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What units are your autoincludes this edition?


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As with every edition, I find myself going through my lists again and again. But always there is that one unit that I always try to find the points to fit. I.e. Double Heavy tactical terminators during 5th, grav/melta bikers in 6th, Ironclad drop pods in 7th.


I remember an old thread with the same theme. This time around I wonder what everyone else's auto includes are in their list? For me right now I find it hard to move away from having a Biker Marshall w/combi plas and a biker squad with double plasma and combi-plas on SB all for 233 points.


What's your take?

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Helbrecht, LRC.  The rest is as flexible as my supply of models.  Sooo, not super flexible. :P


One unit I've had good enough experience to try again: Bike Marshal with a Relic Blade and Fancy Hat.  He slaughtered a Cataphractii squad when I used him, and that super fast 9" bubble got to the units that needed them, when they needed them.

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Tarantula sentry guns have been all stars every game I've played.


Which gun have you been using with them?  I've been thinking about some as area denial.  BT don't really have chaff or screening units (unless I guess we can ally in guard)

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Twin Autocannons Venerable Dreadnought. Or 3. These guys have done some serious work for me so far and 8th Edition. Especially with a nearby Captain for re-roll ones. They have shot storm Ravens out of the Skies, punched holes and terminators, and still have enough shots to deal with hordes as well.
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Twin Autocannons Venerable Dreadnought. Or 3. These guys have done some serious work for me so far and 8th Edition. Especially with a nearby Captain for re-roll ones. They have shot storm Ravens out of the Skies, punched holes and terminators, and still have enough shots to deal with hordes as well.


I just cant' bring myself to take a dreadnought that doesn't have at least one CCW, it just feels wrong lol



2-3 Crusader Squads of 10-14 man (normally 2 13 Man) and 2 5 Man Intercessors, my TwinClaw Marshall, Cenos and a Castallen. Always start with a good core.


Well Crusaders are a given. There is literally no reason to take Tac squads over crusaders now that mutliple squads can ride in one transport and SB are free. 


I would say the EC is basically an auto-include for his price and how good he is. 

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Twin Autocannons Venerable Dreadnought. Or 3. These guys have done some serious work for me so far and 8th Edition. Especially with a nearby Captain for re-roll ones. They have shot storm Ravens out of the Skies, punched holes and terminators, and still have enough shots to deal with hordes as well.

I just cant' bring myself to take a dreadnought that doesn't have at least one CCW, it just feels wrong lol


I justify it to myself by saying no to Devestator Squads. Somebody has to bring the long range firepower, might as well mount it on a walking wall of metal that is stompy enough in melee to hold his own til the calvary arrives.

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Helbrecht, LRC. The rest is as flexible as my supply of models. Sooo, not super flexible. :P


One unit I've had good enough experience to try again: Bike Marshal with a Relic Blade and Fancy Hat. He slaughtered a Cataphractii squad when I used him, and that super fast 9" bubble got to the units that needed them, when they needed them.

Ooohhhh ... I like this. I have a nice little bike unit and that fast moving 9" bubble is a great idea.

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@ kisada I usually use 3x 2 heavy bolter units. It's a lot of shots and for a little over 50pts they are pretty tough. I set them upon sides and middle usually overwatching objectives.


Someone pointed out that if you take the Assault cannon version then you don't have the automated protocols dictating what you shoot at.


Have you had any lucky dropping them in some cover to give them a save bonus?

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Helbrecht because he gives +1S and rerolls to my Crusaders and LRC.


LRC because its huge volume of shots supports my CC squads very nicely.


Techmarine, repairs the above and more.


Interceptor, mostly ignored (on the board and lists) but it's good at dealing with <fly> and low T on ground thanks to the 2 AC, it's also fairly durable.


Power weapons, cheap and getting buffs like rerolls and +1S makes them pretty good.

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