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How viable would a hellforged contemptor with twin autocannons or butcher cannons be?


They are a good unit, but they do not get the Legion trait by current RAW (Forgeworld may FAQ it, but I wouldn't count on it, as the wording for DG is explicitly different from Codex CSM.) So you can go with a regular helbrute and it can move and shoot without penalty, or do a FW dread and you take a penalty.

2 Hellforged Contemptors with butcher cannons and a Deredeo with butcher array sure they don't benefit from the trait but with the amount of firepower they can dish out that can cause multiple damage it should fine, plus I can use the Contemptors chwinclaws to murder most vehicles in combat as well as a few missile potshots from blight haulers or plague marines with overcharged plasma guns give me ample antitank for my army

Deredeo Dreadnoughts when my order arrives.


I've also made 6 Nurgle Obliterators from the blight king kits and a ton of old guard heavy weapons.


We are starting a campaign in our club and the only two chaos players and me and an Iron Warriors player.


I plan on an Iron Warriors spearhead with two lots of Obliterators, a chaos lord in terminator armour and an Plague Hulk for the later stages of the campaign. I think 24 strength 7-9, ap-1 to -3 shots with ignore cover on the Obliterators will do alright

I think I'll also ask my group of they're okay with Death Guard having rapier batteries because they make sense fluff wise.

Edited by radionausea

I ran a predator and a 'brute in my last game. Both were underwhelming and disappointing. Brute died to a rival dread and missed every shot(before the trait mind you, but still, a letdown) and the Pred got crippled trading shots with other tanks. My DP did more work then both combined. I'll give the Pred another shot, but the brute is getting swapped for a hauler or two asap.


Otherwise I'm thinking maybe some deepstriking blightlords with combimeltas

I was eyeing up three Blight-haulers to pull double duty as cover for my Plague Marines and Poxwalkers and pulling anti-armour. At 411pts it's a hefty investment but I'm not so sure even three multi-meltas and missile launchers will suffice. I'm considering a Predator also.

Edited by Lord Marshal

The only problem I have with the Butcher Cannon is it is only -1AP which is not quite sufficient vs 3+ armor. I wish the Contemptor could take LasCannons but it can't.


Lots of my SM opponents are running tri-Preds now which need to be dealt with.

Yeah, it really boggles my mind why chaos FW dreads are denied lascannons, but with mortis butchers, you're pumping out 8 S8 shots and the volume of fire can help make up for the lesser AP. 

I'll give the blight-haulers a shot starting out, backed up by a brute, combi-weapon terminators and plasma from PM squads I'll hopefully have enough AT fire for a small army. Going forward, though, I'll need to look at predators I think.


I wish there was a tank destroyer version of the crawler.


e; what I wish more is that meltas were an option for drones, but then nobody would want the haulers, so :wink:

Edited by A Kvlt Ghost

Could deepstriking blightlords work? Even in close combat with axes and aura of rust?

I find my opponents are getting really good at screening their vehicles with infantry. The combined 9" bubble from the vehicles in addition to the 9" bubble from infantry means I can't DS anywhere close for Melta.

The obvious choice are Blight Haulers. Another would be Helbrutes or Melta-Marines (Move/Advance and fire thanks to legion Trait.) Bloat Drones could work if you use Heavy Blight Launcher and have the Arch-Contaminator nearby. A Foul Blightspawn can melt tanks, but has to get really close. (and be lucky with the roles) The Crawler of course, although I prefer it as an assault tank.

Heavy armor is Nurgles weakness, Deathguard just like Daemons.

Plagueburst Crawlers are great at anti tank shooting.. I took 3 in my games yesterday (2 with entropy cannons 1 with plaguespitter) and they performed fantastically! and they are a real pain in the rear for your opponent with T8, 5++, DR and 12 wounds! the 4+ to hit was not the issue I thought it would be and the 1 point strat that allows it to move without penalty was really helpful when re-positioning was needed (which wasn't much)

AT has been a real concern for me as well when trying to design a list. I am not sold on the blight haulers just yet. The 4+ to hit bothers me and I can't quite bring myself to rely on it competitively. I might take a look at bringing in a CSM detachment with some havocs.

I'll be using Multimelta/Fist Helbrutes soon as I get them put together again. The lack of a Daemon save and Disgustingly Reslient is sad, but I love Helbrutes and the model looks great alongside the newer gribbly mutated Death Guard kits. Can't vouch for their effectiveness yet though.

I'll be using Multimelta/Fist Helbrutes soon as I get them put together again. The lack of a Daemon save and Disgustingly Reslient is sad, but I love Helbrutes and the model looks great alongside the newer gribbly mutated Death Guard kits. Can't vouch for their effectiveness yet though.


I love the helbrute models but the model/rules disconnect really bothers me... With all the flesh and bone on the model I cannot fathom why they arent Daemon Engines... There is more flesh on the Helbrutes than the Mauler/Forge Fiends and Heldrakes combined... It literally makes no sense...

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