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Heldrake model, a Flyer that isn't a Flyer


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So if I am looking at the Keywords right and if I have not missed a FAQ the Heldrake is flyer choice that has the keyword fly but not flyer. In simplicity this means that this beast can take to the sky and traverse great distances without having to remain airborne. So once it has moved it would basically land, correct?


Now, looking at my model on his flight stand I am wondering something to myself: Is it plausible to remodel the big boy where he is on the base sans the stand? Having watched some Game of Thrones I love seeing the dragons walk/stalk when they are on the ground. It is a weird, bestial gate of a predator and I want to see if I can even mimic that. Look at Maw-Krusha from the AoS line for example as well (heck, maybe I could use Maw-Krusha without the Mega-Boss)


Just wanted to get some opinions or see if any had this thought or done something similar already. I am very interested in converting and using such a model. The only thing I can think of is LoS would be lost and some old rule for gaming where you had to use the base size the mini was provided with.

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Point taken. It could fly and then kind of circle around wherever it goes a'la vultures when they spot a meal. I still just imagining it basically leaping around like the hulk, getting stuck in a fight, and then move on.


The rear legs are especially stubby so I would have to get crafty. I have been looking at the admech dune walker thing's legs so I could add some joints. On the front arms I am wondering about removing the wings, adding something akin to a ball joint, and reattach the wings. I can position it how I want plus it would give off the impression of flaps on a plane's wings with how they can adjust for flight.

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The AoS zombie dragon has quite a hunched over pose. With shorter legs (ironstrider? sentinel?) you could get that wingclaws on floor pose, then daemon engine it up with heldrake/admech bits (head, spine) and cabling. Would still probably be more nurgley than Iron Warriors though.


edit: the terrorgeist (which is the same kit, I think?) has that pose:



Edited by Arkhanist
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The AoS zombie dragon has quite a hunched over pose. With shorter legs (ironstrider? sentinel?) you could get that wingclaws on floor pose, then daemon engine it up with heldrake/admech bits (head, spine) and cabling. Would still probably be more nurgley than Iron Warriors though.


Even if you don't use the actual zombie dragon kit, using the crouching stance as a model for a reposed heldrake might be a good idea. The Heldrake's wings sweep forward rather than back, so I wonder if there is a way to flip them. If you increased the length of the back legs, it seems doable. 


Now I want to get my claws on a drake and try it out.

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Arkhanist: I cannot believe I forgot about that kit! That is the exact pose I really want. I do think you are on to something with more cabling, armor plates, and other goodies could convert that up NICE! If anything it will look sinister enough for chaos as it shows it became more daemonic that machine.


Azekai: As I was thinking earlier, on the front arms the wings are connected in the forward position. What I want to do is remove the wing from the arm and where those connections were add a ball joint and reattach the wing. That way you can position the wings folded up more or less for when it crawls. Kind of like fighter planes when they are on a carrier. Their wings folded up to take up less room. Kind of the same idea.

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A mate of mine converted a helldrake to look crouched over a ruin by using parts of the body on the maulerfiend kit.

If you could sneak a picture that would be great. I thought about using the maulerfiend arms but I am starting think they would be too big and make the heldrake look like a flying gorilla.

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So if I am looking at the Keywords right and if I have not missed a FAQ the Heldrake is flyer choice that has the keyword fly but not flyer. In simplicity this means that this beast can take to the sky and traverse great distances without having to remain airborne. So once it has moved it would basically land, correct?


Now, looking at my model on his flight stand I am wondering something to myself: Is it plausible to remodel the big boy where he is on the base sans the stand? Having watched some Game of Thrones I love seeing the dragons walk/stalk when they are on the ground. It is a weird, bestial gate of a predator and I want to see if I can even mimic that. Look at Maw-Krusha from the AoS line for example as well (heck, maybe I could use Maw-Krusha without the Mega-Boss)


Just wanted to get some opinions or see if any had this thought or done something similar already. I am very interested in converting and using such a model. The only thing I can think of is LoS would be lost and some old rule for gaming where you had to use the base size the mini was provided with.

"Flyer" is not a keyword. It's a battlefield role like Fast Attack and Heavy Support. The Heldrake is both, a "Flyer" and a unit with the FLY keyword. The difference to other "Flyer" is that he doesn't have the airbourne, super sonic and hard to hit special rules and doesn't have a minimum movement value. (Note that those all are special rules on the respectives units Datasheet. There is no set of rules for "Flyer" anymore.)


The reason for that difference most likely is because it's supposed to charge other units and be able to stay in combat with it...which wouldn't be possible if it had a minimum movement value and the airbourne special rule...and thus a hard to hit and super sonic special rule wouldn't make much sense either.



About your actual question: sure that's possible, however someone could claim that you are modeling for advantage (which would be a pretty ridiculous claim considering how easy it is to draw LoS in 8th).

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"Flyer" is not a keyword. It's a battlefield role like Fast Attack and Heavy Support. The Heldrake is both, a "Flyer" and a unit with the FLY keyword. The difference to other "Flyer" is that he doesn't have the airbourne, super sonic and hard to hit special rules and doesn't have a minimum movement value. (Note that those all are special rules on the respectives units Datasheet. There is no set of rules for "Flyer" anymore.)


The reason for that difference most likely is because it's supposed to charge other units and be able to stay in combat with it...which wouldn't be possible if it had a minimum movement value and the airbourne special rule...and thus a hard to hit and super sonic special rule wouldn't make much sense either.



About your actual question: sure that's possible, however someone could claim that you are modeling for advantage (which would be a pretty ridiculous claim considering how easy it is to draw LoS in 8th).


Thank you for clearing it up. I seriously look through the rulebook now and scratch my head a lot. Which is weird because the last few rulebooks were a pain. Any chance you would like to come to Austin, Texas? I need a 40k Mr. Miyagi!


My main concern is LoS more than anything. In my group we use quite a bit of terrain and the chances of him hiding or getting more cover would be exponential if he wasn't on that stand. I'm sure it wouldn't be a huge deal with some of my buds but I wonder if someone did this would it be rejected from a tournament?


I'll check if i have one saved somewhere. He sold that army a few years ago m

If you can that'd be great!

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For excessive conversions it's the same as it always has been. Ask the tournament orga beforehand (best with pictures). Every orga handles things differently.

However I doubt there'd be a problem in actual gameplay since one needs to see only a tip of a wing or antenna to be able to shoot at something and likewise you need only be able to draw LoS from your wingtip or antenna or pinky toe to be able to shoot at the enemy.


Also no, not interested in moving to america. Germany is just way too good to me for such a desperate move, thanks. :P

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For excessive conversions it's the same as it always has been. Ask the tournament orga beforehand (best with pictures). Every orga handles things differently.

However I doubt there'd be a problem in actual gameplay since one needs to see only a tip of a wing or antenna to be able to shoot at something and likewise you need only be able to draw LoS from your wingtip or antenna or pinky toe to be able to shoot at the enemy.


Also no, not interested in moving to america. Germany is just way too good to me for such a desperate move, thanks. :tongue.:

No no no, I said Texas. The real 'Murica, sir. Haha. I hear you though, I wouldn't mind going back to Germany.


I am certain the wings would give it away if I could position them the way I want. Plus, I would have the heldrake on top of some broken dread or other noteworthy kill, thus adding height to the mini.

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Thinking about it, I had this cool terrorgheist/maulerfiend conversion bookmarked for ideas (before DG lost drakes, mutter)


The pose is not what you're after obviously, but you can see the corrupted flesh, metal and greenstuff cabling approach.






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