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Hey all, I'm hoping this is the right place. If not, feel free to move it. I've been having a terrible time against DE this edition. I've been finding my armor melt against dark lances and my infantry getting demolished by dozens of shots.


My usual opponent plays a list with many lances and multi shot assault weapons on skimmers/flyers and I need some help! Does anyone have suggestions or experiences with the Dark Eldar?

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Keep your vehicles in cover for whatever good it does. Mortars will damage pretty much everything. Present more targets than he has shots. Counter deepstrike with scions. DE will almost always have the +1 to go first, its stupidly easy for them to combine a big chunk of their army in a couple drops on transports and deep strike the rest. Lasguns will hurt DE readily.

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You could go infantry heavy. Flood the board with lasguns and heavy weapon teams hidden inside infantry squads. Sprinkle in some commissars and have lots of commanders for orders. Lances can only kill one guardsman at a time.


Oh and air dropping melta/plasma scions to pop raiders.

Edited by Cap'm Heckus
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Dark eldar might be the only army that can hang with our shooting. Local guy plays a bunch of transports and jump pack troops. The jump guys have some 4 or 6 shot rifle. Honestly easy for him to delete a squad a turn.


Pile it on. Troops, troops, troops. He'll probably only be able to bring 6 or 7 units in their transports. Autocannon and missile launchers for transports. Then turn them into frag missiles and shred the infantry.


A defense line with a quad autocannon might be helpful. Bs5+kinda sucks, I wish it could be manned again.

Edited by mertbl
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DE are the quintessential glass cannon army, numbers are your friend to weather the storm and make sure you can keep dishing it out in return. Put cheaper squads as intercepts and pickets to keep him busy while your big hitters do the heavy lifting. A battle of attrition is one you should be well placed to win as Guard :tu: As mentioned this would be the perfect foe to roll out some Hydras against ;)

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