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Catachan LR looked so cool at the time that they were basically what got me into IG. I well remember their sand, dark green and (I think!) black camo. There were even Catachan metal tank crew to hang from your tanks. Vietnam style, very very cool.


So I'm very happy with this - let's hope Catachans don't steal all of the attention. We still have 7 regiments to see.

Edited by Feral_80

Funny thing: the 'all-together' photo has Harker and models built with Catachan command squad kit only. Their heavy weapon teams are fine too. But the other infantry models are sooo in need for update that even GW don't want to show them.

I could see a good deal of fun using this with cyclops demo tanks, given their "explodes" is a shooting phase thing, wouldnt it also count as a "shooting attack"?


HA! I had thought of this as well. though my reigment looks more cadian than catachan. Ah well..... hopefully the other regiments are good as well


Im probably slightly nuts then Ed! Agreed its useful for artillery/tanks, but you are still left with the luck of actually hitting the target. 


Well, it's easier to get more hits if you're getting more shots.


Its even easier to get more hits when you auto-hit :biggrin.:.  I'm not saying the doctrine won't find a use for artillery/tanks, the potential to have extra to-hit rolls is beneficial.  I believe the doctrine has better synergy with flamer weapons, its also a rather fluffy rule to boot.

It'll certainly help the Scout Sentinels. I'd found mine lacklustre so far - survive getting into heavy flamer range, roll a 1 or 2 for hits and maybe kill a model before going boom. With this doctrine they'll still go boom fairly quickly but there's a chance if you do roll a 1 or 2 to turn that into a 5 or 6 instead. I still won't expect them to survive very long but they should be able to do a bit more damage, which also makes them a bigger diversion.

It does say shoot twice. This could be a huge buff to Battle Cannon and Executioner Russes. Overcharging a fully loaded Plasmacutioner would surely kill you, but dang would that be some firepower, especially with Harker around for rerolls on 1s (assuming he retains this rule).


I don't want to jinx it, but Guard may just stay good through this new 'Dex.

Eh, Plasmacutioners don't get too strong with this. Sure the reroll DX with the Catachan rule makes them have some of the best Plasmacutioners, but only the main turret cannon can shoot twice. So instead of a maxium of 9 shots, you can have 12, not really great efficiency. Battlecannon Russ beats it.

I think the wording is that each time a vehicle with this rule fires a ranged weapon, you can reroll number of attacks. The words that stand out to me there are "each time" and "ranged weapon."


For my money, it seems to be that each time your vehicle makes a shooting attack with a ranged weapon, no matter how many other weapons it also fires, you can still re-roll the number of shots for each time/each weapon.


At least, that's what I'd tell my opponent, haha.

Even with re-rolling 1s, the Executioner is not an impressive turret.  It's basically a risky battle cannon that does less damage in exchange for slightly better AP.  Awful gun.


The big winners are battle cannons and punisher gatling guns. 2D6 battle cannon shots, being able to re-roll both dice, means Catachan Russes are putting out more firepower than Knight Paladins.

Yeah, seconded on the winners there. I have a feeling that Punishers and Battle Cannons, especially with Catachan Doctrines, are going to be on a lot more tables.

I agree Battle Cannons with the updated grinding advance rules plus Catachan doctrines can put out more dakka. But the punisher using Catachan doctrines is unaffected, as it serves up a flat 20 shots or 2x 20 at half speed.

Agreed, baz.  I have no idea where people are seeing a correlation with the Catachan Doctrines and Punishers, unless they're just combining both yesterday's and today's rumours.  Also, I didn't see where Catachan INFANTRY got to re-roll their random number of shots, unless I read that wrong; the rule only addressed Vehicles.

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