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For me, it will be a max CP build. Three onagers, two squads of two dragoons MINIMUM, one squad of autocannons striders.

Mixed infiltrator/ruststalker for elite choices, an enginseer and potentially skitarii hqs as HQ slot.


If reroll 1s don't come from anything but tech priests then I'll have to bring at least one of them.


All my troops will be vanguards. Maybe two sniper ranger squads

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I think so far (it's very early) from what we're seeing it will be numbers spam.


No rules I've seen come close to comparing with a 9" re-roll aura from Cawl +2 Canticles a turn.


Like not even close to this good.  One of my gaming group plays a Cawl + 4 Onagers + 5 Robots gunline and it's brutal to face.

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I know I'm playtesting, and originally I was wanting to get the Skitarii rolling with the Metalica FW but it just seems really one dimensional.


I'm using Cawl with 3 Onagers and Super Bots. I called it "Cawl Wall" and it is strong, but I admittedly watered it down with some goofy fun units.


Now I'm just thinking -army wide- rules. Not even for competition, but for almost any list, 2 Canticles and an extended aura are just good even if you're not going for cut throat lists. And they have an effect in almost every army type you build. The other FW's seems too dialed in on a unit, or playstyle.


I will say my own Mars list was a little too slow though. It would really have problems with Astra, and potentially Tau, and spammy lists (Orks/Nids). But that might be from my unit choices.

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Mars right now is clearly the best build, but I hope that they change the text on Cawl's rerolls to make it so that he doesn't let you re-roll irregardless of modifiers. It feels like he needs a nerf.

Lucius teleport lists might give Mars a run for its money, large units of Electro Priests, Robot and maybe Knights depending on keywords teleporting into the opponents backfield could really shake up the current Mechanicus play styles.


I'm keen to give a Lucius list ago and my guys are painted Mars.

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But wouldn't you miss Cawl?


I like that Lucius can deepstrike with what I assume will be one unit. I think it should be a dogma though, not cost a point. Grey Knights can drop in some exceptionally potent stuff plus add one more via the same Strategem. I would have made it free.


Why I'm hesitant to take Lucius is because of powers like Auspex Scan. That strategum will really give you fits because you will only have one deepstrike unit. (I assume)


Now when Tau have their codex, it will most likely be far worse. Grey Knights have Astral Aim ( indirect). You will be forced to drop outside of 12 which all but eliminates a CC unit.


Don't get me wrong I think it's a really fun idea, just a little situational.

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Deployment is not a phase of the game, it doesn't say "deployment phase", it says "during deployment", which happens before the game.  Please see the picture of the rulebook above.  Otherwise Raven Guard and Alpha Legion could only infiltrate one unit.  You can place one unit per CP into the teleportarium during deployment, and then once the game starts, you can bring them in whenever like regular reinforcements.


For me, it will be a max CP build. Three onagers, two squads of two dragoons MINIMUM, one squad of autocannons striders.
Mixed infiltrator/ruststalker for elite choices, an enginseer and potentially skitarii hqs as HQ slot.

If reroll 1s don't come from anything but tech priests then I'll have to bring at least one of them.

All my troops will be vanguards. Maybe two sniper ranger squads

Why squads of dragoons?  They don't operate individually, so it's an easy way to lose a pair of them rather than one when they draw anti-tank fire.  We have enough FA slots that you can just run them as individual models.  Also a lot cheaper/easier to fulfill the fast attack portion of the brigade.

Edited by Withershadow
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