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Try as I might, I still have not quite figured out how they achieved the studio DG colors, and I'd like to think I'm a pretty good painter.

I've gotten close with the green, with DGG - Camoshade - Drybrush Elysian Green - Ogryn Camo edge - Krieg Khaki edge, but it still looks too... green-y? I don't know. The models in the codex look lighter and paler. Anybody been able to achieve that look or pretty close?

As for the brass, I'm totally lost. GW materials (Dark Imperium inserts, Morty's box, etc) show AT LEAST three different *suggested* methods for painting the brass trim, all of which do not do the trick any help is appreciated!

Would this official GW painting tutorial help at all? :smile.:

LOL Thanks, but that kinda illustrates my point. Following Duncan's tutorial religiously, you end up with a green that's too dark and a brass that looks more like a dark bronze. Definitely markedly different from, say, the example models in the codex.

Well, in that case, rather than using the paints in a 1-2-3 step-by-step approach, perhaps you could try desaturating the greens by adding a touch of khaki and/or mid grey to them and gradually blending up the highlights? Similarly, adding a little silver and gold to the bronze, and blending up to the highlights?


I suspect that as well as a much more involved paintjob by the studio than the WHTV tutorial presents, the studio photography and codex reprographic processes probably distort the colours somewhat as well. That may also be contributing to the "recipe" producing a more saturated result than you expected.


In any case, it may help if you can post some examples of what you've managed to achieve, as any suggestions or advice can then hopefully be more specific.

'eavy metal painters posted it in response to questions on their Twitter a couple of months ago. They're very helpful and will probably answer your questions on the other colours you're looking for as well

The final thing to bear in mind is they will be taking the official shots under some seriously powerful studio lights. Look at your models in bright outdoor sunshine, rather than indoors under a couple of 60W bulbs. Duncan paints under decent indoor lighting, but it's still not close to comparable to the lumens a real macro photo setup will use.

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