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My favourite 2 are:


Hades Breaching drill (granted needs 10 vets with it). Deepstriking close combat monster! D6 ws 3+ str 10 -4 D3 (D6 vs vehicles) Attacks! With T7 W7. at a bargain price of 65 points, oh and a 4++ in close combat.


Also the cyclops demolition charges. I have 2 called "holy cyclops of Antioch" and "Tim" 40 points for a little tank (maybe 40x25mm) with explodes in your shooting phase, every unit within d6" takes automatic 2d6 hits at 9 -2 D3. Can hit your own units and character snipe nicely.


But if you are talking about actual tank tanks then;


Artemia pattern hellhound (same as hellhound, +7 points for rolling 2 dice on inferno cannon and picking highest) 

Malcador infernus. Superheavy str 7 flamer or wounds on 2s. (2 different fuels). 


There are a few others. but they are OOP now. ones I have mentioned are still in production

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If you're looking at the LR Chassis, the Conqueror is a standout. Given a pintle stormbolter and a hull heavy flamer it's not bad. It's a regular LRBT but with a reduced range (48") and a coaxial Stormbolter (which grants rerolls for the main gun as long as you fire the stormbolter first and it hits). It cannot be taken by Tank Commanders so...


I don't know if the conqueror tank is OOP or not though. I haven't seen it on FW site, but I'm not sure if they discontinued it or if they plan to re-release a model. 

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I dunno about "best" but I'm gonna run my Stormhammer with a Trojan vehicle for backup, 7 lascannons hitting on 3's sounds good to me. Only used the Stormhammer on its own so far, with decent-ish results, in an apocalypse game.


If Harker's buff applies to all Catachan units once the 'dex drops, even better.

Edited by Juggernut
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I've run a Macharius Vulcan without any AOE buffs, with Yarrick, and with a Trojan. Each time it managed to inflict serious damage to anything it looked at. With the Trojan it killed 8 Terminators with Storm Shields in one round of shooting, and another 7 bikers on another turn. 

With Yarrick, it annihilated thunderwolf cavalierly and primaris hellblasters. 


I'm honestly not a fan of the Stormlord model since:

1. I have a grand total of 4 Infantry models in my guard army that are not tied to something like a gun carriage 

2. Having two rotary cannons in a fixed position on the hull is rather dumb looking and impractical.



With 3 Heavy stubbers and 2 heavy bolters, the Macharius Vulcan will be 375 points for only have 4 wounds less than a standard baneblade family vehicles. 

Furthermore, it is Titanic, so it can't be locked in close combat, and if it doesn't move it fires 30 shots instead of 15. 


With things like terminators and primaris marines being multi-wound, 2 damage strength 6 AP-2 isn't bad at all. It means that even toughness 5 models (like Plague Marines) will be wounded on 3s. Further still, this can seriously put a dent in T7/8/9 models such as vehicles simply due to volume of fire and doing 2 damage with every failed save. 

Edited by Sword_Brother
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There are a bunch of OOP support tanks from FW:


Trojan support vehicle: One regiment vehicles within 6" may re-roll any failed hits when making shooting attacks. (98 point tank) chimera profile with transport of 6


Salamander command vehicle: Chimera stats with heavy bolter and flamer. special rule: A single friendly regiment vehicle may add 1 to their hit rolls untill the end of the phase. Cannot benefit from multiple salamanders. (100 points)  


Atlas recovery tank: hellhound profile. Heals a vehicle within 3" (not iteself) D3 wounds at the end of the movement phase. (98 points)

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