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I guess other people can share more profund experiences with airbrushing and layering.


AK painting offers a thing called "true metal" which is essentially a sort of colored paste. I am / have been experimenting on my AdMech and DG with their bronze paste and find it indeed quite good. You can brush it on a surface and it takes other paints (like nihilac oxide) quite well. Could possibly be layered with orange, I guess. Since it is essentially a paste, you could possibly "dent" or structure it and fill orange areas in. Come to think of it, I will have to try that myself ...might shape some Nurgle Glyphs and patterns on Shouldergards once those nifty TDA drops.

I think you could do it by modifying copper-style paint, rather than trying to orange effect a bronze paint. Oversimplifying a bit, copper + zinc = brass, copper + tin = bronze.


Here's one example:


1. Basecoat the entire model with Warplock Bronze.
2. Paint the majority of the armour with Hashut Copper. Leave some Warplock Bronze showing through for shading.
3. Add a lot of water to Incubi Darkness on a mixing palette and then run this mix in and around the armour joints to create a dark shading and a verdigris effect.
4. Highlight the upper parts of the armour with Runelord Brass.



The question for me is how much the orange should pop out, how much work you want to invest per model and how far developed are your painting skills.


Personly i would go another way than using copper / gold colored metals.


I start painting the metal in dark steel color like Leadbelcher or darker. 

Then painting the highlights, drybrushing, edge highlighting the way you like it.

Maybe doing a bit of weathering with black dots and scratches on bigger metal parts.

Then go all over the metal with Tamiya Clear Yellow for the gold / yellow color of the bronze.

Then use Tamiya Clear Orange for the orange tint. 


You can play with the colors for some different results, lighter metal makes it pop out more.

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