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That part is rather ambiguous. It could mean just anything, and I doubt it literally means that conscripts will have a lower Ld (who cares anyway, it would make absolutely no difference).


It could mean that conscripts cannot take orders, OR that they cannot be disciplined by a commissar, OR that they do not count as mandatory Troops, OR they cannot hold objectives, OR that they cannot be taken outside an AM detachment, OR any combination of the above OR even something else...who knows. They will be nerfed for sure however, and frankly I'm very fine with it, especially if their effectiveness outside AM armies becomes limited. I hate seeing other armies 'stealing' conscripts because they can abuse them - we do not want to see again a series of terribly retarded copycat tournament lists anymore. 


I'm much more excited by the rules for 8 different regiments. That, and hopefully tanks will be improved.


Ah, and of course plastic infantry. But that has been a hope for so long that frankly my faith is weak now. And those cool pics of regiments that are shown in the preview, well those seem to be just the result of kitbash from Cadian, Scions, Genestealer Cult, and a few other bits. Which is not promising at all. Edit: also note that those artworks have been very obviously reverse-drawn to look like *exactly* as the parts from the kitbashed models. Ah crap, for me that's the final nail in the coffin for fabled new plastic AM infantry :censored:


But let's wait and see.

Edited by Feral_80

Im excited for Mordians not being left out! :D


I also am concerned that the kit bashing option is a soft way of saying no new kits in the meanwhile. :(


Ohwell Mordian regiments! :D




Just noticed there is also regiment specific orders! That's awesome! :)

Edited by duz_

Pleasant surprise, I expected them to be the last out of the next 3.  Yay!


I do kind of hope the "unique" orders replace one of the standard ones, so everyone still has a total of 6 orders to choose from.  It would suck for Krieg to be left behind right off the bat, considering they give up the best two orders for some super situational stuff.

Edited by Withershadow

Kind of bugs the living you know what out of me that they went with named regiments instead of types of regiments, as if each planet only produces 1 type of soldier and it doesnt leave room for your fluff personal army with reguards to people/tourney that demands you "use the right models".


As for the krieg and elysians, heres hoping they get their own book or an errata so they can get some stratagems/orders or whatever pretty quick to keep up with the generic guard.

No tournament I hace been to or heard of has forced SM players to have their SMs the same colour as their chapter tactics.

So I highly doubt that they'll impose that on guard regiments. There is no requirement for your models to look at particular way to unlock "CT's" so I wouldn't fret about them.


As for the orders replacing one of the existing ones. That seems some what unnecessary. Particularly if the argument is well if I can't have it my way you can't either.


The FW regiments already have access to some great special rules that regular guardsmen dont have access to.

Kind of bugs the living you know what out of me that they went with named regiments instead of types of regiments


This is literally how every other faction works though. Like, they didn't have, "Sneaky Beaky Marines, Tacticool Marines, Snipey No-Cover Marines," etc, etc.


I'm a little disappointed those were kitbashes. A couple of characterful upgrade sprues on the existing kits might have gone a ways to make cool, thematic Guard regiments. Ah well, at least our Codex is imminent, I look forward to picking it up.

Love that different regiments get their own rules, orders and relics!

As Withershadow and Mitchverr pointed out it's a shame the FW regiments won't be featured.

Could have been really great for them to become part of the mainstream.

Still I'm sure FW will bring out another campaign book soon (hopefully in time for Christmas)

Do I understand it correct, that I have to include Scions in their own detachment do benefit from regimental doctrines?


That seems to be the case. 




So these are available for pre-order next week, but is there a shipping date confirmed yet? (or, when will I be able to pick this up at my FLGS?)

Glad to see they're adding in flavor for several different regiments - at the moment I'm stuck between tallarn and steel legion (just getting back into things so starting over with models)... I like tanks and am leaning towards those 2 fluff wise.



My heart skipped a beat when I thought they were releasing three new regiments, then I realised it was a kit-bash.


I'm hoping the "Each one of these factions will be getting its own regimental doctrine, order, stratagem, relic, and warlord trait" will be taken from a pool of more options that can be cherry-picked for DIY regiments.



Wow! I am so excited! I also assumed we would be last in the line up! A new Doctrine, Stratagem, Warlord Trait, Relic, and Order for 8 different regiments? I'll almost certainly be using Catachan or Tallarn for my light infantry.


