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Hi guys just a quick question today

What websites would you recomend that sell bits.

I know of bits and kits and bitzarium

Also hoardobitz but i've been told not to touch them with a barge pole.

The only issue i have with the first two is stock. They never seem to have the bits i need in stock lol
Also that bits and kits dont do forgeworld bits.

Any help you can throw my way would be great


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I am personally quite partial to Wytchfire Studios on eBay, but they do seem to mostly sell MeQ bitz.


Bitzbox is great, though sometimes lacking in stock. I used to use bits and kits a lot, but had a couple of issues with orders with wrong or missing components and found their communication to be non-existent in these cases.


What bitz in particular are you looking for (or did you mean it a little more generally when you said they are always out of stock of the pieces you need?), as that may help you to find a site with them in stock.

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I've used bitzbox.co.uk a few times, they've been good. Had a small issue with the most recent order but it was corrected well enough. As mentioned stock is the main issue so if you're after some of the popular pieces you'll need to be vigilant as they will go quickly. He usually stocks up fairly regularly, though I can't remember off hand exactly what the time period is.

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Bits sites generally go out of stock on anything remotely popular and tend not to hold massive amounts of anything not-marine.

Relying on bits stores (as so many of us do) is a bit of a crap-shoot, so if there's something you really want/need you have to be vigilant; follow their social media platforms or subscribe to newsletters to get re-stock info. I know bitzbox have an email alert system for when out of stock items come back in.

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Not mad about bits and kits. There's the stock problem but I've also had long delays in delivery and one order that simply wasn't dispatched for months before being unceremoniously cancelled when I followed up more seriously.


Bitzbox.co.uk is definitely good, very prompt and solid when it comes to sorting issues. Bitsworld on ebay has a decent range of rare things as well, though the postage is rough if you're in the UK.

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Thanks for all the replys guys, Really helpful!
I'll make sure and check some of them out.

The issue i heard with hoard o bitz was customer service when i came to missing/bad/ wrong bits. The people i that i had seen commenting said they didnt recieve any help when they enquired and were usualy 'blocked' or 'banned' when commenting on said issues.

@Riptor i'm probably being really difficult as the bits i am trying to source are Forge world parts, particularly the legion upgrade parts.

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@Riptor i'm probably being really difficult as the bits i am trying to source are Forge world parts, particularly the legion upgrade parts.

The scarcity rule counts double for FW stuff. Both bits & kits and bitzbox used to do FW stuff, but haven't for a couple of years. Best place for FW is ebay. There are a handful of sellers who are semi-reliable in terms of stock, I won't list them as I can't recall off the top of my head and am at work (working hard!), though I've noticed them re-stocking less and less frequently in recent times.

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If you are after FW bits, eggheadminiatures.com is your best bet. Great customer service, quick dispatch times and a relatively regular restock schedule with updates on what is being restocked on his social media.


There's also thor7128 on ebay who I can recommend. Larger but more irregular restock and longer dispatch times, but still good.


Hope that helps somewhat.

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Pretty sure I've bought from them as well. Supply and demand drives prices. It certainly feels like over the last 2-3 years there's been a contraction in the FW bits market, which means those still in the game can price high.

Example: I remember getting all of the Sevrin Loth Honour Guard Torsos for £1.99 each  a few years ago and that seemed to be the market standard, as it were. Think you'd be hard pushed to find them for less than double these days.

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