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Plague marines. alternative ideas.


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hey guys, 


I am wanting to include a squad of plague marines in my army, however I don't like the factor of the individual models being mutated by nurgle, and was wondering if I would be able to blag that my squad of men want to serve nurgle, but without suffering the rot virus etc, by making a deal with nurgle to spread his wondrous plagues in battle through customized weaponry. 


I will soon upload a sketch of the design ideas I had in mind to make this work, and to represent their special Resilient perk I'm thinking either extra armor or a breacher shield on the models?


Any feed back will be appreciated. thank you !!! btw my army is Alpha legion.  

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as always with proxies and "counts as" your opponent on the day might not like it, it completely depends on your group

i think shields would be misleading (as they dont actually have shields)


weathering, rust, maybe some iconography - something that makes it visually easy to identify them as a cult squad 

(ie: noise marines can take bolters, but i'd still give them pink shoulders and some slaanesh icons to show that theyre not normal marines)


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If you just want Nurgle devoted Chaos Marines you could always just take any Chaos Marine unit and give it a Mark of Nurgle. No need to go all the way and take Plague Marines. Those are the ones especially blessed by papa Nurgle with lots of mutations after all.


Anyway I agree with everything CrimsonReign said above. Especially on the first two points.

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thank you for the feedback i agree the shield maybe misleading, I think doing rust and nurgle markings on the shoulder pad is a good idea, I am also going to add a respirator tube on the helmets also to add to the nurgle theme, and have a cylinder on the back of each model with papa Nurgle's disease, with a wire connecting to the bolter, to make it seem that each bolter round is covered in rot and disease. you think these changes would be enough to symbolize they are plague marines. 

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There's a lore snippet in the new codex where a bunch of Imperial Guard beseech Nurgle for salvation. He responds by stuffing every seventh soldier full of the disease, rot, warp stuff, etc his comrades would share, whilst leaving the rest of them pristine and unaffected. After mercy killing those seventh, they join up with the Death Guard.


So yeah, it's not out of the question to have a 'cleaner' look.

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There's a lore snippet in the new codex where a bunch of Imperial Guard beseech Nurgle for salvation. He responds by stuffing every seventh soldier full of the disease, rot, warp stuff, etc his comrades would share, whilst leaving the rest of them pristine and unaffected. After mercy killing those seventh, they join up with the Death Guard.


So yeah, it's not out of the question to have a 'cleaner' look.

Comparing traitor Guardsmen with Plague Marines REALLY is a stretch tho. ^^

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Hasn't Nurgle been more picky with mutations actually? Rot and Festering yes. But mutations? Not so much.


And as far as I know being blessed by papa Nurgle isn't painful. Those diseases Actually Feel good as long as you're devoted to the grandfather.

Stomach mouths tell me that Nurgle doesn't mind mutations. ^^

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Back in 5th ed for my count as plague Marines for my Iron Warriors, I used some chaos warrior legs and shields with the regular CSM kit to make some larger guys with shields to represent the extra toughness. I think this still works well because the are still bulkier and now the shield can represent their disgusting resilience.
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