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A Word Bearer's Knight House:


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Hello all,


I'm probably going to be making a Knight House soon (3 Knights) for a future game next year. I'll do a blog and all that fun stuff of course, but I was curious. I've got a limited amount of time, and I'd rather not buy a large number of kits for bashing and conversions (though I will if necessary)


Should I go for the Forgeworld Chaos Knight? Or should I go for the pure conversion route?


I'm just curious what you guys think. The only issue I see with the Forgeworld one, is that they look pretty unique, but having 3 of them on the table only with different weapon options looks kinda... weak. Maybe


I might do a bit of converting from there, but the hull chassis itself looks unique.


Anyway. I've been looking for some inspiration and was wondering what everyone else thinks.

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I have been doing something similar but with a Khorne household. I wanted to convert them so while I did look at the forge world version, it didn't interest me much, you are right three of them takes away the unique parts of the kit. Personally I prefer working with plastic so going pure conversion route was easier for me. For inspiration there are so many great ideas you can use. You say you want to rather not buy lots of large kits, so maybe go the trophy route. Enemies helmets and skulls stuck to the hull, you could have a sacrificed marine maybe on a shoulder pad or being used as the leg banner. The chaos vehicle kit comes with some nice trophy racks, as well as plates with chaos insiginia and one has spikes bursting from the metal. Lots of little components that can really show what allegiance the knight has. 

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Since you are doing three I would go with converting them all up from the renegades kit, that way they can be unified but you can do the conversations to make them your own.


And I wouldn't skip out on the time to do these right. No small chunk of change and you'll feel better when they hit the board.


For WB I feel there are two routes.


A) Lots of scripture, pennants, banners, kill trophies. Think of them as walking churches they took over to help spread the word of Lorgar.


B) Go the holy-than-thou warrior that has been corrupted by the warp that the WB have infused them with. Walking daemon, that sort of thing. Make it look alive like it has just walked out of the Eye.

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Oh they're definitely going the Daemon Engine route.


I talked with a local store owner whose really good with Greenstuff. It'll be a multi month project, but I actually want these to be done very much with a custom look to each. I've got two ideas so far I wanna run one.


My twin-Gatling Knight is going to be called The Disciple of the Neverborn, which I'm going to see if I can get it to have all the open space of the armoured plates greenstuffed with horrid faces of agony (much like the undead souls on the current AOS lineup, or the old Chaos Vehicle sprue upgrade with the warped face on ti). It'll have scripture painted onto it and symbols as well. I'm going to see if I can make its head almost more daemonesque, with one side being pure mechanical. It's almost going to be a denizen of agony and death. It embodies those whom it slaughters on the battlefield, taking them in as a sacrifice to the Dark Gods themselves, and acting as a living tribute to said sacrifice. It is the embodiment of the act, and the symbol of the sacrifice itself. The Knight within, once a man, is now driven to madness, only hearing the screams of the dying and the neverborn around him as he feeds yet more souls to the Dark Gods themselves.


The next one I've got planned is going to be called The Dragon, which is going to be equiped with a melta-gun, and two Thermal Cannons. I'm going to try to make the Thermal Cannons looked warped, but I'm going to bits-order a Heldrake neck and head for it, which I'm going to see if I can cut the neck to have it pulling down then up, having the head at the front with an open jaw, maybe its melta-gun in its head. Then It's going to have the same kind of web of trim over its shoulders and back as a Heldrake does. Again, scripture and symbols are going to be free handed over it. I'm also intending to use my large quanity of Lasher tendrils I have to wrap around the legs and arms of the mech, making it look like they are part of some daemonic-mechnical musculature which is running through the original design. Its pilot understands only the warp and flame of its existence within the shell of the Dragon. (I may also make this a three headed dragon if I can. But I may not due to not wanting it misconstrued as  something Alpha Legion)


Not sure what to do with the last one yet. :\


Twin battle cannons or pure close combat.


Also, all will have Stormspear Rocket pods.

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Still working on the third concept, but I'm thinking it's going to be modelled to be more like a Helbrute, just... big.


If that's the one, I'd want it to be more hand to hand centric. We'll have to see however. Muscles of flesh rather than bionic like the Dragon. A giant, mutated mass of flesh overwhelming the machine itself, posssessed of daemons and turning into one itself. A true, ruinous, ravenous machine of the Dark Gods.


Pure hand to hand that one! PURE! lol


Makes me wanna do a fourth almost, but... at some point money lol


I'm working out with my friend what this kind of comission is going to run me, I suspect it won't be cheap, but... I want it. lol

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