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"The Forgotten".... the untold story of the 11th Legion

Eleventh Primarch

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Preface: I am a long time visitor of the B&C for many years but I have finally decided to join. I wanted to bring into the fold as my first contribution my personal FanFic of the 11th Legion and their Primarch.



The Tempest Knights (the 11th Forgotten Legion)


The Ascension


    In the aftermath of the chaos gods deception the capsule of the 11th Legions Primarch made its way to the Eldar Exodite world of Tar Avol. Here the infant primarch grew isolated and in the woods till around his 10th year. The child was striking in appearance, pale pink flesh, and tall powerful but slender build with long flowing golden yellow hair and solid emerald green eyes. The Exodites who had occasionally had glimpses of him from afar believed he was an Aldari spirit that inhabited the woods. The Exodites attempted to make contact with him on several occasions but the child would appear to vanish right before their eyes.


    The child was adventurous and would spend most of his days exploring the vast reaches of the wilderness of Tar Avol. It was on one such adventure that he happened upon a group of Eldar that did not appear the same as those from the villages he would visit. With his interest peaked he followed them; he began to hear a whisper in his mind, encouraging him to move closer and see what was happening. It was then that he noticed a large obelisk of stone and shining silver metal with an eerie green glow, wrapped in vines. It was this obelisk the Eldar were drawn to. Intrigued by it the boy crept forward but suddenly and without any warning six metallic figures rose from out of the very ground the eldar stood on, the Eldar immediately began to engage these creatures in combat, the boy immediately heard the whisper in his mind again, run child before they see you. The Boy caught a glimpse of one of the Eldar appearing to manipulate the very materium around him and seemed to be placing himself between the boy and the creatures. The child could hold back no more and instead of running, he leaped out of the tree line grabbed the blade of one of the fallen Eldar and began to move with a speed almost unseen to the naked eye. The child appeared to blink in and out of space and time striking fierce and powerful blows to the metallic creatures. While the Eldar were merely fighting for sheer survival the boy was rendering these metallic creatures in pieces of scrap metal. Within moments the boy had dispatched all of the creatures with an uncommon mixture of grace and brutality the Eldar attributed to their Howling Banshee’s.


    At the completion of the conflict the child heard a voice in his head again, but this time not a whisper, but clear and powerful. “Calm yourself child, I am Farseer Vizeon of the Eldar Craftworld Alde. You are alone but I see a great power in you, come with me boy and I will teach you how to use it.” The child traveled with the Eldar back to the Exodite village and there he was received with both awe and fear. The child sat with the Farseer as he informed the Exodite council that this world was not the heaven they thought it was and the new settlement should leave because beneath the surface laid the sleeping remnants of the Necron simply waiting to awaken. Farseer Vizeon was sympathetic to the Exodite beliefs because of visions he himself had of the Eldar and Exodites future as a race. He offered to help the re-locate and travel to a new world and they reluctantly accepted. Before departing the Farseer looked into the child’s future and was amazed and horrified by the child’s potential. It was at that moment he realized his own destiny was to mentor the lost child. Together they gather all of the Exodite Eldar and traveled to the Craftworld Alde. Here the Exodites were embraced and offered shelter and safe harbor. The Farseer then took the child before the Exarchs.


    Why have you brought this Terran to us, while unique and but a child he is emanating immense power from his aura, he is simultaneously a gift and a hazard to our people. Vizeon told the council of his vision a vision of the three fates. He believes it was his destiny to guide this child towards the fate that would help secure the Eldar races survival. The Exarchs reluctantly agreed and Vizeon took the boy into his house. You move like a storm, both graceful and destructive child able to move in a flash like lightning. I shall name you combining both Aldari and Terran words; henceforth you shall be Gravon Teslis or its literal translation The Great Storm. Alde realized the boy was a latent pyscher and while not able to directly channel these abilities now he could be taught to use them in more than just instinctual combat. Vizeon focused the boy’s psychic training on harnessing and mastering his ability to phase in and out of reality or time slip as the boy began to call it. With this he could move faster than the eye or mortal beings perception appearing to dance in and out of reality.


