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Anyone willing to break down the Codex Fluff?

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Confirmed, Nurgle is the only hope of survival against the 'nids


Inquisitor Orbiana thought so too.


The next thing she knew she was exploding into the physical manifestation of Ku'Gath and the Grey Knights were burning her flagship to ashes.

Yeah. Grey Knights are the ones dooming the galaxy. Damn white bread prudes, if you ask me.


"The Eisenstein is sighted"


I need an explanation on this one.

The Eisenstein was destroyed by Imperial Fist weapons fire (the Phalanx, after Garro & company were rescued). However, a spectral Eisenstein sometimes appears before big Death Guard attacks - and the example in the codex is described as a "latest example of an Eisenstein appearance".



The Great Rift broke time.


THings thought lost echo and come forth, The Eisenstein shall fairy one last loyalist home. =P


Ya, I'm in the boat as interested in hearing about T'au lore.



glad to see the deathgaurd lore appears to initially be decent.

Edited by Triszin

Any info on how they make more DG? I wasn't sure if they just steal geneseed, or if their own has mutated into something that can be used to infect people into becoming Death Guard from some of the fluff I read earlier.


thanks to someone for getting me a copy I can answer this.


Plague Surgeons also have another role upon the field of battle, one that has earned them the unending hatred of the Emperor’s Space Marines. Their surgical tools still include ancient, rust-furred reductors capable of cracking open the body of an Adeptus Astartes and extracting his gene-seed. While Plague Surgeons gather the mutated progenoids of their Death Guard brethren wherever they can – despite many having rotted to an untenable degree – they take a macabre glee in falling upon dead or dying loyalists, ripping the progenoid glands from their victims and spiriting them away from the battlefield. Some of this gene-seed is used in the creation of new Death Guard, while the fate of the rest is best left unspoken




Edited by Caldersson


Any info on how they make more DG? I wasn't sure if they just steal geneseed, or if their own has mutated into something that can be used to infect people into becoming Death Guard from some of the fluff I read earlier.


thanks to someone for getting me a copy I can answer this.


Plague Surgeons also have another role upon the field of battle, one that has earned them the unending hatred of the Emperor’s Space Marines. Their surgical tools still include ancient, rust-furred reductors capable of cracking open the body of an Adeptus Astartes and extracting his gene-seed. While Plague Surgeons gather the mutated progenoids of their Death Guard brethren wherever they can – despite many having rotted to an untenable degree – they take a macabre glee in falling upon dead or dying loyalists, ripping the progenoid glands from their victims and spiriting them away from the battlefield. Some of this gene-seed is used in the creation of new Death Guard, while the fate of the rest is best left unspoken





Would you say they're....genestealers?



I think it is interesting to see how well Death Guard do versus both the ancient as well as newer Xenos races. It kind of validates the arguments that the daemons and Lorgar made in The First Heretic - humanity needs to throw in its lot with Chaos in order to ensure the survival and galaxy-wide supremacy of the human species against the power of alien foes and to hedge against galaxy-wide events that drive major species to extinction every so often.

They produce them on their plague planet. There's mention of a lord who unleashed 7000 Foetid Bloat Drones. So if a single dude has that many of them at the ready (well they are his favorites) then the DG will have plenty of drones to throw around.

Any indication as to how DG ended up using so many drones (including the hauler)?


I mean, I know the Blight Drone was originally the Vulturax but there's no description of DG actually using Vulturax in 30K.

I think it's more that the blight and bloat drones are chaotic design evolution of the Vulturax, as opposed to being the actual automata itself. That being said, I'm going to convert one into a blight drone as I'm not a huge fan of the FW drone.

It's just one of those designs that turned out to be extremely affected by the powers of chaos. The 40k universe works like that. You have too many spikes and skulls on your stuff and like to fight close and personal? Guess it's likely you gonna turn to Khorne sooner or later.

To the question why especially Death Guard is using so many of those ... well they are kinda like big fat flies. Buzzing around the battlefield while your guys advance ... and everybody knows that a fly doesn't come alone. ;)

There are some good snippets on the 'why' of so many daemon engines like the drones, haulers, and the plaguecrawler in the codex. Much of the loyalist element of the Legion were tank crews who Mortarion had bombed to oblivion during Istvaan. Being as infantry-centric as Mortarion is, when it came to looking at replacing those losses within his legion he disliked the idea of wasting infantrymen crewing vehicles and so decided to enslave daemons to fulfill those roles instead.


Pretty simple, nice explanation of why that is the case now. 

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