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I field elysians with 16 units dropped during deployment. Lots of heavy weapon teams, 3 aircraft, 2 of each dune buggy, 4 sentinels, 3 Cyclops and officers, squads and vet squads. I do ok. Chaos armies who go monstrous creature heavy give me a hard time if I don't take their big guys down in a timely manner. I refuse to use conscript crap.

Edited by Galron

I usually run fairly infantry heavy, artillery and Fast Attack being favourites too and 8th has been kind there. Admittedly much is down to 8th giving a boost to hordes, but point drops to infantry go a long way on top. I've not touched my Russ collection, but I'm enjoying infantry being viable and solid too much to feel it yet. Despite having quite a few Chimeras I barely took more than a couple usually so their ills haven't impacted me much.


Load up on units and the Command Points that come with them and you can build capable lists with redundancy and options :smile.: The re-rolls there can make and break games so having some to fall back on without having to ration too much is the icing on top :tu:

Recently I have been using an aggressive force based on 5 hellhounds, 15 scions + prime, eversor assassin, hades breaching drill and shotgun squad, 2 cyclopses and 50 conscripts as my advance force. With 20 guardsmen (2 autocannons), 6 mortars, 3 lascannons, manticore and a basilisk in the back blowing stuff up. With the usual 3 officers, 1 commy and 3 psykers. 


I have run a variant of this list for the past 7(ish) games and have won 6/7. Dam necrons and their quantum shielding.......... well, mainly it was an eversor assassin failing to do one wound on a necron overlord.... 8attacks! 7 hits, 5 wounds and all 5 saved on a 4+...... Need more sacrifices to the dice gods. 

Right now I'm undefeated in 8th. Running 60 conscripts, 40 infantry as well as specialists/officers. To support the infantry i'm running 4 earthshaker batteries and 4 flyers and the required 3 sentinel fast attack tax for my brigade, its been a fairly potent combination so far. To be fair, a good number of my opponents so far have been smaller elite style armies and they run out of steam before the game ends, but I've fought some hoard-lite style armies and my list has been flexible enough to take them on as well.

I had my first game of 8th vs Dark Eldar last weekend.  Me and a fellow Guard commander were allied, with him bringing the bodies and me bringing the fancy stuff.  We have very different play styles which is always a lot of fun, with him as the hammer and me as the scalpel. 


We were just trying to table each other as neither me or my friends were very well versed in the rules to start with.  By the end it had ground to a stalemate but I was very happy with how the guard performed given our list building was very rushed and not optimized at all (we didn't get any extra CP over the standard 3).


With my sample size of 1 game, I found the units that people have raved about were so-so, and the things people tend to avoid were quite good.  My MVPs were a veteran squad camping in a building with a lascannon and sniper rifles.  Split fire on these guys is amazing and they were taking out HVT's everywhere while not being expensive enough for my opponent to target until it was too late for him.  Also took my Vendetta who dropped 3 bullgryns where they were needed, then dropped into hover to provide fire support.  With 14 wounds and zooming not being as strong as it was before, I was happy to use this thing as a big hover tank.  The damage output of an average 3 lascannon hits per turn was amazing, finishing off a Talos, Chronos and a Raider.  My plasma scion squad was far from great, even with overcharging and the reroll 1's order going off automatically, I put this down to bad rolls though, will definitely keep taking them.  My allies conscripts were also very average, although they certainly took some heat off my armour.


Other thoughts: I sort of miss the fun unpredictability of blast templates (although my ally doesn't, I used to danger-close his conscripts so much).  The explodes dynamic and lack of armour facings drastically changes how I used my vehicles.  Overall the new game was far easier to pick up and have fun with than we had hoped, and the whole thing just seems to work really well.

To be fair, a good number of my opponents so far have been smaller elite style armies and they run out of steam before the game ends, 


I've found this with my Guard. I can just play the attrition game all day long and grind my opponents down to a tipping point where they stop inflicting meaningful damage and I start to overwhelm them. :)


In fact, my latest list is designed around it, haha. Everyone seems to be going hard on the deep-strike, first turn, alpha-strike strategies these days, so my late game sleeper army of consistent, withering firepower does better than most expect.


I need practice playing faster though.

I'm loving 8th! I've won 2 lost 2!

My theme for my army at the moment is Krieg with Primaris Ultramarines.

Means I can field my Krieg whilst I build them up!

My best units are undoubtedly my Deathriders.

I'm playing vs a Khorne themed Chaos Marines this Saturday, hopefully I can chalk up another win!

