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So, termies, close combat SS and TH, or as shooters with canon / missile launcher? I am thinking of 2 squads, storm bolters and canons in each squad, teleporting 12 inches  from the enemy, opening up, falling back if they charge, opening up, and rinse and repeat, trying to stay in multishot range for the storm bolters.


I am skeptical of using close combat because my other army is Black Templars, and while CC termies with SS and TH are amazing, overall marines are not the best at CC when other armies have better tactics. This is why I am switching to a total shooting army, such as Ultramarines. My Black Templars were most successful as a shooting army, even with Helbrect and the Emperors Champ, despite those amazing characters, in CC they weren't enough.


So how do you use your termies?

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I typically run something like what you're thinking - 2x 5-man squads (Storm Bolters and Missile Launchers) along with Calgar to teleport in near a flank/backfield - re-rolls to hit on the Bolters make for a lot of dead infantry. It's been pretty successful so far.


I'd like to run them both as Cataphractii (losing the CMLs for the invul save), but I don't have the minis.

Edited by KhorneHunter57x

It seems if you're teleporting them you would be better with shooty terms, they can distract your opponent for a turn ot two, maybe, then teleport to your beacon somewhere safer once the enemy has been pulled out of position. That's what I'm thinking of doing. It's even okay if they get into combat, obviously it would be preferable if you charged, but you can still disengage and make a tactical teleport if you don't want them in CC.


If you want CC termies you'll need a way to deliver them without relying on a 9" charge, slightly less risky for BT.


Still thinking whether Cataphractii is worth the extra point over our standard Terms considering they can't take an AC or CML - do you want the extra dakka or the extra survivability? 



Specifically, I'm looking at:


5 Terms with Assault Cannon or 5 Cata's w/ 2x lightning claw and a grenade harness on the sergeant. 

Edited by Meatcaber

Cataphractii are incredibly tough to crack but lack a killing edge from their firepower. 4 shots each and D6 extra from a grenade harness is ok but won't be decisive except for killing infantry without a 2+ save.


You also need to teleport them in at the right point. If they drop in the wrong part of the battlefield they'll be overwhelmed and that's a problem.


Personally I use them with twin Bolters and a close combat weapon. It gives them 4 shots each within 12" and still an effective close combat force. I certainly appreciate twin lightning claws however as they retain a superior invulnerable save. Each model has an Iron Halo!

My approach is much the same as Captain Idaho's. I use Cataphractii as my shock troops, dropping one or two squads (depending on game size) with a Captain on one flank. Mine are exclusively power fist models with combi-bolters, a heavy flamer, and a grenade harness. For 243 points they're a solid block that's hard to remove, dishes out fairly good anti-infantry firepower (re-rolling 1s for the Captain) and very good melee face wrecking (again re-rolling 1s). With two squads and the Captain (along with CPs) there's a pretty good chance of at least one squad getting into combat and with their 2+/4++ (3++ on the Captain) I'm not too worried about Overwatch.


The rest of my army are Cyclone Terminator Squads and Venerable Dreadnoughts, along with Calgar for the copious re-rolls. Obviously Terminator armies are too small for me to sacrifice a squad to gain another character, so I only have two in 2000 points.

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