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Black Templar Color Question


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I was doing some planing for a group of Black Templar coming up. Myself I like to stick to the fluff as close as possible in terms of painting and design. I came across a question I couldn't really find an answer to. 

The Non standard units, like Honor Guard, Ancient, Lieutenants, champions, etc. What color are their shoulder pads and trim? Ive seen some Gold trim on white, I've seen black trim on white. Ive Seen Black base with red trim etc. 

I guess I'm looking at guidance and conventional wisdom on the matter. 

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There's no official standard. Lieutenants are like Castellans of old, so I'd go with the standard black and white scheme. Ancients is just a fancy (cheesy) name for standard bearers who used to be a part of Command Squads, so are Champions. So you have some Sword Brethren there.


Also, there's this thread where you may find much information as well as inspiration: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/326140-black-templar-shoulder-heraldry/?view=getnewpost

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I have my own thoughts on heraldry. I kind of took the "sword brethren" thing to the extreme. Any close combat oriented Templar I have painted Black with Red trim. Any primarily shooting Templar I paint, White and Black. I then use gold in my commanders but follow that same sort of schematic, my shooty focused leaders are White with Gold Trim and Melee focused are Black with Gold Trim.


My main exception to this being Helbrecht who I have painted with white shoulder pads.


A return to painting.

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There is an official standard to BT heraldry. It's it their official codec. Somebody can post the image if they want.


Initiates: white pauldrons, black trim

Sword Bros: black pauldrons, red trim and chapter insignia

Assault: Red trim, black insignia, white pauldrons

Chaplain: black pauldrons, white insignia

Honor Guard: I guess according to the Helsreach videos it's Inities colors with gold trim. I'm cool with that.


Anything else you need the picture. BT nowadays is convoluted garbage so if you want to stick with tradition go with the old dex.


As far as Primaris colors are concerned, it's blue with gold trim. If not, you're doing it wrong.

Edited by d3m01iti0n
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I normally follow this pattern:


  • Neophytes: no Trim, White Pauldron, Black Cross
  • Initiates: Black Trim, White Pauldron, Black Cross
  • Specialists: (Devastators, Assault Marines, non Sword Brother Chaplain-in-training, non-Sword Brother Apothecary, non-Sword Brother Pilots) Red Trim, White Shoulder Pad, Black Cross on the right shoulder and standard Initiate colors on the left shoulder, these guys are those that wanted to have special training in those fields, but are just Initiates regardless... the right shoulder doesn't show company or specialization, just that they are training differently from other Initiates.
  • Sword Brethren & Castellans: Red Trim, Black Shoulder Pad, Red Cross, personal heraldry required...
  • Chaplains: Silver Trim, Black Shoulder Pad, White Cross
  • Apothecary: Red Trim, White Shoulder Pad, Red Cross with symbol of Medicae
  • Marshal: Gold Trim, Black Shoulder Pad, Red Cross or Black Trim, Gold Shoulder Pad and Black Cross
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So far these have been really awesome suggestions and I really appreciate, One new question I have come up is what is Personal Heraldry? Forgive me, I only came into 40k within a few years and I'm still learning a lot about all the factions (even the ones I love like BT and SW) I got the codex and read it but I don't remember any mention of personal heraldry or anything of the sort. Can someone explain it for me or have some sort of reference?  

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Personal Heraldry is whatever you want it to be really. It's essentially badges, colour schemes or markings which are unique to that particular model. For instance, historic crusade shields painted on armour, bisected shoulder pads, different coloured armour parts, litanies painted on armour, anything you think looks good.


My crusade has units with some particular colour schemes. First squad has white helmets, 4th squad has white boltguns and my heavy weapon marines all have red helmets, with a red shoulder pad and a black shoulder pad to show their particular training. (It also means I can swap them out of different squads easier.


Vow Complete 2

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As far as Primaris colors are concerned, it's blue with gold trim. If not, you're doing it wrong.

No it's White with Black Trim. Just because you don't like Primaris doesn't mean some of us here actually do.

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I was doing some planing for a group of Black Templar coming up. Myself I like to stick to the fluff as close as possible in terms of painting and design. I came across a question I couldn't really find an answer to. 


The Non standard units, like Honor Guard, Ancient, Lieutenants, champions, etc. What color are their shoulder pads and trim? Ive seen some Gold trim on white, I've seen black trim on white. Ive Seen Black base with red trim etc. 


I guess I'm looking at guidance and conventional wisdom on the matter. 

There is no standard. They all have their personal heraldic.

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Here's what i did:


Initiates, black cross, black trim, white pads


Sword Bretheren & Vet Sgt, black cross, red trim, white pads. Plus extra red areas to make their status stand out. Each one gets a unique paint scheme within these boundries.


Characters, unique similar to Sword Bretheren, except more scripture, adding banners or other bling to help identify them.


I try to make every marine unique though. Everyone has mixed in heresy armor parts with more modern ones. I take the time to pull out every similar equiped model to make sure i do not duplicate.

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