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Any thoughts on the best unit to stuff into a Chaos Bastion?


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Just looked at some of these guys. It's like 230 points for 20 wounds at T10, 10 fire points, can hold a unit of up to 20 models and any number of infantry characters.


I'm thinking a unit of 10 Havoks with 4 missile launchers, or a unit of 20 Noise Marines could be fun. Anyone used these? Thoughts?

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Vehicles in 8th can hold any number of units. If that is also the case with buildings, I would say put 4 units of lascannon havoks into the building, then pray to God it doesn't get exploded turn 1.


Noise marines do not have enough range to be viable. You would need at least 48" range to be useful because the opponent is going to hide lots of units from that side of the table.

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Vehicles in 8th can hold any number of units. If that is also the case with buildings, I would say put 4 units of lascannon havoks into the building, then pray to God it doesn't get exploded turn 1.


Noise marines do not have enough range to be viable. You would need at least 48" range to be useful because the opponent is going to hide lots of units from that side of the table.

I agree with most of what you said, except the 'hope it doesn't die T1' bit. A toughness 10, 20 wound model will eat a lot of lascannon shots- approximately 20 or so. I don't know about the meta you guys play in, but I rarely see that kind of firepower in my games.


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Vehicles in 8th can hold any number of units. If that is also the case with buildings, I would say put 4 units of lascannon havoks into the building, then pray to God it doesn't get exploded turn 1.


Noise marines do not have enough range to be viable. You would need at least 48" range to be useful because the opponent is going to hide lots of units from that side of the table.

I agree with most of what you said, except the 'hope it doesn't die T1' bit. A toughness 10, 20 wound model will eat a lot of lascannon shots- approximately 20 or so. I don't know about the meta you guys play in, but I rarely see that kind of firepower in my games.



Aeldari and SM (especially the chapter that gains bonuses against buildings) can and will deep strike an insane number of heatlances/melta. If I ever bring a renegade knight I usually count on it dying turn 1 or 2.

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Vehicles in 8th can hold any number of units. If that is also the case with buildings, I would say put 4 units of lascannon havoks into the building, then pray to God it doesn't get exploded turn 1.


Noise marines do not have enough range to be viable. You would need at least 48" range to be useful because the opponent is going to hide lots of units from that side of the table.

I agree with most of what you said, except the 'hope it doesn't die T1' bit. A toughness 10, 20 wound model will eat a lot of lascannon shots- approximately 20 or so. I don't know about the meta you guys play in, but I rarely see that kind of firepower in my games.



Aeldari and SM (especially the chapter that gains bonuses against buildings) can and will deep strike an insane number of heatlances/melta. If I ever bring a renegade knight I usually count on it dying turn 1 or 2.


Sounds like you aren't screening your stuff then, because deepstrikers should not be getting that close to your giant pointsinks.

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I would say a unit of havocs w 4 ML,if you don't know who you are playing against. 4 LC if you know you are playing against some cheese ball who's army consist of 3 knights,or something like that. But really, idk if bastion is the best use of points. Edited by chillin
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Vehicles in 8th can hold any number of units. If that is also the case with buildings, I would say put 4 units of lascannon havoks into the building, then pray to God it doesn't get exploded turn 1.


Noise marines do not have enough range to be viable. You would need at least 48" range to be useful because the opponent is going to hide lots of units from that side of the table.

I agree with most of what you said, except the 'hope it doesn't die T1' bit. A toughness 10, 20 wound model will eat a lot of lascannon shots- approximately 20 or so. I don't know about the meta you guys play in, but I rarely see that kind of firepower in my games.



Aeldari and SM (especially the chapter that gains bonuses against buildings) can and will deep strike an insane number of heatlances/melta. If I ever bring a renegade knight I usually count on it dying turn 1 or 2.


Sounds like you aren't screening your stuff then, because deepstrikers should not be getting that close to your giant pointsinks.


With the knight I definitely tend to get a little too aggressive in the first 2 turns and it costs me. For my bastion it is a conversion I made that is extra huge and looks like a castle. Great thematically, but unfortunately makes it so big it is impossible to bubble wrap it 360 degrees lol. Good point for anyone using a single bastion though!

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Yeah. If you want to make maximal use of its 10 man firing ports, Noise Marines are the way to go. They might be short ranged, but that bastion would make a hell of a deployment zone protector. Put it in the middle, and you coud Blaster almost the whole backfield. Otherwise, a 5 man Havok squad. Everybody needs lascannons. Plasma would be hilarious too.


What about Obliterators? Or cultists?

Edited by tdemayo
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Noise Marines are great but I'd probably put two units of Havocs in instead. One with Lascannons and one with Heavy Bolter.


As mentioned above, a Bastion can only hold 1 unit and any number of characters up to a total of ten models. I'd put in some havocs with rocket launchers and maybe a lord for rerolls. If you are afraid of incoming fire, put a void shield behind it and it should be able to take a lot of heat.

Edited by Iron Skull Mask
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As mentioned above you can


Noise Marines are great but I'd probably put two units of Havocs in instead. One with Lascannons and one with Heavy Bolter.


As mentioned above, a Bastion can only hold 1 unit and any number of characters up to a total of ten models. I'd put in some havocs with rocket launchers and maybe a lord for rerolls. If you are afraid of incoming fire, put a void shield behind it and it should be able to take a lot of heat.

When working on fortification always take an Iron Warrior's advice :yes:


I do find it a bummer you cannot stuff two units in there.

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