    The boy was to be trained in all of the aspects of the Eldar ways of war. Gravon spent most of his waking hours either in martial training or the studies of ancient knowledge and ways of the farseer. He showed a specific aptitude in three areas, melee, science and technology and what Vizeon called his battle sight. Gravon could see his opponent’s possible attacks before the opponent even knew they were going to make their move and he could counter them. Vizeon also realized the Gravon had a unique ability to masque his psychic presence, almost rendering himself invisible to psychic probes. (This latent and unconsciously carried out ability is likely what hid the child from the Exodites and chaos).


    It was his prowess in melee that drew the attention the Howling Banshee Exarch Allita. Allita was amazed by the now young man’s prowess as a warrior and took a personal interest in his combat training. Gravon had excelled in all the other types of Aspect training as well but it was in the ways of the Howling Banshee that he showed near flawless execution.


Uncommon for an Exarch to take on a pupil personally, the two grew exceptionally fond of each other and the now fully grown man and Exarch demonstrated emotions uncommon for their kinds, love and passion. Gravon came to call Vizeon father and Vizeon knowing the boys potential futures encourage the growing relationship with the Allita believing it would seal his fate to the Eldar. Allita’s twin sister Sylvanna, a Solitaire Dancer, follower of the Laughing god eventually got wind of this Terran living amongst the Eldar and heard the stories of his prowess. His story intrigued the Solitaire and she decided to visit her sister and her protégé. Upon arrival with a troupe onto Alde, Sylvanna immediately sought out her sister and her protégé. When she first saw Gravon his aura amazed her and she had to see for herself his prowess in combat. Initially Allita forbade it but Gravon accepted the duel. Unlike other Banshee’s, Gravon actually favored a Spear and shield and had learned to master them both as offensive and defensive extensions of himself. Sylvanna let out a loud fit of laughter and leapt at the young man. The two engaged in a deadly dance, but once Gravon began to move and slip through time and space Slyvanna was aware that while her actual martial prowess was likely better she was going to be no match for Gravon. The two dueled for what seemed like hours with Gravon finally dealing the winning blow, pinning Slyvanna to the ground. Sylvanna laughed in her defeat as only a Harlequin could. I yield to you young master, but there is still much you have to learn and while my sister has taught you well, I will finish your lessons.


    Vizeon whom had been watching from afar realized what was about to happen but his visions on the matter seemed foggy and unclear. I offer you a chance to dance with me, to learn what I have to teach you, but you will have to travel alone and leave this place, your adoptive father and the love for my sister behind for now. After a long discourse with Vizeon and Allita, Gravon decided to follow Sylvanna and over the next few years he learned the art of the Harlequin dancer, a very rare honor indeed. He had the fortune of leaning from a Farseer and Exarch and now a Solitaire, clearly his destiny would be bright. Sylvanna also grew fond of Gravon uncommon for a Harlequin to show any emotional attachment. She came to look at Gravon as a brother, sensing his growing affection for Allita. But when it was time for Gravon to return to Alde, Slyvanna knew she would likely never see the young man again. She gave him a single kiss, shed a single tragic tear, and whispered a single dark truth of the laughing god in his ear, then turned and laughed in a tragically ironic tone as she danced away. It was witnessing this momment when even a Solitaire could be drawn into this young mans aura was when Vizeon decided it was time to tell the boy of his fates, for he had foreseen the time was near where Gravon would be forced to choose. 


    Vizeon explained to Gravon that he had three paths ahead of him and only Gravon could control his own destiny. “My son you stand before the precepts of either a bright or tragically dark future, your true father searches for you even as we speak;

If you stand by your father’s side in the years to come you’re a fated to be his instrument of death against all xenos races and will ultimately lead to those races rising as one against him and his imperium burning humanity from the stars and you will die by the hands of one you once loved.


