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Dice Modifiers (to hit + or -)


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Guys I'm stuck on this one. It's been back and forth and it doesn't involve re-roll aura's so it's different from the other topics I've seen which always seem to revolve around "Re-roll auras".


So Plasma Overcharged explodes on a roll of 1.


Example 1: I have some unit with +1 to hit. I have been told I still blow up because I rolled a 1. Is this true?


Further to that issue, let's say I'm +2 to hit. Does the plasma miss on a roll of 1 adjusted to 3? (rule book states rolls of 1 always miss but doesn't seem to say when to take modifiers into account).




Example 2: I have a unit that is shooting the same weapon, overcharged. It is targeting a unit with Supersonic (-1 to hit). My opponent tells me that my weapon will explode on a roll of 1 or 2. Is this true?


I can't see both of the above being true.



For Psychic tests if a person rolls two 6's or two 1's but has a modifier (Ahriman +1 for psychic tests) does he suffer Perils?



Edited by Prot
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(rule book states rolls of 1 always miss but doesn't seem to say when to take modifiers into account...


Under hit roll it specifically notes that this is irrespective of modifiers, so, obviously it's before any and all of them are applied. Just the raw die score. However, this is also just with respect to rolling to hit. Overheating a plasmagun is another thing entirely.


Per the Designer's Commentary Plasma detonation is generally checked after modifiers.


So, with a net positive modifier it's possible to be impervious to explosion, but still miss.

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Can you get a result of zero?


I mean, if you overcharge a plasmagun and shoot at a flyer, would it explode on 1 and 2, or 2 (thus becomming 1 after the -1 modifier)?

By the same developper's commentry, a result below one is considered to be 1 (and thus a fail).

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