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I started a guard army this past summer, with the intent of going purely tanks and vehicles because my Templars fill my infantry desire. I've got 10 Russes in my armory, 4 Demolishers, 6 Battle tanks. With the Demolishers magnetized, I have 3 Battle tank turrets and 3 Exterminator turrets, along with 3 Stygies vanquisher turrets.  


I wanted to be a tank commander, and with the news of how Grinding Advance has been changed I am most pleased. 

My regiment is Steel Legion or at least that is one I hope to use the most given they go with my Templars. 

Only if aimed at 5+ strong targets I think, but I do have 3 of the suckers.


Battle Cannons and Punishers benefit immensely. Everything else still sucks by comparison. Index variants will really be hoping for a FAQ. Malcadors with double shots sounds lovely.

Only if aimed at 5+ strong targets I think, but I do have 3 of the suckers.


Battle Cannons and Punishers benefit immensely. Everything else still sucks by comparison. Index variants will really be hoping for a FAQ. Malcadors with double shots sounds lovely.

 Think it's a little early to say that. We don't know how point costs are changing, for one. I think that there's still a half decent case to be made for using a couple of the others, like the executioner. 

Executioner deals higher damage vs almost all infantry targets when overcharged, and equal to battlecannon when not. If you were bringing a Russ to kill MEQ, the Executioner is better for the job. If you have any way to get plus one to hit, or reroll ones, it soars vs a lot of targets. 

Which is more likely? The Marketing team made a slightly ambiguous sentence, or GW decided to rewrite Guard's most fundamental mechanic and convey that to us in a random line, while showing us a picture of the order which doesn't in any way indicate that it's a vets only order?


My point was unlike the Grinding Advance box the order part is a small cropped part of a larger image and had some text above that can be interpreted in a multitude of way. That we shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions or making assumptions.








We might want to curb our enthusiasm with the Form Firing Squads. They imply this is a unique vet thing. So whether that’s a communications blunder or bacon to encourage veteran squad use we’ll need to wait and see.


It is the Mordian special order. it is mentioned alongside veterans because being able to basically snipe with four plasma is amazing application.AMFocus_Mordian_Boxout4kdb-500x57.jpg

Says Mordian.

The part right above it says.

Veteran are a key component in any Astra Militarum list, thanks to a versatile range of equipment and a great Ballistic Skill. In a Mordian list, plasma gun veterans are going to be essential thanks to their unique order, Form Firing Squad!


The question is how “unique” is the unique order.

It specifically mentions them in a Mordian list, and the Order says Mordian to the left. The Order doesn't specify anything that would make it work differently than any other order. I think you're imagining a level of complexity or wording confusion that isn't there. It seems rather obvious that Form Firing Squad is a Mordian-only Order- not a Mordian Veteran Squad Order or a Veteran Squad only Order, but a Mordian Order.

You are making assumptions on limited information.

Aside if army specific orders did exist then why didn’t they just call it that instead of some convoluted statement about Vets? I’m not trying to assert how the rule work, just warning people against jumping to conclusions.

The statement is not convoluted in the slightest. Sentence one states what they are good for: Special weapons and good BS. Sentence two points out that a group of plasma vets, since plasma guns are rapid fire, benefit from the Mordian Order. 

It is not complex or confusing in the slightest.

Again assumptions and conjecture.

The codex is on the way. Considering I have 100+ Mordians my hope is the Form Firing Squads is universal but I’m not going to make any bets on a marketing blurb.

...That's not a marketing blurb. Those colored sections in that kind of font are straight from the codex, cropped for the page.
The text above the cropped image isn’t part of the marketing? So do you think it Will be printed in the codex? It doesn’t appear to be part of a FAQ.


I was under the impression the entire post was to generate interest in codex sales. If it isn’t marketing related I’d like to know what you think it is for.

You are way over complicating this... 99% of people were able to read the article and understand. It's a unique order for Mordian units. Nothing within the crop out rule says it only benefits Vets. They are just trying to give you some tactics to use. EVERY ARTICLE for the past codexes has done this. They are just trying to give you ideas on how to use the new rules.


If the order only can be used on Veteran squads I'll literally buy you a Baneblade and ship it to you. And if not you can do so for me how about that?

What got cropped out is the rest of the table containing the other regimental specific orders. It's exactly like similar tables in the other codexes.


There is no secret caveat being withheld here.

Yeah Bob, I get you're trying to exercise some healthy skepticism, but you're not engaging it correctly. We can only comment on what information is available.


We have previous statements which unequivocally state that each Regiment will have its own special Order.


We have an image showing the Order in its entirety, as well as a note that it is Mordian.


