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Lord of War for an Apocalypse game?


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My FLGS is doing a 2 day long Apocalypse game in about two months. They want to do power level. Didn't give a point value, but said if they do points intstead of power level it will be 4,000 points per player, multiple players per side. I've come into some unexpected cash for a job and selling some loyalist models, and am wondering what Lord of War would compliment my armies the best.


Because of the high point level I will have to use all of my combined Alpha Legion and Renegades/Heretics. I may even have to use my Death Guard from the Dark Imperium box. I will be bringing 2 Hellforged Scorpius', a Xiphon Interceptor, 2 Valkyries, a bunch of heretic infantry, some earthshaker batteries, a detachment of Alpha Legion Havoks, Lord Arkos, and everything else I can find.


I'm wondering what Lord of War would be a good choice, not only in gameplay, but narratively as well.


My current thoughts are that a Brass Scorpion or Kytan Daemon Engine would be really cool; but would probably promptly get blown off the table turn 1 by the loyalist firepower. This thought led me to summoning, specifically summoning Zarakynel. Summoning keeps her off the table if I go second, and then puts her into a position where hopefully she can make a charge against something. She is the easiest Daemon Lord to summon, only requiring a 23 on up to 9 dice.


Another thought was to add a couple more Xiphon Interceptors in an airwing detachment and just focus on air superiority for the battle. Or maybe another Xiphon and a pair of Hell Talons? (The bomber one, can't remember if its the talon or the blade).


Thoughts? Thanks.

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