If you fall to chaos you will become the avatar of death incarnate and your spear will eventually pierce the heart of the emperor, you will lose your fathers love and you will burn Terra to ashes and waste. Again humanity will disappear from the sight of the galaxy. The xenos races will rise and drive the chaos good forever from the materium and you will die by the hands of one who once loved you.


If you embrace your beliefs and your love you will forsake both me and the father that searches for you, you will be forever forgotten to humanity, but you will hold no sway over their fate and they will continue amongst the stars and you will go on to be the guardian of not just the Exodites and Eldar, but Humanity from afar and the xenos races that would seek peace will flock to your light and you will be a storm of change in a galaxy torn apart by war. And when the beacon of light flickers and seems drowned out by darkness from afar, you will return to help raise man and Eldar alike from the destruction rendered upon the by the Chaos gods.


The time will come shortly and you will have to make your choice.But sadly all of the paths have a very similar beginning, it is the decisions you will make and the influences you hold that will shape your path, regardless of your conscious decisions. Gravon became distraught by his father’s words and sought isolation and contemplation even refusing to see Allita.


The Reunion


    The Emperor along with the Iron Warriors, Space Wolves and Ultra Marines came across the signal of the Eldar Craftworld Alde and began their pursuit. Over a Standard year the elder mounted both fleet and planet based defenses trying to hold the Imperial fleet at bay why conducting raid and assault type defenses. On Corrsicus IV the Iron Warriors lead by their primarch made planet fall against a large Eldar presence. The Emperor used the Ultramarine’s in the fleet action and held the Space Wolves in reserve. Throughout the fleet battle the Ultramarines boarding parties were sending reports back that every boarding action was being defeated and turned back by a mysterious unit of Eldar led by a giant that moved faster than the eye. Guilliman at the order of the Emperor to investigate this, decided to lead a boarding assault against one of the larger Eldar vessels, within moments of he and his retinue boarding the ship he encountered the enigmatic warrior and his troops. The warriors speed was blinding and his strikes were powerful and deadly , seeming to appear and disappear right before the eye, Guilliman and his men could not gain a foot hold to hold onto in order to drive forward. Guilliman charged forward and began to duel the large powerful elder but he was strong and nimble, offensive and defensive almost simultaneously, while Guilliman was able to fend of his attacks he could not muster a significant enough assault nor match his opponents speed. The Eldar had the strategic and tactical advantage. Since this was more of a fact finding mission then a true attempt to take the ship, Guilliman ordered a withdrawal and decided to report back to the Emperor. His report was detailed and thorough and the Emperor knew immediately that this was no simple Eldar. He was sensing a unique presence but could not make a clear distinction from this distance.


    The emperor ordered the fleet to take a defensive stance and refocused all effort to the planet. He wanted to draw this being out into the open. Perturabo communicated back that the Iron Warriors had found a strongly fortified position that was likely the command area on the planet. The Emperor order both Perturabo and Guilliman to assault and put pressure on this position hoping to draw out the Eldar leader. Perterabo did not want to wait for the Ultramarines to make planetfall and left a small force defending his flank and focused all his legions might on the fortification. The Eldar put up a strong resistance but they were starting to waiver to the Iron Warriors assaults at that moment slipping past the Iron Warriors flanks and as if they appeared from nowhere, the Large Eldar and his retinue struck at Perterabo and his guards, the fighting was brutal and the behemoth Perterabo sought out the Eldar leader as he sliced through Perterabo’s automaton robots.


    The two clashed and the ground shook around them, while not as large in stature as Perturabo he was surprised by the strength of the elder leader and almost unprepared for his speed. The two traded blows for over an hour as the pitched fight between the two elite forces carried on, the Emperor and Guilliman landed nearby in Guilliman’s thunderhawk and moved towards the battle. Guilliman confirmed it was the same Eldar from the fleet and began to run towards his brother, but the Emperor ordered him to hold. This elder was taking the strongest blows Perturabo had to give and was successfully avoiding or deflecting most while countering with lightning fast attacks of his own. It was at this moment the Emperor realized this was one of his sons. He telepathically reached out to him calling him, My Son……Gravon was distracted and in the moment Perturabo’s mace struck the Eldars helmet knocking it off.  The creature while striking was no Eldar and as he regained his composure and prepared to counter the Emperor step in with blade and psychically drove Gravon to his knees.


