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I dunno if many of you read the tactics pages on 1d4chan, but I saw a brief bit on there about possibly using a Taurox as a Light Tank in smaller games.


Is this tactic actually viable with any of the loadouts? (I'm talking about in very small games, like 500 points. I'd take a Russ in a heartbeat and the Taurox as an infantry killer in any bigger games)


They suggest using the Gatling w/ Volley guns and Stubber for maximum dakka, but my gut leans towards the 3 Cannons.

Edited by Magos_Adephus
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Hey Magos! I was actually pondering the same question after reading the 1D4Chan article, and was going to settle on the 3-Cannon loadout. Then I saw the 2017 NOVA lists. Several of the top-tier Imperial Lists actually had a small section of Taurox Primes being used for exactly this purpose! One list had 4 or 5 if I recall? However, all of those Imperial lists that used them went for the Gatling/HSVG/Stubber combo.


In fact, small game or large, they work great as light tanks because they are so points-efficient. For 100pts total, you get a bucketful of S4 shots, some of which have good rend, on a vehicle chassis with decent toughness. Adding a bunch high T, high W models gives your opponent a target priority issue. This is especially true if you have Girlyman, Celestine, or a superheavy. Although I personally like the idea of Cannon-Primes, I think Gatling-Primes are too efficient to pass up.


Once I get my minis unpacked, and convert my second Prime (because the actual models are trash), I'm going to start using a pair of them, and will report back!

  • 2 weeks later...

I have ran Tempestus extensively in 8th. The Taurox Prime is indeed a nice light tank when kitted out right and comes out as being quite cheap for what it can do. All three of its gun options are fantastic, especially in 500 point games. The gatling puts out a tremendous amount of shots and while it won't chew through anything other than infantry, it will chew through infantry. The battle cannon may not look like much but against anything less than T7 it can cause devastation, while against T7 it can reliably put wounds out there. Just don't use it against heavy armor. The Missile Launcher can capably handle your serious anti-armor while giving good anti-infantry. It is not the most points efficient, but it does have your best firepower potential.
Your choice of secondary weapon should be predicated on the role you have chosen. HSVG compliment gatlings well, while the autocannons are better in most other ways.The Taurox Prime is not tough and does not have a lot of wounds and it WILL go down to any dedicated anti-armor; this must factor into its role calculation. Generally your scions can ably threaten any target on the field due to special weapons; working in conjunction, few things in 40K can survive.

Of course it would be nice to have even more dakka. That is why I just created this:

​Thoughts from Tempestus players appreciated.

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