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Lamenters, Primaris, musings of a hobby procrastinator.

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Hi all, I've dabled with the GW hobby for years and have quite a few unfinished projects, mostly in grey plastic, have painted about three and half minis to completion since I discovered 40k and bought my first white dwarf in the summer of 95/96 (winter for all you live north of the equator) and enjoyed a lot of play time during late 5th, early sixth edition and especially used to enjoy apoc and played an IG hoard long before 8th edition made conscript spam so damn brutal, and the cheesy guard lists of the time were hardened vets in chimeras with plasma/melts spam. I believe that the common term for such a list involved the words leaf and blower. I never played 7th as I was utterly disgusted by the bloat and I started a new job which was quite physsically taxing and left me exhausted a lot of the time, so I find hobby time quite hard to come by.


Anyway like a lot of people that were following the 8th edition rumours, was quite impressed by what I saw and ordered a Dark Imperium box set for a good deal from an online retailer here in Australia. The shortly after I bought the first strike boxed set from games workshop here in Perth. I knew that I'd definitely be starting a death guard army, but didn't know what do with my Prmaris marines and even considered selling them off to buy regular marines or more death guard when the codex and minis dropped. I considered adding them to fledgling dark angels or blood angels army, but felt that the dark angels wouldn't be very receptive to their inclusion (just my own interpretation of the fluff) and that they weren't Blinky enough to fight alongside blood angels tacticals, death company and sanguinary guard.


I considered using them as salamanders,as they are my favourite chapter of all time, which you may or may not have guessed by my forum name, but felt that they don't mesh well with their chapter tactics and feel that units like mm attack bikes and sternguard/company vets with framers work better.


I finally decided to paint them up as lamenters. Firstly because I love their fluff and colour scheme. Secondly I found this tutorial, which I think looks fantastic and feel I'll be able to achieve. And finally found a place that does lamenters transfers.


So this afternoon I made a start and assembled two of the easy build rievers, and plan to build the third tomorrow morning and drill out their gun barrels, and then Sunday give me a coat of corax white and a base coat of ushabti bone. I plan on having them painted to completion within the fortnite time permitting. I realise that probably seems quite slow and maybe a little pathetic, but as I said I find it hard to come by hobby time these days. I'll see if I can borrow my sisters camera and maybe this thread might even be renamed and become a plog of sorts, but progress will be slow.


If you made it this far reading my ramblings congratulations and thanks, and may yo always roll sixes.

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I'll have to go on a PC and delete the footer image code, now that photo bucket are complete douches. I forgot I even had a sig image in the first place as I've been using the iOS version of the site for the last two years and it doesn't display them at all.



Edited by tu_shan82
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A little update, drilled out the barrels and got the last dude assembled while I listened to Faith No More's latest album, Sol Invictus. I seriously love that band, and was lucky enough to see them live just after they reunited back in 09 at a music festival here in Perth, and recommend them to anyone who likes good alternative rock/metal. Tomorrow I'll spray and then hopefully basecoat them.
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