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Renegade Knights


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I am currently running a 1500 point Night Lord army, with a Renegade Knight. So far i have had limited success with the big stompy robot, that being said it still does a nice job of drawing enemy fire. Since it is equipped with Reaper Chain sword and rapid fire battle cannon, i tend to just run it at the enemy and see what happens.


What i wanted to ask was: Does anyone else still use knights with their CSM armies, and if so then how do you use them?

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I'd like to use one to expand my 1,500 to ~2,000. However, they just don't seem worth their cost compared to other big units. Other superheavies seem to be getting point reductions. I suspect that we'll see Knights get them too (In the Admech codex?) so hopefully that makes them more worthwhile.

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A buddy of mine runs one with Ironstorm, Battle Cannon, Battle Cannon, and it does obscene amounts of damage every game. He's only ever lost it once in something like a dozen games of 8th so far. 4D6 STR 8, AP-2, Damage D3 shots at 72 inches is just crazy. Against most infantry, the feet work better than the sword or gauntlet anyway. It's only against other big stuff that you need those and the cannons can usually address those issues before they become too much of a problem in close.


It also helps that he plays World Eaters, so the enemy has a lot of OTHER things to worry about and often has difficulty getting to the Knight.

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I recently took a force of three to a tournament, running with a twin Gatling Knight, and then the other two with Battlecannon and Chainsword (and missile pods/other weapons making up the allowance). It was great to roll so many dice for the Gatling, although the effectiveness of the Battlecannon is so dependent on the 2D6 shots that I did find myself utilising the odd Command Point to try and buff that. The actual damage output is really positive though rolls permitting, and so I can imagine in an army that isn't pure Knights it'd be even better where you weren't relying on it to be anti-everything, rather than just specialised for a role. 

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