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Vet squad with frags and grenadiers strat:

10D6 shots, 45 on average

Basic; 30 hits generating 7.5 6s, leading to an average of 26.25 addition shots, 17.5 hits. Total of 47.5 hits (17.5 extra)


With sabres; 37.5 hits 15 d6, leading to an average of 52.5 addition shots!, 43.75 hits. Total of 81.25 hits (43.75 extra)


If you can combine strategies (unsure if you can). That is 81.25 hits from only 80 points of dudes and 2cp!! that is nuts! (granted on str 3 6" range) those 81.25 hits still kills 27 GEQ or 9 MEQ. pretty funny from just 10 dudes and a searchlight.

D6 average is 3.5 not 4.5, so you'd only generate 35 shots on average. That's about 23 Hits, and about 6D6 extra shots from the Stratagem. So an additional 21 shots landing a total of 37 hits, in average.


I still think RF2 at 12" with Lasguns will do more on average though.


36 shots. 24 hit, 6 of which proc for an additional 24 shots. 40 hits total. Costs less Command Points too.


Ah my bad. Yer the FRFSRF will do better and at longer range, less CP. I just really want to find a use for the grenadier strategem

Wait wait wait, back to the Strategem.


Now it says the weapon can fire again, not model. So I would say a Lasgun firing with FRFSRF gets one extra shot for each 6 rolled?


So I give a squad containing 8 Lasguns FRFSRF and the Strategem. At half range that's 32 shots. Lets say 5 of those hit rolls are a 6. I would say you then roll 5 more dice to hit, are you saying you would roll 20 more?

"Each time you make a hit roll of 6+ for a model in that unit, that model can immediately shoot again with the same weapon at the same target (these bonus attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks)"


The wording of it implies the weapon can shoot again, with its full shot capability. So yes, each 6 with FRFSRF would give you 4 additional shots...... I may need to alter my maths further up.


Edited my other post to include the extra 4 shots. also had to reduce the shots from the guardsmen as 2 of the 20 would have laspistols and not lasguns as i orginally used. Still led to 140 hits from 30 cons with sabre support. not bad from 110 points (hopefully i got it right this time)

Edited by Halfpint100

Ah, it's MODEL can shoot is it? Yep, I'd agree you are right then. Wow... That's really really nasty then! Finally Mordian infantry are as good at firing Lasgun Volleys as they should be! Huzzah!


Don't forget to add in your 20 point sabre searchlight for that lovely +1 to hit!


Special Weapons Squads don't get Demolition Charges anymore... for some reason.

UGH! :censored:, so annoying... looks like they basically don't exist at all anymore in this codex.  Why GW? WHY!?


Well, that's not quite true. Plasma is 13 points each for Vets and command squads, but still only 7 for special weapons teams. That, combined with their cheaper base cost than vets and more ablative wounds than Command squads makes them the best plasma spammers post codex. 

Long time Mordian player here...coming back for the first time since 5th edition.

Very Excited about the new rule set, especially combining the Take Aim order and Volley Fire stratagem.

Heavy weapon squad of Mortars should be able to chew through a good part of a screening force.

Vet Squad with 3 Plasma and LasCannon...taking down the harder targets. 

Welcome back!

As you are a Mordian officer we expect to see a thread with your troops in full parade dress shortly! :D

8th is a great edition to get back into, the core rules themselves are a lot of fun and Guard are in an even better position. :)

Welcome back!


As you are a Mordian officer we expect to see a thread with your troops in full parade dress shortly! :biggrin.:

8th is a great edition to get back into, the core rules themselves are a lot of fun and Guard are in an even better position. :smile.:

Way ahead of you Sir!



Edited by RangerRob24

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