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That's a real interesting question. I would say no because the wording on Fix Bayonets! is;


The ordered unit immediately fights as if it were in the fight phase



The operative part being "As if it were in the fight phase", where it would not be able to take the reroll 1.

It states "in the fight phase" logic dictates that his buff doesn't work. But technically the order is in the shooting phase. Tricky one. Personally I would say no since it doesn't make sense for it to work with bayonets one round and not the other. Though fluff wise, I could let it slide with harker being harker and all that. 

Sgt Harker's special rule:

  • Harker's Hellraisers: You can reroll 1s to hit in the shooting phase for friendly catachan units within 6" of Sgt Harker. 


The Fix bayonets rule:

  • This order can be issued to units within 1" of an enemy unit. The ordered unit fights immediately as if it were the fight phase. 



Considering the fact that orders are completed in the shooting phase and that Harker's special rule doesn't specify that you have to be shooting in the shooting phase; it just says "in the shooting phase". In addition it doesn't matter if you are acting as if it is the fight phase because it isn't - because if it were the fight phase then you wouldn't be able to issue your order in the first place!

 I'm going to be inclined to say that Harker's special rule can be used here.


Edited by The Catachan Devil

No, Harker's rule specifically states "You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase for friendly CATACHAN units within 6" of Sergeant Harker" The roll to hit is explicit.



Edited, thanks. Missed the word "hit" out.



But still, I believe the Fix bayonets would still benefit from harker's SR 

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