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Chaos Spawn Substitutes


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For my Nurgle spawn I have fenrisian wolves and WHFB dire wolves (they are same size) and have them painted varying degrees of decay.

Very true MasterDeath, but I am lazy when painting rediculous numbers of models. That's right I have a 50 Chaos Spawn wolf army that also doubles as BarkBarkStar

Edited by bozo69pd
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GW have the ability to produce insanely detailed and good looking models. The fact that spawn have been so neglected when some of the artwork depicting them (i.e. in the codex) is so utterly terrifying (on a par with The Thing) is really frustrating and sad. I know we could say that about much of our range (Berserkers, Havocs, Noise Marines, Abaddon, etc.) but I just reckon that new models for these could be so cool and unsettling.

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Spawn and Possessed were released in plastic back in 4th ed if I remember right. The previous metal model was awesome, but came with a hefty pricetag and there was only one pose without some hefty conversion work. The Artwork is amazing for both, but the models themselves are a bit... flat I guess. I can see the same concepts but it just seems like they struggled to translate the art to the model (or done a really GOOD job at translating the model into art).

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I wonder who that anonymous hero frater was who told you that. :P



Btw did anyone mention Kraut's amazing Spawns yet?  https://eternalhunt.wordpress.com/tag/chaos-spawn/


Did anyone mention blightkings? They should be properly sized I guess. 

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I just made a full conversion using Possessed and Daemon Prince bits. My computer is down at the moment,posting from phone and i hate the photo reducers on it, so i cant post but it came out very well. The beauty of Spawn is they can be just bits mashed together if done right. Edited by ThanatosMalleus
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That bull needs a penis (I am guessing the original cow base did not have one).


Edit: NVM just read it is supposed to remain cow. In that case get that baby some udders! Sweet sweet milk!

to my knowledge, cows only have large udders when theyre producing milk, which seems unlikely to me for a nurgle cow :P

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That bull needs a penis (I am guessing the original cow base did not have one).


Edit: NVM just read it is supposed to remain cow. In that case get that baby some udders! Sweet sweet milk!

to my knowledge, cows only have large udders when theyre producing milk, which seems unlikely to me for a nurgle cow :tongue.:


I think it seems so likely, she would be so appealing to those great unclean ones! Then the little nurgling babies can suckle.

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That Skaven Abomination could work well as a giant spawn as well. 


To be honest, there are a lot of ways of building one, including piling Horror bits in to a pile and pouring glue all over it.  One can do the same thing with Possessed as well, if you don't want to use them to actually make the Infantry they are intended for.

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