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Hey all, so I've been trying to figure out a relatively painless and quick scheme for my Death Guard, as I mostly want to get to playing. I currently only get about 8 hours of hobby time a week, and would rather spend that playing(for now, I love detailed painting but can't find the time).


So here is my three ideas for a paint job.


Spray Chaos Black Primer

Spray Zandri Dust

Nuln Oil

Quick Highlights: Ushabti Bone

Shoulder Pads and Cloaks: Caliban Green or Khorne Red

Wash: Nuln Oil again




Spray Corax White Primer

Highlight: White Scar

Wash: Nuln Oil

Shoulder Pads and Cloaks: Caliban Green or Khorne Red

Wash: Nuln Oil




Spray Corax White Primer

Spray Mechanicus Gray

Wash: Nuln Oil

Highlight: administratum gray

Shoulder Pads and Cloak: Caliban Green or Khorne Red

Wash: Nuln Oil



What do you think is going to give the cleanest paintjob with the least hassle?

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I feel as though DG would benifit from washing in a different colour, maybe Reikland Fleshshade ( it's a bit lighter than Seraphim sepia) or perhaps Athonian Camoshade, as it has the slightest of a greenish hint to it that would compliment the DG.


Besides that, I think the first set of colours would work best :thumbsup:




Edited by Grotsmasha

You will want a white or bone primer and a brown wash, not black primer and wash. It will be a lot faster and better looking if you do something like Army Painter Skeleton Bone primer and then Agrax Earthshade than multiple spray and basecoats and then Nuln Oil.

Since you seem to be leaning towards the lighter plague marine look, this guide from reddit (not mine) might suit you:





Army Painter Primer: Necrotic Flesh
Drown the model in Seraphim Sepia (Shade)
Highlight the edges of the basecoated armour with Krieg Khaki (Edge)

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