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You can use the models, because you can use power armoured models with lightning claws and jump packs (e.g. vanguard veterans) but you cannot use the 30K rules. Not only didn't they exist when 30K and 40K were somewhat compatible, but nowadays 30K isn't even based on the current 40K rules.

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I hope its OK if i use this topic for my questions.

My "problem" is that i really like the dark furies and have a few of them :blush.:





Vanguard veterans with dual claws are kinda OKish but i want to add 5 additional models (because i have five 30k destroyers left) and i'm about to decide what wargeat they should have.

I'm thinking four storm shields and one fist/hammer. the shields because they die to easy (and the shields are kinda cheap pointwise) and the fist to add some hitting power.


yeah so how would you go about equipping the additional veterans and anybody know where to get some nice raven guard fitting storm shield?

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You mean like these?




If you just want cheap bodies for the 3++ SS + axe seem to be the best way to go or with a bolt pistol

The SS + TH / PF requirement of 7th isn't as important these days due to no initiative steps and being able to select casualties.

Those dark furies are awesome I so want some but $$$! Damn FW and their pricing!

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