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Disciples of the Apocalypse (Possessed marines!)

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I few weeks ago I decided to start a new army whilst at the FLGS.  I saw the favoured of chaos bundle and thought that 2 boxes of them would make a nice small starting chaos army.  So I grabbed a couple of boxes and a hellbrute box.


The new army is going to be a dual god army... Tzeentch/Slaanesh combo.  Lore experts, feel free to rip into my choice... im sure there is plenty wrong with combining these two.   


My short term goal is to field the following list in the next 2 months.


Vanguard Detachment (Chapter Tactics: Renegades)




Daemon Prince with Wings, Slaanesh, dual malefic talons, delightful agonies

Sorcerer with jump pack, force axe, Slaanesh, intoxicating elixir, diabolic strength, warptime



10 possessed marines with the icon of excess, x 3 


This list is obviously not too tricky at the moment but I hope to add some more subtle things going up to 2000 points.  The core of it will remain the same... a 60 wound wall of bodies that moves real fast and can advance and charge backed up with jacked up characters with psychic support.  


So far I painted 2 models.. they are about 95% done.. I will work on the bases later once I have most of the possessed marines assembled and primed.






Future plans for this list...


1. 2 units of obliterators.. to obliterate stuff

2. 2-3 hellbrutes with tentacles and fists

3. a second daemon prince(already purchased)

4. a exalted champ with the murder sword (already purchased and painted)

5. a blob of daemonettes for summoning shennanigans

6. fiends of slaanesh to tie up vehicles and be generally obnoxious

7. chaos spawn!  I really like these models and I like gift of chaos... so Im gonna need a few of these for when I turn the enemy warlord into a writhing mass of tentacles/claws/teeth and slime under my command.

8. Khorne and nurgle themed stuff.  Any suggestions? 


Edited by SanguinaryGuardsman
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They're looking really nice. Keep up the good work!


As with all things Chaos you can always find a reason to shoe-horn in things that don't gel at first. A daemonic pact here, a cursed relic there, a temporary alliance every so often. Easy done! Besides, Tzeentch's main rival is Nurgle (although Khorne holds no love for him either) so having a Tzeentch/Slaanesh combo is perfectly fine in my books. I don't think I've ever seen it done before, so I look forwards to seeing more of this!

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The fluff for my own warband is an alliance between a splinter of Emperor's Children (the Mercurial Legion) and an exiled exalted sorcerer... the fluff works if you have a story for it, and chaos gets the best stories. ;)


I humbly suggest you run possessed with banners and give at least one of your psykers prescience. That way possessed can generate extra attacks on a 4+, which helps mitigate when you roll low for them.

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The fluff for my own warband is an alliance between a splinter of Emperor's Children (the Mercurial Legion) and an exiled exalted sorcerer... the fluff works if you have a story for it, and chaos gets the best stories. :wink:


I humbly suggest you run possessed with banners and give at least one of your psykers prescience. That way possessed can generate extra attacks on a 4+, which helps mitigate when you roll low for them.

Yeah I figured that out already... all 3 groups of possessed will have icons and the sorc or dp will get prescience.  I feel that chaos got all kinds of psyker synergy that space marines did not.  Although space marines do have a bigger armoury of toys.  So I guess it evens out.


One of the main reasons I wanted to go with a dual god setup is to make it easier to branch out later.  I could turn the slaanesh stuff into emperors children, the tzeentch stuff into 1k sons or make them a black legion army if I wanted.

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Having a background Story is nice, but do not stop yourself from utilizing the strength of chaos. Versalitity and tailor made units its what CSM are about. Especially if you play Renegade and thus have to leave our best stratagem at home. Be crazy, use what you like and then build it into your story. Its named chaos for a reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just did a test run on my army's main force... the possessed.  I tested out 2 different colour schemes.


1. Purple/violet dominant with bright blue flesh highlights


2. Bright Blue dominant with pink flesh



I think Im going to just be a bit unhinged about this and use both of these colour schemes because chaos needs to be chaotic and nothing is more chaotic than possessed marines.  I have been painting nothing but black(Raven Guard) for over a year now  so I thought id go really far in the other direction and make this army really bright/annoying.  Any comments or criticisms would be apperciated.











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