    The elder elites began to fight feverishly to get to their master but the combination of the Emperor, Perterabo and Guilliman made quick work of them. The emperor returned to Gravon who was still stuck on his knees unable even by force of will to move. “You who dress and fight like Eldar are no Aldari, you are my son proclaimed the Emperor.” You have been lost to the void for too long my son, rise and stand by my side. “I can do no such thing as long as you hunt a persecute those who were the only family I know. Allow them to withdrawal in peace and I shall embrace you as my father, continue to persecute this assault and you must destroy me along with them. Guilliman remained silent but Perterabo begged the Emperor to continue the fight.


    In a rare moment of mercy, the Emperor reached out his hand to his lost son and gave the order to allow the Eldar to withdrawal. Rise and stand by me and your brother’s son and the galaxy shall be ours for all mankind. He heard it, he knew he was dangerously close to following one of the wrong paths, he hear Vizeon’s words in his head. But he also believed he could stand by his father. His act of Mercy clearly meant that over time he may be able to sway his father’s beliefs and feelings of the xenos. If he could then he would be back on the right path. 


The Legion Reborn


    Over the next ten years Gravon was reunited with his sons the XI th legion. These marines were taken from the South Asian regions of Terra and their temperament and beliefs were well suited for their primarch. They were known as the Storm Dragons.  Gravon immediate set out to reorganize them into a force he would be familiar with. Instead of breaking them down into the Aspect format he knew his whole life, he made a similar adjustment and broke the legion down into Brotherhoods. Each Brotherhood had a different specialization. Marines could promote within a brotherhood but only once they reached the rank of veteran could they have a choice. At the rank veteran they could choose to stay in their current brotherhood specialization and begin to be assessed for leadership roles, or they could switch brotherhoods but have to start at the base marine rank again and work their way up through their new brotherhood. Additionally his personal body guard the Tempest Brotherhood, were only made of Marines that had done the latter. Additionally regardless of discipline, Gravon preferred maneuverability and rapid movement amongst all his forces so all of his marines modified their armors and vehicles to make them lighter and more maneuverable, trading these traits for the heavier armor normally worn and used by Astartes.


    The Librarium was given new authorities and Gravon brought in a specialist (Vizeon secretly in disguise) to act as their teacher and mentor to teach them the ways of warp foresight (farseeing). “Gravon, you must never place me in the Emperors presence, for he alone can see me for who I am.” The Librarium masters supplanted traditional company commanders and were given more autonomy in battle than traditional marine legions had. Gravon lauded independence and creativity in a battle and expected his leaders to act in the best interest of the legion but also expected them to make sound decisions in combat that did not require reckless sacrifices. These actions alone could have caused serious censure by the Emperor but since Gravon’s legion typically fought autonomously of the other legions because he was looked down on by his brothers because of his xenos taint, the Emperor ignored these changes as long as they produced positive results and did not affect anyone outside of his legion.


    Gravon and Vizeon (going by the name of Kadris in his disguises) also began to change the process of hypno indoctrination, requiring every brother in the legion to go through new therapy. These new techniques in some ways countered the standard hypno indoctrination programs. These new lessons called for more temperance and understanding towards xenos and xenos technology. This allowed Gravon better control of his sons whenever he made a controversial decision regarding a xenos encounter. Additionally Gravon and Vizeon began mandatory genetic therapy for the marine under the guise of ensuring the genetic stability of the Legion. Vizeon began manipulating not only the geneseed stock adding in elder genetic material into the geneseed but also began conducting this surgical implantations on their active marines as well under the guise of implants that Gravon wanted mandatory to help them interface better with the machine spirits of their gear. Gravon knew this was forbidden but so was everything else he was doing.


