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Maby a bit off-top, but a simply question, that don't need new topic:


Do units that are inside transport (for example 2x7 man squad and Helbrecht end EC in LRC), counts for reserve definiton?


Example. I need to put 6 units in reserve. There is written that in match play you need to have half of your's army on the table on the start of the 1 turn.



So for example I have Razorback LRC 2x7 man crusader squad Helbrecht EC and 4x5 assault squad squads and 2x jump pack chaplains. -> totally 12 drops.


I wan't to put all assault squads and 2 chaplains on deep-strike totally half of my army 6 drops.


In BRB there is written that half of my army must be on the table on start of the 1 turn.


So If I put on the table Razorback and LRC with two squads of crusader EC and Helbrecht INSIDE the LRC they still counts as beeing on the table, and I can put all the rest on reserve? Or I need tu put them outside the transport on foot?


I hope that my question is clear enough:)

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Your list has only 2 models, they shoot lots up close but are quick to go down and whatever was inside will get shot from distance and die.


For example I've played a game earlier today with a LRC at 2k points vs a not very strong Eldar list and lost turn 1 as he put 34 wounds on T8 and T7 models like LRC, Ven Dread and Interceptor which they all died that same turn. My bad for making a bad move on my first turn but that goes to show you how fragile a fluffy list is vs just a casual one, never mind competitive.


I'd go cheaper on either Stormraven or LRC and have more stuff on the board like something quick or very heavy, like ditch the Raven and deploy what's inside on the board and make it shooty with Helbrecht going in the LRC. 


If you keep the LRC make it last, don't be hasty in deploying your troops but absolutely do if you need to absorb a fast charge against it. Then keep it behind your infantry, when they run out of steam fall back from combat and shoot what's left with the LRC rerolling cause Helbrecht. At which point its game for me around turn 3.


I don't think the EC will have a good time digging Characters out of static shooty blobs, so maybe get something like a Chaplain in the LRC (unless you've got Helbrecht there which you should).

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Gendo... Yeah, you're right. I was thinking the other way round. Stay with the Raven and ditch the LRC in favour of a couple of Razorbacks for some long range/antitank type shooting.


I'm losing my frikkin' mind with building this list!!! So many variations and trying to squeeze what I need into 1500 points!!


Gotta try and remember that this is meant to be fun.

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