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Wishful thinking - Abby out of stock?


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Doesn't mean anything. Many things go out of stock and come back at a later date. Could be just a re-package with included Datasheet etc.


ah ok, well that is disappointing, I was looking at getting into Chaos after reading Black Legion novel, but this dude looks more cartoony than Rick and Morty LOL.

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I just dont get that ae, it clearly was far worse than Ahriman or Typhus put together, its just nonsense that this relic is still walking the boards of 2017...


I think some of the Eldar models might be the oldest in the range. Early 90s rings a bell.


Didn't Fabulous and Abaddon come in a box set in the mid 90s first time round?

Edited by OnboardG1
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I must be the only one who actually likes the current plastic CSMs. I mean an update would be nice, but I personally don't mind them.


A new Abaddon would be welcome for certain though. The old model is a classic but it's kinda static and too damn small. Abaddon needs to be HUGE, he's described as being an absolute giant even by Astartes standards in the fluff.

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Yeah, you are in a rare club.:happy.:  It is still usable and everything but it is lagging so far beyond recent releases. I almost want to say the same about the terminators but their only fallback is the silly daemon faces here and there on the legs.

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Oh they are definitely less detailed than more modern kits (such as Raptors) but they are still OK in my book. I actually quite like the more spartan detailing as it allows for more flexibility with conversions and the like. And some of the parts, especially the "skull" helmets and chaos star mounted servo-skulls, are go-to components for me. A new kit would definitely be nice though.

As for the Terminators, my biggest problems with them are the crotches, which have large "filled in" areas due to the various adornments and the limitations of the molds. I actually like the daemonic daces on the legs.

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Abaddon came out between 3 and 3.5 not much older than the current basic CSM kit we have now, along with the zerks


No, Abaddon's model is a good bit older than that.  He was out in 2nd edition.  You can see him on the first page of the color section in this retro review of the 2nd edition CSM codex:  https://youtu.be/YaTW1Wg3hqo?t=11m


He desperately needs a new model, and I'd be shocked if there wasn't a design ready for production, but it seems they're holding it back for now.  Which probably means we won't see it until the next CSM codex, most likely appearing alongside whatever the CSM counterpart for primaris marines ends up looking like.  Maybe in a triumvirate with new models for Bile and Huron.


Unless GW decides to kill him off.  I don't personally expect that to happen, but they have to do something big with him one way or another for Abaddon to still matter in the setting now that the various primarchs are coming out of the wood work.


I wouldn't expect any big developments for Abby either way for another couple years, though.

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Abaddon came out between 3 and 3.5 not much older than the current basic CSM kit we have now, along with the zerks

No, Abaddon's model is a good bit older than that.  He was out in 2nd edition.  You can see him on the first page of the color section in this retro review of the 2nd edition CSM codex:  https://youtu.be/YaTW1Wg3hqo?t=11m


He desperately needs a new model, and I'd be shocked if there wasn't a design ready for production, but it seems they're holding it back for now.  Which probably means we won't see it until the next CSM codex, most likely appearing alongside whatever the CSM counterpart for primaris marines ends up looking like.  Maybe in a triumvirate with new models for Bile and Huron.


Unless GW decides to kill him off.  I don't personally expect that to happen, but they have to do something big with him one way or another for Abaddon to still matter in the setting now that the various primarchs are coming out of the wood work.


I wouldn't expect any big developments for Abby either way for another couple years, though.

The thing with Abaddon is that he's supposed to be the "big bad", the mastermind behind the Chaos menace, the one that pulls the strings, the "final boss", if you will. And you know what's the thing with final bosses? If there's another boss after them that's just as big and bad if not more, then they're not the final boss anymore, are they? That's why I think we won't be seeing Abaddon until at least the four Cult Legions and their Primarchs are done. Maybe even after Lorgar and Perturabo, if they get models too. If they released any of the Daemon Primarchs after Abaddon, they'd steal all the thunder old no-arms could muster.


Maybe he'll come along with the two (living) Undivided Primarchs in one big Chaos Undivided/vanilla CSM release, but that's it. They're trying to tell us he's the biggest threat against the Imperium, so he's not gonna show up until he's ready to make a move towards Terra, with every available Daemon Primarch following him.

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I just dont get that ae, it clearly was far worse than Ahriman or Typhus put together, its just nonsense that this relic is still walking the boards of 2017...


I think some of the Eldar models might be the oldest in the range. Early 90s rings a bell.

Yeah, but those are Goodwin models, who is the GOAT.  I mean the man's name has both "good" and "win" in it.

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