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What are your experiences using CSM squads as troops in 8'th


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Now, thinking about building my Renedage and Heretics Auxilia Army, I think about csm like cheap support for hordes of militia or cultists. Still don't now, if this would work, I need to test it. But in my plan militia spreading all around the map along side with vehicles and marines will hold objectives or help to screen your vehicles or even militia. They don't allow enemy to get to anyone so easily and have more chances to survive. But it didn't work with fast of fly units or against deepstrikes. 

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I agree w Sheesh Mode. I used csm as flankers in rino, or have them use cover as best they can to get to an objective, and set them to action mid-game. But I see he also plays BL, as do I . Maybe the +1 Ld and the BL stratagem makes BL csm more usable then they are in other armies. Edited by chillin
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I agree w Sheesh Mode. I used csm as flankers in rino, or have them use cover as best they can to get to an objective, and set them to action mid-game. But I see he also plays BL, as do I . Maybe the +1 Ld and the BL stratagem makes BL csm more usable then they are in other armies.

It's the unit itself. 


Here's the important question: Do you hesitate to sacrifice your marines?

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Not if its a good trade, I'll gladly send them to the grinder. The issue usually is that when they hold the center I can't sacrifice them because then I lose the objectives. When I take cultists I always have another unit ready to pick up the slack.


If I take the marines on the flank, they don't have to hold the midfield so their brittleness isn't as important, I think you've found a pretty solid way to utilize them. Not as primary objective holders, but as the difficult but versatile units that they are. I tried a game using your strategy, but adapted to my army and though they didn't make up their points, they survived and held one objective and gave me line breaker. I ended up losing the game by one point, but it was more due to my own misplay. (Accidentally left a gap for deepstrike in my backfield)


I think with Black Legion, Alpha Legion or Renegades you can make CSM work pretty well, with Night Lords I think it's still better to avoid them, but if you have to take them, taking the pressure off them by keeping them on the flanks makes them a lot more viable.

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Well thats kinda the deal of marines in general.  If one wants to do what another army specializes to do one always fall short, even with them.


But they do have the advantage of not falling that short compared to others by their own nature of being jack of all trades.


The good thing is that now you can use different sorts of detachments to field the army you want with the codex you want. If you want choppy you can do a berzerker spam with big blobs of cultists as support. If you want shooty you can do a heavy support based army with csm as ground securing support (if they die a lot your big guns aren't doing it well)


But if you want to play an army that can stand their ground overall and supporting each other nicely (alongside buffs of course) csm squads are golden if you use them propperly and with good ranged support. If you need them to die, don't hesitate as long as it serves your purpose.

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I agree w Sheesh Mode. I used csm as flankers in rino, or have them use cover as best they can to get to an objective, and set them to action mid-game. But I see he also plays BL, as do I . Maybe the +1 Ld and the BL stratagem makes BL csm more usable then they are in other armies.

It's the unit itself.


Here's the important question: Do you hesitate to sacrifice your marines?

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I agree w Sheesh Mode. I used csm as flankers in rino, or have them use cover as best they can to get to an objective, and set them to action mid-game. But I see he also plays BL, as do I . Maybe the +1 Ld and the BL stratagem makes BL csm more usable then they are in other armies.

It's the unit itself.


Here's the important question: Do you hesitate to sacrifice your marines?

I wouldn't say that I "don't hesitate" to sacrifice my csm's . The only unit I'll just totally use as a speed bump, is summoned daemons. Csm's can hope out a fairly long time if you don't put them in a really bad position. Do I know that a lot/all of them will die ? Yes. But I don't just throw them away for no reason. Remember, they do have obsec , that alone makes them not chaff.

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