    All of these subtle changes went relatively un- noticed by the Emperor or his other brothers because of most of their desires to keep him at distance. Only three of his brothers ever seemed even tempered enough to engage his in regular discourse, Guilliman, Dorn and Khan. These three would occasionally try to mentor their younger brother and pull him into the fold. Even Horus relegated him and his legion to clean up missions and operations that kept them at a distance from the rest of the legions. Gravon was not disheartened by this and actually preferred the isolation. If he could reform his legion then he could eventually convince the Emperor to reform his views, especially given the fact that Eldar records showed that Man and Eldar shared common ancestors.


    Gravon also renamed his legion the Tempest Knights. He saw all his marines as his sons and while he accepted loss and sacrifice in battle, he was never willing to enter an engagement recklessly. While his planning was not as detailed as his brother Rogal Dorn he was a patient tactician and exercised discipline and rapid deployment hit and run strikes as a main stay of his stratagem. He stood almost as tall as his brother Lemun Russ but had a slight more slender yet muscular appearance. His Armor was a shimmering metallic white aluminum in color with deep rich blue accoutrements and gold and red accents. He gave off almost a majestic aura and while he was distrusted by his brothers because of his time with the Xenos Eldar, he simultaneously could make them at ease in his presence in spite of their prejudices. 


The Calm and the Storm


    Gravon’s Legion was not highly decorated; he ended many conflicts through negotiation rather than the end of a sword. He once argued with his brother Angron after negotiating the surrender of the hive industrial world Balasaar,” Why are you so weak and soft Gravon, why not purge this world and be done with it……:” …..”That I see their potential and their contributions that could be made to our Imperium and that I see value in the lives of these people living under the fools I negotiated with seems to escape you brother, what is an Empire if we have no people and no worlds to govern, who will feed and supply your mighty legion so it can continue its crusade if not for the countless people on worlds such as this suffering under the boot of heartless masters….we would have no Empire if not for them. I thought you more than any would understand that.”


    Gravon’s methods and constantly suing his father for temperance when new xenos races and technologies were encountered continued to earn him ire amongst his brothers and it began to wear on the emperor’s patience as well. When the Great crusade encountered the Empire of the Rankton Servators an Empire that spanned several Solar systems with advanced technology, where human and xenos lived in peace with each other, Gravon once again pleaded with his father and brothers for temperance. “Father I beg you, the Imperium can benefit from a truce with these beings, we can study and assimilate their technologies, we can access their libraries and reliquaries, their resources all could benefit us. But if we go to war with them, all will be lost and their empire is vast enough where our victory will be inevitable but come at a dire cost. Father, Brothers….Please”. “SILENCE GRAVON……I have heard enough, I have placated you and these ideals long enough, NO MORE. I will not hear of these requests anymore. We will not negotiate nor ally ourselves with these or any other Xenos including your beloved Eldar. In fact it is your legion that will take the vanguard and that is final.”


    Over the next 80 standard years the Imperium eventually won their war with the Rankton and it had cost Gravon nearly half his legion and fleet in the process. Every time a city or world burned he shed a tear for the destruction he wrought. Vizeon would quietly remind him of his fated three paths and then allow Gravon to contemplate on them. At the conclusion of the war the Emperor called his sons before him and began to present honors to them and their legions, when he called Gravon forward to present him with the laurels of victory in that moment Gravon’s fate would be sealed. Gravon refused the laurels and exclaimed he took no honor or glory in the butchery he participated in and would wear no marks glorifying them. The Emperor became enraged…….”Clearly after all this time you have still not learned your lesson my Son, it is clearly your bond to these Eldar that contaminate your mind so we must sever it. You will go alongside your Brother Guilliman and find and purge the Alde craftworld forever severing your ties to the elder and Russ will go to ensure you either complete your task or act as my hand of judgement should you refuse.


