forums.



  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

No posts in a while yet again. But Ive got my hands on some old grots, love theese models. Its just too bad they are monopose.


I also repainted my nurgly oblits as the new arent in the death guard codex and there is no more t5 oblits in 8th.


Plus Ive made some deathbots(sicarians) from old bits I had in my boxes.



Edited by MattiasGrozny

Thanks mate.

Ive managed to start working on some kustom boosta-blastas. Allot of work ahead of me and I dont know if they will be worth in ingame but its been a bit of fun so far.




man this is looking good, especially the scratch build ork cars in their spiky glory with those nice elaborate beastly engines!

and also the killbots, such a nice robotic take on the unit. where are the legs/torsoes from? (i cant help but wanna look into doing something similar myself :P)

Thanks mates. Yeah I hope I manage to keep my attention span attuned enough so I actualy manage to complete these vehicles, I dont know how long my kustom goliat trucks have been collecting dust....


The legs and torsos for my bots are from one of mantics teams for dreadball. I really like them but damn are they horrible to tidy up.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Woo I managed to get some painting done last weekend.

First of are some more admech dudes


Then my bottom of the bits box killbots


Unt zen my aberrants, that I need to make one more of as they are 5+ per unit now.




  • 4 months later...

Its beens a slow couple of weeks on the wargaming front but Ive finished a couple of figs.

GSC Big hammer dude, bad doc and Locus.



Five more aberrants including a group leader.




Edited by MattiasGrozny
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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