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Hello brothers
It have been quite a time I have played 40k since I considered it utter trash, while the 6-7th ed was raging.
However I have skipped to HH, moreover I did gave 40k a last chance with 8th ed around.
Must say I am very surprised, how 8th ed works, moreover how much more dimension it has brought to the game.
Well back to the topic, I have had 1st game vs. Eldar 2k points, we did not played cards, since mine were on way, just some classical missions (4 objectives)

BA - 4 CPs
2x5 Sangs (3sw-2axe all plasma pistols - one 5 was 2-2-1PF all plasma)
Furiouso Dread (fists, flamer, melta)
Sicaran  (Las-Las-HB)
2x SR (MM, AC, HBx2) - one was Mephs ride, 2nd was dreads ride

Very small compact army - I just wanted to test some fraction of the army, how it performs how DS is etc.

I am not sure with the slots/ upgrades and unit names :smile.:
Some psyker - 2 powers per turn
One unit of 10 with some lance platform
banshees with bosses in the serpent (it had lances, some stones)
Striking scorpions with some helms and boss
Some 3W dudes with S10 flamers, that destroy fliers with sheer looks - in serpent with lances, stones
10x fire dragons with boss in serpent with lances some stones
2x 5 rocket launcher dudes, that allways hit on 3s
Imo very optimal army that should be prepared for any threat.

Short bat-rep:
Since I have deployed 1st with all the SR-baby carriers, and SG with Sang on orbit, I have got the 1st turn. Man it was devastating, the sheer fire power of storm ravens got the Eldar off guard; costing them 2 serpents (the flamer dudes, and fire dragons) than one unit of the rocket guys didnt like the Hurricane bolters madness (24 shots...is sick for 8 points) so one unit minimized to 2 guys, other than that; sicaran put some wounds on last serpent, vindicator has proven as useless. Sang guard has droped; 10 plasma shots almost finished the last serpent (did forgot the re-roll, could have been much better) than they charged the guardians (yet did not know how charges work, could have charge more than that :/)
Than the retaliation has came; the guys with S10 flamers turn and BBQ one raven to oblivion, the other raven holds at 2-3W after almost whole army has shot. The best part was SR, droping down burning, deploying Meph on ground, who than got hit by Avatars spear right to the head for 5 wounds :smile.:.
That was about what shooting was, than the charges; banshees with avatar into sang guards, scorpions into 2nd sang guard. At the end  Avatar whiffs, put 1 wound on SG, I have used CP counter charged the Banshees and slaughter them just to the boss, who had done nothing in return. Scorps lost 4 to plasma over watch than died horrific in CC. 
I just dont remember much of following turns, than i destroyed avatar in charge, SG shot pistols in CC and got him, then got shot to pieces by super flamers/rockets, Sanquinor munched trough the remnants of fire dragons and rocket guys, than died to smite :smile.:
After that the game got quite even, we traded units here and here; best part was me foolishly charging those 3W S10 flamer guys, with furiouso dread, who almost got killed due to over watch. Yet the game was very close, for most of the game sicaran was sitting back and was being ignored , trough out the game he was able to cut down units on his own. At the end (last turn) it was the stand out in between my Sicaran (all I had) and his psyker (all my opponent had) - who just had no chance to move 14"  Assault 8 S7 AP-1(-3) shots 


Oh yeah BA victory, since the sicaran, penetrates poor space-elfs head with all the accelerator shots :smile.:
Overall, I must say the game is quite different and yet much fun!
Unit analysis:
SG - the work horse of my Army 2W, 2+, potentially 4++, 5 plasma per squad, D3W in CC; they are just deadly for ~220 is dirt cheap. Now they can T1 charge, making them super good. Next time I bring  10 and 5 and some libby with JP just to spread 4++. Should not forget the re-rolls they get :/

Sanguinor - he got super buffed in 8th , and is now CC monster  for the price tag he is no brainier with the SG
Overall: A+
SR's - they are true gun boats, now with 360 vision, and shooting from a wing tip rules, they are border-line OP, not sure about the AC perhaps I will use LasCans for the char sniping, but they are super deadly 
Overall: A+
Furiouso dread - I was very eager to see what he can bring, but I must say he was very underwhelming, do not see what peeps cheer about the dreads beeing super good
Overall: D
Meph - I dont know poor guy got spear in head, before he could even say hello. 
Overall: C
Vindicator - this guy was there just to fulfill the relic rule, yet I did not have better model with me for the slot (I mean physically did not brought any other heavy) He was slow, 24" is very close, yet he soak some dmg, killed some models here and there (1-2 3W flamer guys) not sure if he is good or not
Overall: D
Sicaran - Oh man he is good, the Assault 8 gun is dream, however quite expensive, however while ignore, very effective
Overall: B+


Thank you for reading



PS. If someone can put the lists into the spoiler modes, since I cannot find the option :/ ... thnx in advance

Edited by BloodTzar
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Glad you enjoyed your first game, certainly looks like a pretty competitive list but going light in infantry may have had a hand in the loss of your HQ characters. While characters cannot "join" squads in the way they did in previous editions, the rules mean that most characters with <10 wounds cannot be targeted unless they are the nearest unit. This prevents your heroes getting shot to bits while out in the open. A small squad to accompany Mephiston would prevent him taking spears to the head. :wink:


Sanguinary Guard led by the Sanguinor are great, especially if the Sanguinor is your Warlord as they get full rerolls and +1A. A Librarian is a possibility but I would actually rather take a Sanguinary Priest to buff this unit. +1S is usually handy as it means your Axe dudes are now wounding basic Eldar on a 2+ and Wraithguard (the S10 flamer guys) on a 3+. Also he can patch up wounded models or even revive dead models. This is handy if the Sanguinor starts taking damage.


Furioso Dreads are massively overpriced at the moment sadly. Death Company Dreads are slightly better but both are still worse than the Ironclad. May need to wait for the Codex to fix that unfortunately.

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