    The fleet set out and used the sensors to try to track the Alde Craftworld from its last known position of more than 40 years ago when the emperor found Gravon. Many thoughts went through his head, but the truth of the three fates began to play out and he knew he must make a final choice. Gravon called Vizeon to his side; we must somehow lure my brothers away and make haste to Alde. We must leave this Imperium of Man for good. There will never be a place for Xenos or Humans that can befriend and live side by side with Xenos in my Fathers Empire. The two ploted to fabricate intelligence that would lead the fleet to a different location, prior to entering the Warp, Gravon’s astropaths would change their coordinates and exit at the Alde craftworld while Guilliman and Russ’s legions would arrive in a different region. The two worked tirelessly and the initial plan worked out. Guilliman and Russ’s fleets exited the warp but Gravon’s fleet was nowhere to be found.


    Initially concerned the brothers tried desperately to find Gravon. In their search their astropaths and intelligence officers noticed anomalies in the information provided that gave clear markers it had been fabricated. Russ became enraged and reached out to Guilliman, “I warned father and you that he would do this, he has betrayed us and choose the Xenos scum over his own brothers and his Emperor. We will find him and I will deal the emperors Mercy onto him. “No brother, we will find him yes, and if he resists he will be dealt with but we WILL bring him before father alive,” Exclaimed Guilliman. The two set their fleets out to what the Astropaths now believe was the likely destination of Gravon’s fleet.


    With only a few days maybe a week to act Gravon and Vizeon had very little time to act. Gravon pleaded with the Exarchs to heed their words and begged Allita to stand behind the choice; he professed his love for her. With Vizeon’s aid they offered a simple choice of sacrifice for survival or face annihilation. Allita agreed and helped to sway the other Exarchs. With the help of other farseer’s and exodite refugee’s on the craftword they located a system of habitable planets well beyond the reaches of the imperium past the realm of the shad worlds and current Exodite worlds. They knew there was little chance the Alde craftworld would survive, but time needed to be bought to allow all to travel the web portals to this new realm.


    Gravon ordered almost all of his marine’s human serfs and the majority of his fleet to travel through the web way to the new world and act as guardians and allies of the Eldar and Exodites.  Gravon kept 4 chapters of Marines to act as the final guard for the portals. Additional he kept a skeleton fleet to form a strictly defensive perimeter of Alde. He ordered all servitors and automatons reprogramed for combat and refitted to act as defensive forces for the remaining ships. The Craftworld and the Exodites began the evacuation from their impending doom. Within days the warp opened and the massive combined fleet of the Ultramarines and Space Wolves appeared surrounding the small craftworld.


    With the massive warp signature arrival and still many more needing to evacuate including many souls stones still awaiting transport, Gravon reached out to his brothers. My brothers please try to understand that what and why I do these things is for the betterment of all, human and xenos alike. He told Roboute and Leman of the farseer’s vision, of the three fates. He explained to them that had he not taken the actions he did and carried out his father’s orders he would end up following one of the two paths of doom. That he would eventually become the hand of destruction of Mankind. His heart already weighed to heavy with all of the loss he had caused and seen and could not bear to carry that burden on his heart. He begged them to stand down and leave, to report to their father that he had been lost to the warp for he knew no matter what transpired this day he would never return to the imperium of man.  


    Guilliman tried to show restraint and engage his brother in discourse but Russ had heard enough. “I will hear no more, I am here to serve the emperors will as were you, and it is his will I will carry out.” With that the Space Wolves fleet opened fire on the remnants of the Tempest Knight fleet. Gravon gave strict defensive orders he wanted to minimize casualties as much as he could; he had no intention of causing grievous injury to his brothers.  The Craftworld’s defenses engaged as well. While Guilliman and the Ultramarines join in to support Russ and his wolves he was quick to notice that Gravon’s forces were not taking any additional direct action and holding strongly in defense.


