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Finished up my simple display board last night.




And yes I know it's not really Raptors colors...I just like my paint scheme so it's a RG/Raptors successor chapter I guess. Yet Issodon is still rocking his Raptor's shoulder pad. I just like to paint him and my scouts all black, because as we know black is truly stealthy... 

Edited by Noxnoctis22

Agreed, this looks great! I like the idea of painting scouts and Issodon black - it distinguishes them from the rest of your force but still make sense for stealth units.


I've played my first game of 8th edition last weak, albeit at 1000 pts, and numbers/staying power seems to be a problem in this edition still for Marine players. I won the game with the 5th turn dice roll with only 6 models left, five of them scouts. It seems like we definitely need to play aggressive and focus on high priority targets, that is those that can easily destroy our low model count units. I'm eager to see how you fare in a tournament and what works best for Raptor style of play.


Good luck! Report back when you can. 

Thanks for the feedback!


A little story about the "black" Scouts...So when I was playing my first 5-man sniper squad I was debating starting a new chapter/army of Space Marines but wasn't sure where I was going with it. So I had the great idea to paint all my Scouts black/khaki in the future so they could be used with any chapter I was going to play. I ended up with 15 Scouts you see there plus a 5-man CCW squad not shown.


A year ago was my first GT and I was running my Raven Guard army (same purple guys seen above) with a handful of Scouts. When a painting judge came by and asked me a few questions about the lore of my army and such he asked "Why are the Scouts not painted in the standard chapter colors?". I told him it was because these Scouts operate deep behind enemy lines and if they're encountered or captured the enemy will never know where they came from. They won't crack under pressure and give away any details about their true chapter. Even their LSS would be all black with no chapter markings! It was totally off the cuff but it worked wonders.


When I made my Issodon model it was because I was bored, had an extra Raptor shoulder pad from my Deathwatch army and thought this might be fun. So I painted him black like the scouts to keep with his sneaky sneaky ways. Now I see it as he's leading those Scouts as they are the best of the best around. With this army Issodon and those Scouts are assisting a Raptors successor chapter in the battles to come....

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