Also, once the 'dex comes out I'll feel much more comfortable pulling the trigger on some more models, perhaps. Never want to buy something that gets nerfed unexpectedly by a rules release.

Kind of bugs the living you know what out of me that they went with named regiments instead of types of regiments, as if each planet only produces 1 type of soldier and it doesnt leave room for your fluff personal army with reguards to people/tourney that demands you "use the right models".


As for the krieg and elysians, heres hoping they get their own book or an errata so they can get some stratagems/orders or whatever pretty quick to keep up with the generic guard.

Well, on their Facebook they did promise a round 3 of the FAQs since they missed some real obvious stuff the first time around (most glaring being Engineers not able to take Hades Drills unless your opponent is cool).  But honestly they have so much stuff on their plate, I am skeptical we will see anything of the sort, and will probably be stuck with the same situation we had in every other edition, where a released list becomes obsolete shortly after being released.  Oh well, nerfing of conscripts makes regular guardsmen better, and Krieg has the best guardsmen.


Love that different regiments get their own rules, orders and relics!

As Withershadow and Mitchverr pointed out it's a shame the FW regiments won't be featured.

Could have been really great for them to become part of the mainstream.

Still I'm sure FW will bring out another campaign book soon (hopefully in time for Christmas)

I don't know about Christmas.  I assume the next Campaign book (Fires of Cyraxus) will be released after the Tau codex, since they are supposed to feature prominently there.

Kind of bugs the living you know what out of me that they went with named regiments instead of types of regiments, as if each planet only produces 1 type of soldier and it doesnt leave room for your fluff personal army with reguards to people/tourney that demands you "use the right models".


As for the krieg and elysians, heres hoping they get their own book or an errata so they can get some stratagems/orders or whatever pretty quick to keep up with the generic guard.

In general no one will care as log as you remain consistent. And the way I'll be playing it is that the 101st Rhediran might use the Doctrine of Mordia/Cadia/etc., but that is just for rules. For fluff, the stuff that gives it character, it'll be different.


So these are available for pre-order next week, but is there a shipping date confirmed yet? (or, when will I be able to pick this up at my FLGS?)


Releases are a week after pre-orders go up.


Also GW wouldn't add Elysians or Krieg for the same reason they don't have Y'vahras, Shadow Specters or the Heirophant in theCodex. FW is separate, GW don't put anything in Codices that you can't buy from them.

I for one am happy they are warning people ahead of an incoming nerf. The only other Conscript online news was a blurb about reviewing them.


It was to shut the people up whining perpetually about them being broken, despite people who actually have 150+ Guardsmen models being rare, especially WAAC players since Guard have been so mediocre for the past editions.

YAY Conscripts will be nerfed so every list and request for "What should I get?" wont be auto-conscripts by default. Hopefully it will be a case where commissars are ignored by conscripts. Maybe they will make LR tanks useful again. Point drop and give them back their stable platform rule so they can move without shooting penalty. That will go a long way towards making them viable.


Sad they are not bringing out doctrines like the old codex with suggested doctrines for each type of army. Not that I am running one but it would be nice to have suggested rules for the Harkoni Warhawks or other non-mainline regiments so you could truly have your own force.


I am curious as to how it will take for FW to catch up with its two regiments rules although we should be able to use the general AM stratagems at a minimum to begin with. Not sure if relics even matter for my Elysians since I only bring officers for their orders and command squads and not to be combat beat sticks. 

Well, Catachan just made most LR variants (as well as most other tanks and artillery) so much better. Infantry is funny too, mini-marines ftw.

Hopefully (but hardly so) whiners will just shut up progressively as the week progresses.


And the stratagems shown look good as well, despite the Deathstrike one being very situational.


Now if only the infantry model line wasn't complete crap...



And, nobody seems to have informed yet the community team that Command Squads are now 4-man strong.

Edited by Feral_80

I was hoping they'd wait until November, as I'm too strapped for time ATM to work on updating the 317th to meet this release.  Still, can't complain that GW is pushing out these codices so quickly, just hoping it's not going to mire the quality in there.  :)

I really hope that Cadians get something good. I'd love to see Kasrkin as a unit. I mean I know that Cadia got wrecked by Chaos, but there are still cadian regiments out there. 


If Cadians got Kasrkin (ala Krieg Grenadiers) it would really be awesome. That would just be fluffy, I'd also like to see the Armageddon Steel legion get grenadiers as well. 


If not, then I'll just have to stick to krieg rules for my Cadians.

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