    Report after report came back from boarding operations that the wolves faced Automatons and servitors but no marines had been encounter. This angered Russ even more, he saw this as deceitful and dishonorable that the Tempest Knights would not engage him directly but Guilliman saw these actions for what they were and now truly saw his brother’s heart. He did not want to spill any blood unnecessarily. Russ would hold back no more, he personally led the assault to the gateways that were being held by Gravon and his men. 


    The wolves dropped from the sky and began to rain destruction on all the remaining defensive forces of the Eldar. Gravon and his rear guard forces prepared for the onslaught as Russ and his wolves charged, within hours Russ and his Wolfguard were face to face with Gravon and his Tempest Guard. “You betrayed our brothers, you betrayed the Empire and you betrayed our father and for that you will die brother” exclaimed Russ…….”are you so blinded by your rage that you heard nothing I said, are you so blind in you devotion you see nothing I have done, including the way in which I established these defenses…..I never wanted to hurt my brothers or our father….it is my love for you all that has driven me to do what it is that I must do…leave…..but since I know my words fall on deaf ears that seek nothing but to bloody your blade…..have at it then brother”.  “You are forgotten to me now Gravon….and will be forgotten by the Imperium.” With that the two brothers and their men charged and the ground shook beneath their feet as the forces collided.


    The brothers continued to duel as many marine both wolf and knight fell around them, each dealing wounds and strikes to each other. Russ was an experienced duelist and he craved the rush of melee, even with his ability to foreshadow Russ’s moves and use his speed, every strike he landed on infuriated Russ more and every blow he received only tired Gravon more. Hours went by as these forces clashed and almost all of the defenses had fallen. Only a few companies of Knights remained and even fewer number of Eldar defenders yet still they held the gateway allowing all that could make it and the final shipment of soul stones to make it through.


    Once the final group passed through the web portal Vizeon called for Gravon to fall back and disengage from his brother, but Russ’s assault was too furious. Gravon caught glimpses and was in horror of the sheer brutality of the Wolves as many of his men were cut down as they attempted to fall back to the gate. The elder resistance was now almost non-existent save for Alita and her Banshee’s. In that brief moment of distraction Russ shoulder charged Gravon, knocking him off balance….Alita leapt towards Russ and several of her Banshees followed. The Exarch and her troops knew they were no match for the Primarch but she acted out of emotion and not battle rationality. One by one Russ cut down the Banshees the whole time pushing towards his Brother. Gravon no sooner made it to his feet then he saw Russ run Allita through……as she fell Gravon let out a scream of pain, horror and rage the likes of which Russ had never heard before. Gravon leapt at Russ matching ferocity for ferocity neither giving ground and both moving with amazing speed. Vizeon watched in horror because he could now feel the dark forces tugging at Gravon, If Gravon defeated Russ he would surely in his despair and loss, give in to the ruinous powers, and if he lost Vizeon believed in time the Eldar would be to. 


    As if fate made its final move, both Russ and Gravon thrust their blades at each other; each Primarch piercing the others armor and landing a significant wound. Both Primarch’s fell to their knees, exhausted and weakened as the carnage ensued around them.


    The Tempest Knight Elites fought hard and well but were simply outnumbered and were losing ground by the moment.  Vizeon grabbed Allita who was barely holding onto life and made his way to Gravon….you must leave now Gravon…..take her and go….Vizeon place Allita in Gravon’s Arms. As he rose to his feet, not far away so did Russ. Russ clinched the hilts of his Axe and Sword….”We finish this now Brother…..” and began to move towards Gravon.  Vizeon harnessed all the energy he had left and created a physic shockwave throwing Gravon and Allita through the portal. Here is where I fulfill my destiny. He called forth a massive Eldritch Storm over the portal and Russ, destroying the portal and holding Russ at bay. “How dare you rob me and my brother of our honor you xenos dog.”  “You are unaware of the truth of the warp great wolf but whether you believe it or not I just saved you because it was about to have its grasp on your brother.” “Your words will not save you warlock, we will finish what my father sent us here to do.” Russ charged the Farseer and with a single blow struck him down. His wolves finished off the remaining Tempest Knights and Eldar and once they were done their fleets bombarded the Alde craftworld to a lifeless hulk.


