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I am in the process of catagorizing and sorting all of my new on sprue GW inventory, while at the same time doing list planning for 8th Edition, and during this process I keep thinking to myself questions like:


"Does the Space Marine Tactical Squad kit have one of every special weapon? How about the Blood Angel Tactical Squad?"


I find myself now thinking that while I am moving through and taking stock of everything I own, it would be nice if I had spreadsheets showing what each kit contains. Here is an example:


Space Marine Tactical Squad:


Legs x 10 (Even considering documenting which mark for armor pieces)

Shoulder Pads x 21

Missle Launcher x 1

Plasma Gun x 1

Melta Gun x 1

Flamer x 1

Grav Gun x 1

Combi-Weapon (1 of Each)

Plasma Pistol x 1 ®

Grav Pistol x 1 ®

Torso (Front) x 11

Torso (Back) x 10

Chainsword x 1

Power Sword x 1

Head x 16 (Same as armor, considering documenting what Mark and Bare/Helmed)


Basically I am wanting to track/categorize every item in a kit with the exception of cosmetic bits (Holsters, puches, etc). Anything that seems relevant for modelling/conversion/WYSIWYG purposes I would like to document.


So my question is, has anyone ever seen anything like this before?


Am I the only person anal enough on this forum that would find such a resource useful?


With GW kits seeming to contain more and more bits options to justify the end price, I fear as time goes on such a resource could be very useful. (Obviously my above example is very bland, feel free to look at Vanguard/Sternguard Vets or the new Devastator Kit as a better example)

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A simpler/easier method might be:


Photograph front and back of each sprue (or search for suitable pix online).


Create a schedule with subcategories for different elements (like weapons, heads, shoulder pads, etc), and then provide for each a list of the kits that have them.


That way, if you ever need a meltagun for example, you can look on the schedule under the weapon subcategory, find which kits have some, and then call up the sprue photo to see if its suitable for what you want.


Personally though, I keep the info in my head, and just search ebay/bits sites when I need to check what a specific component looks like. Of course, it helps that I have a pretty good visual memory! :P

I have lists of every single bit that comes in a box, with exception of pure decorative stuff like grenades etc. Have done lists for almost every Space Marine kit. It's to the point that different heads and torsos are labeled so I keep the different bits apart.
Accompanying that I have squad sheets that I write down what part that should go on what Marine. So I could say that I know where almost every bit is going in advance.
Here's a Devastator Squad as an example of how my lists are:

Legs: Leg Leg Leg Mk6 Mk6
Legs (kneeling): Mk6
Torso Back: O O O O O
Torso Front: A B C D E F G
Head (helmet): A B C D E F G H I
Head (helmet Mk6): A B
Head (bare): A B C
Backpack (signum): O
Right Arm: A B
Left Arm: A B
Right Arm w. Shoulder Pad: O
Lascannon & acces: O O
Multi-melta & acces: O O
Plasma Cannon & acces: O O
Grav Cannon & acces: O O
Heavy Bolter & acces: O O
Missile Launcher & acces: O O
Boltgun: O
Combi-bolter: O
Bolt Pistol: O
Plasma Pistol: O
Grav Pistol: O
Storm Bolter: O
Right Hand: Close Open Point
Left Hand: Close Open Point
Power Sword: O
Power Axe: O
Thunder Hammer: O
Power Fist & Arm: O
Lightning Claw & Arm: O
Chainsword & Arm: O
Left Arm Pointing: O
Shoulder Pad Left: O O O (Right or left depend on design of the crease that most Shoulder Pads have)
Shoulder Pad Right: O O
Shoulder Pad Neutral: Tx Ne (Text and Neutral)
Shoulder Pad Ornate: IX (IX number Marking)
*O = Circle to put a check in when part is used.

What should I say...
I like t have order and plan my projects as I magnetize a lot of weapons...

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