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Knights and Wolves, Oh my!

Lars the Red

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Hello all, I am an old Space wolf player looking to add a couple of Knights to my forces. I have the Renegade box set with which I can put together a couple of knights. I am trying to figure out how to equip them and which house(s) they should belong to, I am also trying to figure out if I should get another. 


Keeping in mind that the knights will be supported by Space Wolf infantry, How would you set up 2 Knights? I like the huge fist that comes with the kit too. Though I don't know that I'd like to set one of them up with the double close combat style (Gallant?). How well does that hold up? I was thinking of setting them up with the battle cannons, with one having two arms with ranged weapons (Crusader?) and the other as a Warden. Would you buy a third for a 2000 point force, or would 2 do the job?


My idea for the backstory is that they have been assigned to a spearhead attack to give heavy weapon support to Space Wolf troops. I suppose they could also be Rogue Knights, disenfranchised from their houses and hired as mercenaries. Which house or houses would work well with the wild and wooly Space Wolves?


Thanks in advance for your comments.



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I'm actually in the same boat. I have the Renegade box that has been sitting in a corner since it came out and need to start working on it. I'm probably going to build the Warden first and try it out as it seems like the decent all comers Knight. 

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For 2000 points you can get two knights and a half decent amount of Wolves, go for a Warden (Gatling cannon) and a bare bones Errant (thermal cannon), that's MEQs, GEQs and vehicles sorted. Go for a high infantry Wolves allied force, if you don't use characters then you can get a Wolf Lord, a couple of squads of Intercessors/Grey Hunters and some Thunderwolf Cavalry.


Nice to see another Knight/Wolf player, and by the way, have you named your knights or do you plan to?

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Taranis that sounds like a pretty good way to play it. Those along with some space wolves should do pretty well.


Momerathe, I've seen that before. It looks nice, but if you get all the parts it more than doubles the price of the titan. Idk if I want to get it that bad.


I'll probably set them up as a couple of mercenaries from different houses. And yes, as they make a name for themselves, I'll give them some kind of a name.

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Ah, so closer to pre-heresy Wolves then.  I'd say you're always safe with a gun/blade Knight, like a Paladin or Warden.  The Crusader is getting much press right now because its Stompy Feet get the job done just fine in melee and it has the most capacity for dakka, but I feel that the Chainblade/Gauntlet are still worth the time because you never know when you'll need to slap around a Primarch or Swarmlord (definitely seeing a ton of both lately).  Perhaps go for one of each (Paladin/Warden and Crusader) since you've got the Renegade box to use up?  :)

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