    Russ and Guilliman spent months search for the location of Gravon, his remaining Legionnaires and the Eldar but to no avail. They had followed Vizeon’s sight and travelled to a system far beyond Imperial space. So far that the astropaths of Gravon’s remaining fleet barely saw a pinhole flicker of the astronomicons light. When they returned to their father with the news, it was as if he already knew.


    “Henceforth….Gravon and his legion and all his words and deeds will be forgotten. They and any likeness or records shall be removed from all Imperial records and locked away in my personal archives….sealed by me and shall be opened or restored only by me. None shall speak his name nor shall he or his legion be the subject of any discourse from this day forth. My son is lost to us.”

Edited by Eleventh Primarch
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Gravon Teslis "The great storm"


Psychic Abilities:


Warp sight: Gravon can sence/almost see and oppenents actions before they make them which allows him a type of battle precognition, while it is not always 100% accurate this "sixth sense" gives Gravon additional advantages in melee combat.


Psychic subterfuge: This ability allows Gravon to masque his psychic presence, almost rendering himself invisible to the warp or psychic probes. It requires him to be consciously attempting to mask his presence.


Storm Dancing: This ability is what gives Gravon his seemingly blinding speed. Gravon actually creates minor tears/portals between the materium and immaterium around himself allowing him to jump between space and time, seemingly moving faster than the mind can perceive. Gravon can control precisely where he enters and exits these tears as they are essentially a field he generates around himself.


Psychic Leech: Gravon subconsciously feeds off the emotions and latent psychic energy around him, this gives him additional strength, allows him to accelerate his healing and has almost no direct negative affect on those around him. However this leeching causes Gravon to feel emotions at a much higher level than his brothers. He can know passion and love and part of this comes from his many years spent with the Eldar. Eldar as a race feel emotions much more intensely and there psychic presence is more intense as well.  This prolonged exposure to the Eldar of Alde had a permanent effect on him allowing him to feel and experience emotions his other brothers seem incapable of. Vizeon had to teach Gravon how to control this from an early age when he noticed he was prone to a wide range of emotional outbursts. Gravon can consciously use this ability as well to siphon life force from another being to give himself more strength however when done consciously it often leads to the death of the person he draws the energy from. It also makes him prone to lose control of his emotional state and he can end up giving in to the most powerful and prevalent emotion expressed by those around him.




Sunspot: Is a powerfull circular stormshield (that now bears the symbol of his legion) that has a stormbolter mounted to the inside of the shield merged with the grip. It allows him to be both offensive and defensive with the shield.


Storms eye: a long and powerful energy spear that emits volkite like energy from the spear tip. Technological origin is unknown but appears to have similar appearance to weapons used by avatars of Kaine. Possible Eldar in origin.


The Harvester: A gladius style short sword of unknown alien origin. It has an ebony black blade that emmits and ere green glow. It has cut through other power and force weapons and appears to glow brighter for a period of time after each kill. If it has slain enough creatures the blade appears to turn in a green flame.


Storm Dancer: Gravons original Eldar origin Armor that was re-forged and matercrafted by vulcan into a highly durable, lightweight and maneuverable artificer armor. This was his gift to Gravon once the emperor finally allowed him to take command of his legion.

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I just thought, you know the odds are at least ONE primarch landed on a Xenos world, not Xenos controlled, not death world, pure Xenos......I always liked Eldar lore and they are the closest race to mankind, mating is even possible, so why not give it a go. What if he did not completely buy into imperial doctrine when he was found because he had already made a home with the Xenos...... so this was my first shot at it.  The Legions name may change a bit in the future...I like Tempest Knights but their are a few other names incorporating Tempest I am kicking around.....but hey may not change at all....beauty of a work in progress. A lot more to come, going to do short stories for the time periods covered above, so maybe jumping around in the timeline as they come to me.

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