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I have been tempted to buy some Bullgryn's because they look really good. Just not sure what support they need? Valkyrie delivery is an option, chimera as well. Or spending the points to just get more of them and footslog them.


But what characters? I was thinking of an astropath to try and get the +1 save off, while using the 2+ save shield. Is a commissar neseccary? A priest?

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A priest is a must. Extra +1A gives either 6 or 5 S7, AP-2, D2 attacks on the charge. Which I've used to great effect to mince enemy warlords who think they're safe to IG in CC(Ork Warboss and SM Captains), also couple with a psyker for +1 to save, and -2Ld to larger units that I will charge. Edited by our_baz

The -2Ld ability doesn't seem great for large units, at most it will kill 2 more.  For that you'd probably be better off using the Gaze of the Emperor.  The Ld power would be nice against expensive, elite models, but those tend to be small in size and less susceptible to morale.

I run mine in a Valk with priest lord commissar with a power first and primaris psyker. Its expensive but its a lot of fun.

The other night they almost took out 2 NDKs turn 1 (after some fire support wittled off a few wounds first). Unfortunately my lord commissar failed his charge and my opponent got lucky on his invul saves leaving them both on 2 wounds left.


I give my psyker the +1 to save and the -2ld. The reason I like the leadership one is when youre out numbered it really helps taking out a few extra models potentially. I played necrons and with the -2 modifier I probably would have cleaned them out a turn earlier vs having them all respawn! Remember models that fail leadership can't come back via medics or re animation! ;)

The beam power seems to iffy for me. 2D6" + 4+ to hit/wound...


The priest is super helpful! The bone 'ead on the charge gets 6 WS3+ S7, Ap-1 D:2 attacks!!!


You can do this with a Chimera too, which I've done once when I was playing one of the Konor missions and we were defenders. I like the Valk because I play my bullgryns offensively.


Also as someone pointed out you only roll the dangerous terrain check if you go OVER 20"! So if you move exactly 20" no need to test. ;) and yes I have rolled 3 1's on my bullgryns exiting before .... :'(

Edited by duz_

Agree with duz on the -2ld, the extra models it removed for me was the difference between being tied up for an addition turn or not.

If u are after another large points sink, throw in Yarrick + priest with your bullgryns, for re-rolls of 1 to hit and re-roll hits against orks.

I think swapping the commisar for an inquisitor with terrify would be fun. Put them at -3 ld. Same profile as a commissar as well. Little more expensice though.


-3LD and no overwatch. That could easily wreck many units! 3 bullgryns, a priest, a astropath/ primaris pysker and an inqusitor in a valkyrie would be a brutal combination. But pricey! 

Tbh I'm sure pts wise you might be better of running a 4th one. Cheaper, more wounds and equivalent of the +1A from the priest.


Or if you want hyper competitive 3 prmaris psykers (because of their force staves and smite) are probably better than the 3 different ones.


Youre correct in that they're high LD so the commissars buffs really wont come into play. I just like running lord commissars with power fists though.


Depends what youre chasing fluff, pts efficiency or power.

4th doesn't leave room for any support or buffs, however. How about stacking Terrify with the Astropath's power? -5Ld seems brutal.


The inquisitor is a great idea if you don't have any other units in the vicinity. They also buff leadership and add another source of power denial.


I currently run a pair of chimeras filled with two engineer units, Yarrick, a commander, and an astropath. Adding a priest in that last slot, and running a third chimera with 4 bullgryns (or 3+ Nork?) seems like a fun addition.

My mistake, I read the previous post and assumes the power alone was -3. Still, that's a solid debuff, as if means even Ld8 models can lose as many as 2 more to battle shock if they suffer a single casualty. Killing just two models can wipe out a typical Ld8 elite 5-man unit which would otherwise ignore the test entirely.

Personally I walk mine across the table. With a 1+ Save and CC threat, they're meant to draw fire from the rest of my force. In tandem with advancing Hellhounds and Infantry it creates a multi-threat scenario. I normally hold them back 'til last so they can threaten something vulnerable that's out of position, causing my opponent to spend time reforming the line and moving units to support it.

Finally played with my Bullgryns this weekend. Only got 6 of 9 made in time but my word, what a unit! They stayed just behind my Infantry line for the first turn, strolled forward in the second and charged in the third turn. Staying with the bulk of my army means that I could move Yarrick about behind my lines to make his re-roll benefit whatever unit needed it most. Him with a Priest and Inquisitor supporting the 'gryns was devastating. Charged a bloat drone (No overwatch due to terrify) and ended up piling into a unit of Plague marines and some cultists as well. The drone and a few plaguemarine were squashed and the Bullgryns just ended up staying put for the whole game wrecking whatever went near them.


My next step is to put together the third box that I accidentally bought so I have a unit of 8 (Mauls, 6 2+ Shields and 2 4++ Shields) and a Nork. I'd always make sure I have at least a Priest nearby. Yarrick is potentially more useful elsewhere giving my FRFSRF squads his re-roll but I think a Command Squad with a medic would be really useful here as well.


Forgot to say an Astropath and Inquisitor are great support as well. +1 armour save is obviously useful but an Inquisitors Terrify power prevents overwatch. That can be a nasty surprise for flamer wielding troops that get charged. Having a psyker or two nearby gives them some deny the witch protection as well.

Edited by NatBrannigan

Priest, psyker and Strakken with 6 bullgryn weilding powermauls.

This gives 6-7 Attacks each on the charge => 37 attacks! 



37 Attacks => 24.67 hits => 20.55 Wounds => 17.12 Dead GEQs



37 Attacks => 24.67 hits => 16.44 Wounds => 8.2 Dead MEQs


37 Attacks => 24.67 hits => 16.44 Wounds => 5.5 Dead TEQs



Vs T8 Vehicle
37 Attacks => 24.67 hits => 8.22 Wounds 

Fairly lethal against anything. Though seem to shine in taking out a squad of Terminators on the charge!

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