I definitely need to get my timing right as to when to bring on my outflanking Deathriders.

Either way I'm having a lot of fun!

Faired well in the 4 games I've played. Defeated BT, Orks ans Ad Mech. Losing to DA. Only played max of 1500 pts. The core of my amry (@1500 pts) is based around 5 Inf Squads, Bullgryns (4 man squad) and a Bassy and LRBT. The MVP's are usually my Bullgryns. My Bassy is somewhat hit and miss. It either massacres what it shoots at, or wiffs badly. I've also found my LRBT to be a realabile remover of MEQ equivalents.  I've also found taking 2 Psykers at 1500pts in be really useful, being able to throw out mortal wounds and save buffs are a great addition from a dirt cheap psyker.

I lost my first game of 8th because I had a smattering of units to see how they do. After that every game the opponent has ceded half way through my turn 2 of shooting. I'm one of the few people in my gaming group that goes big (even with my SM I'll put 60+ bolters on the ground) they tend to do elite small armies that just don't have the staying power. 


I have done the experimental list that had just about 1 of every unit in it, mech and foot guard. Foot guard seems to do the best as was expected. 

I've only played a couple games so far in 8th...lost the first (to be fair, was my first 40k game in almost ten years), tabled my opponent the second.   I've been running a mix of infantry, and i've been proxying my old griffons as wyverns...those things are nasty.  Haven't used any russes unfortunately, mostly Chimera-chassis tanks.  Proxied a hellhound for my second game, and it seemed my opponent (Orks player) couldn't land a decent shot on it while it's flamer cannon burned through his boyz.  It's been a lot of fun to be sure!  Not playing as much as I would want to, wedding planning has been taking up most of my free time at the moment, so Ive been spending what 40k time I have stripping and repainting my dudes.  

I've played a fair amount of 8th edition games (probably 20+ at this point). So far I've loved artillery (Manticores and basilisks are my go-to units). I've found mortar squads effective if you can play at least 3 of them and keep them near a source of rerolls, otherwise they just don't pack enough OOMF for me.


Conscripts and Hellhounds have also been shining stars in my lists. I want to get some bull/ogryns next, since I have none.


To echo what others have said, my poor LR tanks have barely left their shelf. They cost too much and are too vulnerable for me at the moment. However, my Shadowsword does some serious work. Nuked a Stormsurge in 2 turns (only because he made good invuln saves turn 1) over the weekend.

Fairly certain vendettas can't transport bullgryn.


Also took my Vendetta who dropped 3 bullgryns where they were needed, then dropped into hover to provide fire support.



You are correct: 


This model can transport 12 ASTRA MILITARUM INFANTRY models. Each Heavy Weapon Team or Veteran Heavy Weapon Team takes the space of two other models. This model may not transport OGRYNS.


Maybe he meant Valkyrie? They can transport Ogryns...

... which is kind of idiotic, really. Theyre the exact same chassis with different guns. They should either allow Ogryns in both, or disallow them in both. The way it currently is is just stupid...



I could buy that if adding HB sponsons limited the transport capacity a bit ( I mean, youve got two extra guys, two huge guns and a lot of ammo to worry about), but as it is... not really. Especially when you consider the size of the batteries for lascannons carried by infantry...

Maybe he meant Valkyrie? They can transport Ogryns...


No, because Valks can´t hit with 3 Lascanons average per turn.


Also took my Vendetta who dropped 3 bullgryns where they were needed, then dropped into hover to provide fire support.  With 14 wounds and zooming not being as strong as it was before, I was happy to use this thing as a big hover tank.  The damage output of an average 3 lascannon hits per turn was amazing, finishing off a Talos, Chronos and a Raider.


Yeah, was gunna say when I read this yesterday, but didn't want to comment as I wasn't sure. Shows how he felt the Vendetta was much better than people say it is though, he wasn't playing it right! :P

My Guard have been beasts so far. I haven't lost yet and only 1 draw in 6 games. I'm not even using a really nasty list, no conscripts, a few Scions in half the games.


Infantry squads are excellent now with the right character support. I've used Bullgryns for the last two games and they're immense. Not used to having such a dominant close combat unit at my disposal.


Looking forward to the new code and actually hope we get toned down a bit (or others get more powerful) because I don't like being a high tier army!


8th edition has really put the fun back in the game for me. All the rules that slowed down the game / were confusing / I always forgot are gone but I haven't noticed a reduction in tactical choices so that's a solid win for everyone.

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