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"Best" Drop Pod unit to support Deathwing


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Below you will find two versions of a list I plan on running. It's basically all Deathwing, at least in the sense that every unit has access to the Inner Circle/knowledge that only the Deathwing+ are privy to. Don't worry about the Primaris Lieutenant. He's cool. 


My question that I would open to everyone is: what sort of unit would you put in a Drop Pod aimed to land behind Deathwing Deep Striking in?


In my case, as hinted at in Version 2 below, the primary purpose would be to get Asmodai up close with the beatstick units without the need to pay for a Land Raider. The question becomes: what unit to put in the Drop Pod with him?


Deathwing generally do ok with bolter-class weapons and strong melee, but tend to lack the big guns in good quantity.


Tacticals with melta?

Veterans with special weapons?

Devastators with heavy weapons?




Version 1: Land Raider

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6CP (including base 3); 2474pts


Dark Angels Vanguard Detachment +1CP






Deathwing Terminator x 5

--Sgt Power Sword + Storm bolter

--Cyclone Missile Launcher

--Chainfist x 1


Deathwing Terminator x 5

--Sgt Power Sword + Storm bolter

--Cyclone Missile Launcher

--Chainfist x 1


Deathwing Apothecary



Dark Angels Vanguard Detachment +1CP






Deathwing Knights x 5


Deathwing Ancient


Deathwing Champion


Land Raider Crusader

--Multi Melta



Dark Angels Vanguard Detachment +1CP





Primaris Lieutenant



Venerable Dreadnought

--Twin Lascannon

--Power Fist w/ storm bolter


Venerable Dreadnought

--Twin Lascannon

--Power Fist w/ storm bolter


Venerable Dreadnought

--Twin Lascannon

--Power Fist w/ storm bolter





Version 2: Drop Pod

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6CP (including base 3); 2327pts


Dark Angels Vanguard Detachment +1CP






Deathwing Terminator x 5 (the Dark Vengeance build)

--Sgt Power Sword + Storm bolter

--Assault Cannon

--Chainfist x 1


Deathwing Terminator x 5

--Sgt Power Sword + Storm bolter

--Assault Cannon

--Chainfist x 1


Deathwing Apothecary



Dark Angels Vanguard Detachment +1CP






Deathwing Knights x 5


Deathwing Ancient


Deathwing Champion



Drop Pod


Dark Angels Vanguard Detachment +1CP





Primaris Lieutenant



Venerable Dreadnought

--Twin Lascannon

--Power Fist w/ storm bolter


Venerable Dreadnought

--Twin Lascannon

--Power Fist w/ storm bolter


Venerable Dreadnought

--Twin Lascannon

--Power Fist w/ storm bolter




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I'd be tempted to drop Asmodai for a TDA Interrogator and teleport him in with the terminators.

Then drop a Leviathan in behind the enemy in a pod, if that's still a thing.

I imagine a Leviathan in the enemy's face turn 1 will make them sit up and notice and take the heat off of your Deathwing.

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I think I'd consider ditching asmodai and the champion to get a third terminator squad. You have a few spare points, so I think it should be manageable. I like the mini castle with the venerable dreads, lieutenant and azrael, although some purists might argue it's not really pure. It could be decent on the table, however.


I'd prefer a land raider any day to accompany my deathwing over a drop pod with contents. At least half your units have to start on the ground anyways, a land raider with knights in it does help somewhat towards that goal.


PhilB suggests a leviathan in a lucius pattern dreadnought drop pod. It's a lot of points, but it does hurt. I do think however, that the strongest configuration of the leviathan is dual grav flux bombard cannons, which makes it cheaper in points (a leviathan with CCW and cyclonic melta is around the same as a land raider, then add the expensive lucius drop pod) in itself. You could also equip it with two storm cannons (2 x heavy(10), s7, ap-2, d 2) which has more range. and is probably more versatile, but does less damage vs big things. Besides it would mean making better use of azrael and the lieutenant, but it'd also require you to have another heavy support choice that's not a relic. So unless it goes to 3000 points, that becomes hard to achieve without ruining the idea/list.


I think that's my two cents.




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Thanks for the suggestions, fellas. They make sense and are logical.


Let's talk Asmodai:

Is he really that bad? He seems like a near auto-include for a beatstick unit considering he Ives the re-rolls, -1Ld, ANd +1A. Yes, he lacks the Deep Strike ability to keep up with the Termies, but he seems worth the effort to find a way for him to keep up (I guess the point of this thread).


Couple personal notes:

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-I don't really use Forgeworld models, but that's just me


-I just converted a -counts-as-Asmodai, so I'm definitely interested in using that model...in addition to the points above

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The problem with Asmodai as I see it, is that the only difference between him and a regular interrogator chaplain is the +1A. Chaplains are only useful with close combat units, a thing we don't have a lot of. On their own they don't do much except getting killed. The Blades of Reason are not strong enough to make him worth the points (compared to an interrogator chaplain in TDA) for boosting deathwing, especially as he doesn't come in terminator armor. The +1A is super sweet, but we just don't have the really nast melee units to make it worth it.

In a drop pod he's 217 points. For +1A to what is most likely (in the above list at least) going to be one unit of terminators, two at the most.


To work they need to make their charges after they deep strike in. All two or three units (including Asmodai). For the points, it's just a much too small chance of actually doing what you want it to.

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Deathwing Knights are worth boosting, 1 thing I've found is getting enough bang out of the melee units and +1 attack is invaluable.


Best delivery method is Land Raider though otherwise your Knights get detached from your buffing characters, with DS your needing 2 * 9 inch charges, also worth noting is the neg to leadership stacks with other negative modifiers and I've been trying to work reivers into the mix.


Also CP's and board coverage has lead to at least taking bare bones scout squads for troop buffs and at the very least stops opponents just waltzing into your backline.


Just some thoughts nothing concrete on how to build your list

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It's not that I don't rate Asmodai, because I do. + 1 attack & re-rolls to hit is very nice for DW Knights.

It's just that I don't rate podding him down to meet up with some DW Knights on the surface.

Maybe I'm a little to thematic when it comes to list building but in my mind Asmodai giving his entourage of DWKs the thumbs up as they take up positions on the teleporting pad right before he scurry's off to the drop hanger is a little silly to me. It'd be much more thematically pleasing if we could field some of our named character both with or without their TDA armour, which I assume is still in their personal armoury's, but that's a topic for another day.


So yeah, for me it's a question of delivery. If I'm taking DWKs in a Land Raider, Asmodai makes sense. But if I'm teleporting those DWKs in, I much prefer the theme and aesthetic of a TDA Interrogator Chaplain 'porting in with them, if you get where I'm coming from.

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Deepstriking multiple units, hoping they can stay together for the charge is generally a fool's errand. Making multiple charges of 9" is difficult. If your multiplier doesn't make it, it's a waste. If the big unit doesn't make it, chances are your multiplier will get whacked in CC next. If you have auras that need to be used that way, it's generally best to transport them here's to hoping we get access to the Storm Raven...!
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