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Dark Mechanicus Conversions


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I've been planning on making some dark mechanicus themed cultists to go with my hellwrights. My plan is to use the skitarii ranger / vanguard models, however use the bits that are left over and add them to the neophyte hybrids from genestealer cults (was originally gonna use plague monks but they're too... ratty)


I want a real :cussed up chop shop look to them, has anyone here done any dark mech stuff before? Let me know I need some ideas :)

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And here i was going to suggest using genestealer cultists hehe...


If you were thinking of plague monk, maybe give the empire flaggelants a look? they've got similar worn robes, without the whole rat thing. Really outdated sculpts though, might look a bit wierd with the new super-detailed models

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I've made some using almost entirely skitarri with a few AdMec and CSM line (daggers + flamers) thown in. Just painting them something other than red can go a long way.


Few pictures here, more in the painting thread linked in my signature.


DarkMech Skitarii Cultists Group

DarkMech Skitarii Cultists 4

DarkMech Skitarii Cultists 1


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