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Supreme Command detachment as battle support


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Hello folks,

returning from the void for the new edition of my favourite tabletop game, and trying to bring my long ago started Fleshtearers into my games. Looking for some input if this sounds playable or not. I mainly play Codex Marines and do not focus on close combat, so I intend to support my battle line with some deepstrike/assault capabilities with this detachment.

All models are/will be equipped with Jump Packs (magnetized, just in case it doesn't work out):

- Captain with flexible weapons (currently Powerfist and Lightning Claw from some older edition nonsense, thinking dual claws)

- Sanguinary Priest (still in blister. thinking chainsword and inferno pistol here)

- Lemartes

- Death Company (full strength, 15 models) with a mix of close combat weapons and assorted pistols


The general idea would be to stay in reserve and deepstrike when and where needed, or to hide behind some LOS blocking terrain (we usually play with quite a lot of cover), and to jump important targets. Haven't played with these models yet, but from the Index it sounds like DC is very fragile, with no invul save, no shields, no nothing.

I was also toying with the idea of exchanging the captain with a librarian and to pray for the Shield of Sanguinius. So please, does this sound awful or is it a solid choice? I do not play tournaments, and we usually only play with power points, not full point costs in our group.


Cheers, vorticone

Edited by vorticone
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No need to pray for Psychic powers. You are now allowed to choose your Psychic powers and Warlord Traits in 8th edition so you tactics no longer hinge on a few initial rolls.


Shield of Sanguinius is a very good power for many of our valuable units and a Librarian is always handy for countering the psychic shenanigans of other races. If you already have Lemartes to lead the Death Company, I would definitely take a Librarian instead of a Captain since Lemartes provides the DC with rerolls to hit in CC meaning that the Captain's bonus would be wasted.


DC are a bit lacking at the moment costing the same points as Khorne Berzerkers yet hitting about half as hard in CC. The 6+ to ignore wounds will kick in every once in a while but will likely only save 2-3 models, even in a full 15-man squad. A Sanguinary Priest is a good inclusion as well as his +1S bubble will affect a lot of attacks. I like to keep my Sanguinary Priests cheap as there is a 50% chance of them freezing for a turn if you try to use them to resurrect a fallen model.

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DC with JP, bolters and chainswords are ace. Keep the cost right, stay away from hard targets and profitt. Do not go crazy on the upgrades. The combination of JP (12"+ JPA), bolter, chainsword and black rage is potent. In a 15 strong unit I recomend 2 -3 TH, 15 bolters and 12 - 13 chainswords. Start on the board and jump from cover to cover or JPA into cover and bolter range, then set up for a next turn charge.


Many times I´ve seen people invest too many points in DC units (all power weapons, pistols of all sorts), and try to ram them into the hardest target they can find. There are so many ways that can fail: get shot up before CC, tied down by chaff, failing a charge move when arriving from tactical reserves and so on. IMO the best option is a "low cost" blender: 220 pts nets you 10 good looking guys with JP, 10 bolters, 9 chainswords and 1 thunderhammer.


There is little need to fish for the 9" charge when arriving from tactical reserves. No blanket rules; IF you can find a spot with good los blocking and sevearal potential soft targets, you can gamble on it and spend a CP for a reroll. Usually landing at 9.01" and fishing for a charge results in dead DC but if you are behind a wall in a ruin that might block some of the returning fire, or you can land in a forest/jungle/crater on the flanks and shoot the bolters and plan for some close combat action the next turn.


Edit: I did not read the OP well enough and included points in my post :-/ When using PL, I would go all-in-bonanza!!! 15 TH and plasma pistols

Edited by Are Verlo
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Powerpoints is good enough for us bloody casuals, but point costs are always good to keep in mind. And well, I won't go full bonanza with the gear as I do not like this kind of munchkinism/powerplay, and I like to keep my units "reasonable".


Small question though: why chainswords only and no power swords/axes?


As a side note, Thunder Hammer is an exclusive choice. So no hammer and pistols on the same model. Unless I read it wrong.

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Thunder Hammer is an exclusive choice on DC but I think that is simply to reflect that the model in the kit is holding it 2-handed. Other units can take a hammer and another weapon (or storm shield).


Chainswords are good because they give +1 Attack which is harder to come by in 8th edition now that most units no longer get charge bonuses (DC aside of course). Personally I think a few power swords are a good buy on the DC. 4 points to make all those attacks AP-3 will make them a lot more effective against tough infantry or even tanks at a pinch. Even Orks are going to make those 6+ saves sometimes. :wink:

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Sounds like fun!  


My experience with multibuffed units leaves me wanting to put a word of warning out about bubble buffs.  On paper layering those buffs looks oh so juicy.  In practice I have left my buffers behind or had my characters charge off alone so often that I now avoid looking into bubble buffs for melee completely and stick to buffing static shooters like Devastators and Preds.  This leaves Death Co in an awkward predicament cause alone they don't measure up. I recommend playing a few games proxy and seeing if you have better luck than I do keeping our superfriends together!

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