We have a small marketing blurb that has a slightly ambiguous subject in the final sentence that alone would be confusing, but in context is clearly referring to Mordians as a subject, not Veterans.


We'll find out next week for certain, but you're the only person holding the view that it's a Veteran only Order, rather than simply being an Order that benefits Veterans massively, more than other units.


You're also not the only person who's heard of critical thinking. Consider that if a room full of people arrive at one interpretation of a sentence, and one person arrives at another, the outlier is more likely to be wrong due to the fact that language is 100% subjective interpretation.


This isn't a Bandwagon Fallacy btw, that relies on popularity to push an objective viewpoint.

The trench diorama looks great, Kierdale! Where'd you get the miniature 1st Edition rulebook for the background decorations?

I got the cover image (actually just the front) off the internet (rather than photocopying my own old book!), printed it in colour and photocopied it again and again, reducing it each time until it was (about) the right size :)

Anyone got any thoughts on whether grinding advance applies to the Mars Alpha Leman Russ chassis?  Do they still count as Leman Russ? Or being non GW do they miss out. Would you think anyone would have a problem with me using Mars patterns as regular codex Russes to get grinding advance? Or would I get the rule regardless?

Depends on the turret weapons naming. If its worded as in the codex, I would say you are golden. Personally I would have no problem using the updated grinding advance rules on the FW variants, a FAQ will be released at some point.

Those elementgames.co.uk movement trays are now a must buy for me! My current trays don't quite put my guard base to base so more picky opponents may object. I also need some Plasma Vets to replace the Melta guns in my current Vet squad! More Pith Helmet heads and Kilt legs on the way I think. I strongly suspect and hope that Command Squads will be restricted on the number of special weapons they are allowed to take making Veterans the stand out choice for the firing squads order.


I'm really looking forward to what the other Regiments will get now. I hope none of them suit my army more than the Mordian stuff we've already seen, although I suspect Cadians will get something to benefit their lasguns.


I usually march my main Infantry line up the board to contest the middle quickly, so it all looks great to me!

Slightly off topic but I particularly enjoyed this post script from todays Regimental Standard:


"Commissar Klaus Albericht’s works include The Complete Etiquette Guide for Dining with Mordians: Volume 1: Pre-dinner Drinks and Appetisers, The Complete Etiquette Guide for Dining with Mordians: Volume 2: Second and Third Courses, The Complete Guide to Combat with the Heretic Astartes When They Invade an Otherwise Superb Formal Mordian Dinner, and The Complete Etiquette Guide for Dining With Mordians Volume 3: Dessert, Brandy, and Commemorating the Fallen"

Edited by duz_

Slightly off topic but I particularly enjoyed this post script from todays Regimental Standard:


 The Complete Guide to Combat with the Heretic Astartes When They Invade an Otherwise Superb Formal Mordian Dinner

Truly, the book every faithful Guardsman of the Astra Militarum needs. After the Lectitio Divinatus and the Imperial Primer of course.

After reading Volume 2 I now have visions of a Mordian officer grabbing some of the silverware from the table and lunging at a Khorne Bezerker before his superior Officer scolds him.


"No, no, NO Lieutenant! Every gentleman knows the 3rd fork from the left is the one properly used for gouging eyes! And do your tunic up, where the devil do you think you are!?"

I am thinking of making a Mordian Company at some point now...


Also, two things:


1 - When can GW release plastic Sisters and Guard for the metal ranges, especially the Mordians?

2 - Why is everyone glossing over that the Russ fires its turret weapon twice, and the wonderful additional point, MAY FIRE HEAVY WEAPONS AT NO PENALTY!?


Apologies, just curious.

2 - Why is everyone glossing over that the Russ fires its turret weapon twice, and the wonderful additional point, MAY FIRE HEAVY WEAPONS AT NO PENALTY!?


Apologies, just curious.


The double turret firing has been mentioned a lot in various threads since it was announced, it's a big boost to Grinding Advance. The no penalty for firing a Heavy hasn't changed for the Russ, it's the same as before and only applies to the turret weapon (sponsons and hull weapon still get -1 if it moves). The whole rule was shown to show the new addition.

Just the turret weapon, which it could do before anyway. Unless you play Tallarn, ofc.




2 - Why is everyone glossing over that the Russ fires its turret weapon twice, and the wonderful additional point, MAY FIRE HEAVY WEAPONS AT NO PENALTY!?


Apologies, just curious.


The double turret firing has been mentioned a lot in various threads since it was announced, it's a big boost to Grinding Advance. The no penalty for firing a Heavy hasn't changed for the Russ, it's the same as before and only applies to the turret weapon (sponsons and hull weapon still get -1 if it moves). The whole rule was shown to show the new addition.



Aha, that makes more sense. Context would help, apparently.


Thanks for the correction.

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